Former Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention in Trump's DHS discusses her experience with the president and why she's voting for Joe Biden in 2020. Aired on 8/27/2020.
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OK To Not Vote For Trump If You're GOP, Christian: Fmr. DHS Official | Morning Joe | MSNBC
It’s nice to see some Republicans are finally growing some backbone and speaking out against Trump.
bryanatwku, explain how you “dabble” in LGBT?
Stephanie Drake, I have been with multiple girls simultaneously who were bi. One time was with two sisters, and I ended up marrying one.
bryanatwku, every straight guys dream, huh? Two girls at once.
I bet you believe you turned her straight, huh?
Stephanie Drake, my wife had a son before she met me so I wasn’t her first man, but I was her sister’s first. Her and her sister grew up in extreme poverty in the squatter area of Manila. I guess they didn’t have a lot of things to do so they started playing with each other at an early age. The Philippines is very conservative but their parents allowed it. I knew they were doing that before I flew over to meet them. We actually still do that when we all travel together as the younger sister never got married. The younger sister still lives in the Philippines and I fully support her too. But anyway, things worked out and me and my wife have a child together now.
@Starsurfer74 It’s a rudimentary bony structure that will one day evolve into a backbone…
If he was the least attractive option last time, he the worst one in 2020
Miles Taylor said more ppl would speak out. No more ”’Anonymous”
Amen and everyday I Speak Out!
Trp is spawn of Satan. A whoring traitor to America and a low life gtifter.
More people like her have to come out and speak out.
They are traitors to Democracy. They are left wing radicals hellbent on establishing America as a Socialist state. CNN and MSNBC have brainwashed you into their Socialist agenda.
To all the Christians who support Trump: Here’s the day when you finally meet Christ. He looks into your souls and asks: what have you done with the teachings I have left: what would you answer? I have supported the one who’s racist and likes to grab them by the p? Reflect upon this for a while. Read Paul’s gospel.
@Ricky Hartley God removes kings and sets up kings. Daniel 2:21
@SkyQuest2K8 agree, it will be by the hand of God.
Most of his supporters either can’t read or choose not to read.
Savio- Amen!
Character, competence & policies. Not applicable for Trump. Vote him out of the office.
I have hairy legs!!!!!Hahahahahaha
The very fact that Christians need to be told that it’s OK they don’t have to vote for him says everything.
Yep. They show up regularly so their religious leaders can tell them how to live.
@LazyArt 1 Yet they’ll vote for a man who pays for his mistresses abortions and cheats on his post partum wife. OK.
@sk8queen oh yes, they wont vote for PEDO BIDEN that is for sure ! i dont understand you, you think PEDOS are good you are all sick
@sk8queen JO BIDEN you aint black LOLOL the creepy biden lololol you are all sick in the head
She’s very intelligent in her reasons for voting Biden. I’m grateful to see a Republican with integrity to vote for character and competence.
It may take integrity to vote for biden, but it’s a vote against Trump not for character and competence and I vote democrat most of the time.
hmmmm nice…..enjoy her talk compared to ivanka.
Competence and moral character is very important to represent our human lives.
@Dawn Kuzio when you don’t have moral character, you’re close to being an animal.
Why would Christians need to have permission to vote against a party that has totally abandoned its principles? It admits that it’s the CULT of Trump! Register early, Vote as early as permissible, Biden/Harris/ blue. Drop your ballot off in authorized ballot boxes, drop off locations in your state, lighten the burden on the Post Office Trump has kneecapped.

@bryanatwku he’s talking about non-Christian values or policies period!!
@Mike Marder Evangelist have nothing to do with GOD
@Puma9935 Law of GOD and the Sabbath not Sunday is one.
This bible verse reminds me of our nation right now. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36
thats right, especially the baby killers
They have a platform. Lie, assault, deceit. Every american should speak out ” NO MORE”!!!
You’re probably not even American…
@BLM IS THE NEW KKK non Americans have opinions too. In fact, you can learn an awful lot from non Americans.
@Katerina Holst Americans aren’t interested in the opinions of lesser countries who accomplish little…
@BLM IS THE NEW KKK I suppose it depends what you mean by “lesser”. I do recognise a good satire, however. Well done, and take care over there. Stay covid safe
@Katerina Holst I mean less inventive, less productive, less free countries like yours. Covid is a scam just like “Russian collusion” Apparently you’re not smart enough to see it.
We need Dignity and respect to return to the Whitehouse that has been absent.a person who does not need to call people names and division in our country
I pray law and order catches up with him.
The only law and order will be when ALL that he pardoned and himself go to prison.
Yes Biden should be in prison with Obama. I agree
Honest and clear is right here

@Private Number wow nothing but insults still, be best bwaaa ha ha, just like your mean deluded leader.
@Wheatie Sweetie He is not lying.
@Private Number

@Franklin 3 all Dump does is lie fir has never told truth and you cultist are pathetic hateful morons.
@Wheatie Sweetie LeRn tO spELL ReAd HooKeD oN PhoNIcS
I don’t trust them when they say they want a LAW and ORDER country! sounds like China and Russia?
Sadly American politicians have mixed Christianity with Politics to the detriment of the people ….. S.C
And it isn’t even real Christianity but the hypocrisy of it all, they are not true Christians, yet manipulating the religion trying to shape it to their distorted and sick minds.
Tim Smith ….. Exactly !!
birdlynn hubbard ….. Very true
This election is literally not about a single candidate anymore. It’s about whether we want to remain a democracy or not!
As far as I believe and what I do know that Democrats will always defend democracy, but what I see today! Donald Trump and the Republican Party are doing what they can to unravel it, and make it into their country,( not the people country!)
Vote Democrat up and down the ticket and save us from the Republican Party
Biden for president.
I stand up for democracy!!
@Trina Leneir
Iam with you
@Franklin 3 ztupid deflecting response pathetic evil troll. Go away FOREVER.
There are a lot of Christians who are hypocrites and will vote for Trump again no matter what he does.
@Matthew Suhanec Well said!
@Matthew Suhanec They love to call themselves Christians. HA! If a mouse gets into a cookie jar, he’s still a mouse . . .regardless of how much he might THINK he’s a cookie.
@Wheatie Sweetie we must submit to the will of God.
Lin Martin @ just like Jerry Fewall Jr they’re NOT Christians. And just like tRomp who has NEVER Read a bible in his life and was unable to recite one verse.
These people are Demons who use the Bible for financial gain. Anybody following after tRomp is NOT of God, but of SATAN
@Eliecer Castillo judge them by what they do, not what they say.
I believe when people Show you who they are, believe it.
You can call yourself what you want. But how you living?
No true Christian could possibly vote for him.
True Christian?
Democrats are Satanists
@John 319 Indeed
In the beginning Hitler blended Christianity into his own idolization cult. Once that established itself he ditched the Christian part all together.
Christians always hated Jews. It was easy to get them to deport them. The final solution plans existed from long before Hitler got into power.
@May the Science be with You that is not the TRUTH , how dare you
@May the Science be with You And what is the documented proof for the accusation you just made?