Oklahoma's attorney general is taking steps that may stop next month's scheduled execution of Richard Glossip, a man who has spent almost 25 years on death row and whose conviction may have resulted from another man's lie. CNN's Ed Lavandera reports. #CNN #News
Oklahoma files motion to vacate death row inmate Richard Glossip’s conviction

Repeated exonerations of death row prisoners should be enough to show that increased investigation and reinvestigation of death penalty cases is needed. We run the risk of being outright murderers of innocent people and that just can’t be allowed.
Imagine how many innocent people have been sentenced to life in prison and or put to death in the United States. Shameful on all levels.
Prosecutors withholding evidence happens. Prosecutors have the police organizations working for them and the defendant just has to hope they turn over all the evidence because they can’t afford private investigators to do thoroughly investigations. So the prosecutor wins most of the cases, gets a big reputation and wins the governor’s race. The defendant gets the death penalty.
and the prosecutors leverage that power to prevent most cases from going to trial in the first case by way of plea agreements. lots of people plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit because the risk of a trial is too big.
Freedom of speech! The people are right! And minorities should obey the majority – is this democracy,,,, or are you against democracy?;
Offer the guy you know killed somebody immunity from the death sentence if he tells you some other guy paid him to do it… what could possibly go wrong?
Freedom of speech! The people are right! And minorities should obey the majority – is this democracy,,,, or are you against democracy?%
It is a cruel and inhumane system that “served him his last meal three times” yet does not give him a fair hearing nor give him certainty as to his future. The system needs to change.
Freedom of speech! The people are right! And minorities should obey the majority – is this democracy,,,, or are you against democracy?№
This is such a sad case. Last meal 3 times. A witness who has admitted lying. An inmate who has never broken a prison rule. Why is he being put to death? Hope it all works out for him
Cruel and unusual punishment isn’t just a theory. Being given your last meal three times is worse than that. In this case context you ready yourself for death as most humans have done specifically for love and religion, military. I don’t know but that’s for me a price has been paid and actually now a continuation of that life is over, so where’s my refund?

Here is part2 to clip
Freedom of speech! The people are right! And minorities should obey the majority – is this democracy,,,, or are you against democracy?”
Our system obviously has parts that are screwed up. This is a man’s life, most of which has already been taken. Seems to me there are times when it becomes IMPERATIVE to cut through the red tape and get things as right as possible; this appears to be one of those times. Enough time has elapsed; if a mistake was made, it should be resolved immediately and steps taken to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Repeat: this is a man’s LIFE which could have been repeatedly ended and, if it had been ended by mistake?!? Shame on everyone even remotely involved.
How can they give the death penalty if its not a sure thing? My gosh is the world crazy!
Wow all those times he was supposed to die and it keeps getting sent back well that’s a big sign right there
And here you have the perfect reason why almost every democratic country apart from the US has banned the death penalty
They need to get rid of the death penalty
One person wrongly executed is too many
The Justice System can’t be trusted; prosecutors and some attorneys turn a blind eye to truth, sometimes for the furthering of their careers. Death is too high a cost to pay for a possible mistake; it’s too final
@Lois Jenkins Remember Yugoslavia, the Irgc, Libya, Syria and Vietnam, millions of innocent civilians were killed by US shells, the US killed millions of civilians, it was Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
@Lois Jenkins The US is caught in the act of murder, what are we going to do?
@Lois Jenkins Remember Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Vietnam, millions of innocent civilians were killed by US shells, the US killed millions of civilians, it was Hiroshima and Nagasaki!,,,,
@Lois Jenkins The US is caught in the act of murder, what are we going to do?;;№?
It’s unbelievable an Oklahoma AG is doing this. I didn’t think any AG in ANY RED and many BLUE states actually had a heart.
What happened in the justice system that has trained prosecutors to care only about winning and nothing about justice. It’s an embarrassment to the morals we claim a tragedy for the people involved and a danger for the country.
Stay Strong Brother!
Freedom Is Right Around The Corner.
Hope Spring’s Eternal!
Freedom Is Priceless!
My God this man is strong as hell! Last meal 3 times? I couldn’t cope
May everything work out for him and be set free in Jesus Christ name amen
Freedom of speech! The people are right! And minorities should obey the majority – is this democracy,,,, or are you against democracy??
Death penalty has no place in a civilized world because of such issues as this
How is it possible in any jurisdiction for someone who actually does a contract murder to be immunized for helping to put the alleged payor to death? Is there any evidence for a payment other than the killer’s testimony??
If the man is innocent I deeply hope he is made redemptive.
Why would Glossip pay Sneed money to kill his boss who owned a simple motel? That doesn’t make sense. What was Glossip going to get out of it that required payment to Sneed? Something is not right about this case and I am no softy on criminals.