Ohio Governor On Efforts To Slow Spread Of Virus In His State | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Gov. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, joins Morning Joe to discuss why he ordered early lockdowns in his state. Aired on 3/30/2020.
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Ohio Governor On Efforts To Slow Spread Of Virus In His State | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Ohio Governor On Efforts To Slow Spread Of Virus In His State | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Strict lockdown? I live in Ohio and in my town of Tiffin, everyone is still out and about. He let certain business decide themselves if they are essential.

    1. @Arc Light no , im in the ltl trucking business and these are just a few place’s to mention that we pick up and deliver to that are located in cleveland to toledo and all in between its called corporation greed, thats why they remain open

    2. @Clean with Lean write them all down and turn them into the police….they want you to do that. Instead of complaining…do something about it!

    3. @ALPHAFERT Thank you for serving in your grocery store. I’m so sorry that people aren’t more cooperative, and I hope that changes fast. I’m grateful for my grocer’s pickup service. This week a lot more people were taking advantage of it.

  2. I didn’t vote for DeWine as my Governor but I’m thankful he’s taking it seriously. Unfortunately I don’t think everyone in our state is, and I don’t know how many deaths it will take for that to happen.

    1. So what some of you are saying is it’s fine that 100,000 people could die from this pandemic. That because 7,000 people die from car crashes we shouldn’t try to do as much as possible to keep those people alive. I don’t know about you but I would rather everything be done that is possible to not have those people die. Just because people die from other things does not negate the fact that if this was handled better those people would be alive. Guess what people die in car crashes and we did everything we could to try to keep that number as low as possible. We made laws to make drivers and pedestrians safer, we created car standards to lessen the number of deaths when a car crashes. We should do everything we possibly can to make sure that as few people as possible die from this disease, not throw up our hands and say “well a bunch of people die from car crashes, it’s a shame that they are dying from this too, oh well back to work.”

    2. Yeah this is true. I work at amazon in columbus and theres like at least 2000 people who work in this building and they still wont allow us to stay home.

    3. @Sonder One I agree. I’m lucky to be an essential employee at a med tech company. They were ahead of the curve and we were working at home when possible before any orders were made by state or federal government.

  3. I didnt vote for DeWine, but am so happy he has offered solid leadership and is doing the right thing in this crisis. He is doing a great job.

    1. I’m in Illinois and I’ve been watching him for a number of weeks, he’s a GOOD GUY, he cares about his fellow citizens, nice to see leaders come forth. JB’s doing well too.

    1. Ledder Havit so that means Trump is worried about his money over his people. This is why he should have been forced to give his companies up like every previous president.

    2. Nah, they are worried about the money lost if the healthcare system breaks down.
      Still a politician.

  4. Dear MSNBC: Whenever you post numbers of confirmed cases and deaths, please also past the number of people who have been tested and their tests completed in order to give context to the numbers.

    1. S Anderson : As of today the US had preformed 1 million tests, or 1/3 of 1% of the population.

    2. New York was 28% positive for those tested. Seems scary high. Need to see a list comparing that rate to the rest of the world.

    3. Foggy Farm & Gary Hawkins : Remember about 45% who test positive have NO symptoms at all (but they still can infect others) and of the remaining only about 20% require hospitalization.

  5. We’re holding our own in Ohio for now. I trust the governor much more than I do the president.

    1. Jerry hablitzel Anyone who depends on the Federal Government to get them through this crisis is a fool. This is the responsibility of your State and Local Government. You’ve got a good Governor leading you there. Best of luck.

  6. I don’t believe many of DeWine’s policies, but as an Ohioan, I am proud to call him my Governor! Thank you for your quick and calculated response to the virus.

    1. Wtf are you talking about. All I know is Trump is literally selling medical equipment right now to the highest bidder, effectively securing donations for his upcoming campaign, while Americans are dying.

  7. How ’bout you fix the unemployment office so the hundreds of thousands of bartenders and waiters don’t starve!!! These people live hand to mouth and your system is BROKEN!!?

  8. Dewine is no friend, and has made some horrible decisions for Ohio, but he’s done a better job than expected with regard to covid.


    We are living in unprecedented times or as we are reminded in scripture, ‘perilous times.’

    Never before in history has the entire World united in war against a common unseen enemy. This enemy is so small that it cannot be detected by the naked eye but is only visible through the aid of an electron microscope. It’s devastating effect however can be seen everywhere. This miniscule enemy has nations trembling for fear, not to mention the impact it is having on the world economy as seen by the plunging stock market.

    America is now imposing laws restricting the size of public gatherings, shutting down schools, colleges and universities, as well as suggesting if possible we self-quarantine. The last time I recall an entire nation being told to self-quarantine was when God told Moses that Israel was to remain in their homes the night of the Passover. What differentiated Israel from Egypt that night was obedience to the word of God. Israel emerged triumphant while Egypt was gripped by tragedy.

    While I believe we should take whatever precautions are necessary we should not allow fear to replace faith. As a good friend of mine often states, ’Fear is assuming a responsibility that is not ours to assume.’ Unless one’s faith is based on shaky ground, we have nothing to fear as either way by life or by death we emerge victorious.

    On another note I don’t believe that God is asleep at the wheel in all of this. I recall my late father saying on several occasions that it is going to take an economic collapse to bring America to her knees. Isaiah reminds us that ‘Though the wicked is shown favor, he does not learn righteousness’. Just prior to that God states, ‘For when the earth experiences Thy judgments the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.’ I believe this current crisis is not only a wakeup call to the Church but also to the World. This is a time to re-evaluate our priorities. This is happening in the practical realm as people are more interested in having enough toilet paper than in the color of their new dream car. Supermarket shelves are stripped bare by consumers hording essentials while bypassing unnecessary luxury items.

    I’m reminded of the man who pleaded with Jesus to intervene in resolving an issue he faced with his brother. His brother was depriving him of his share in their father’s inheritance. Jesus responded by saying ‘A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.’ Paul reminds us ‘with food and raiment be content.’ The only essential we really need to be concerned about is our personal relationship with God. Nothing else comes even close to that priority. Only Christ, not possessions, truly satisfy.

    Could this be a foretaste of what is still to come? By that I mean, the day when Babylon finally falls and the merchants of the earth along with her consumers, cry out in agony and despair. Gone were all the luxuries that they craved, coveted and built their lives around. In contrast, we God’s people, are told to rejoice over Babylon’s fall.

    If the stock market is keeping you awake at night perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities. Are you crying out in despair or rejoicing?

    These lines from the old hymn serve as a poignant reminder:

    On Christ the solid rock I stand

    All other ground is sinking sand

  10. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.” – Isaiah 26:20

  11. As a Democrat from Ohio I can tell you that Gov. DeWine has earned my respect on his early action.
    Thank you!

  12. I wonder what’s happening behind our backs while this “outbreak” is happening. Don’t let a good crisis go to waste

    1. money and power grab….the usual zombies…same ol….and it’s an Outbreak …..its not an “outbreak” … both are true…..the zombies don’t care…..they use real situations all the time for their own profit….its called disaster capitalism…its built this way so when things do happen all the gears are already in place to exploit whatever may come…its not that much a secret anymore….its called austerity….socialize the costs….privatize the gains…rinse and repeat

  13. “the virus will disappeared by itself” And I would like to finish the sentence for Trump – “if there is no test available”

  14. Dewine has been proactive in our state from the get go. He is a genuine man with integrity. He cares about his people.

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