More than two months after the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old unarmed black man, on a residential street in southern Georgia, a father and son have been jailed and charged with murder.
The arrests come a day before friends and family of Arbery planned to hold a dedication distance run Friday, for what would have been Arbery's 26th birthday.
Arbery was killed in February about 2 miles from his home in a neighborhood outside Brunswick, Georgia. Two men, Gregory and Travis McMichael, told police they saw him running and believed he was a burglary suspect, so they armed themselves, got in a truck and followed him. They told police Arbery attacked them after one of the men got out of the truck with a shotgun.
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This is corruption pure & simple the DOJ need to investigate the Police Department & Disrict Attorney in Georgia & if they don’t its Guerilla warfare time in Georgia in 2020
@Chris Hardy
Fight or flight basic human instinct, and the threat if not doing anything different, being shot in the back while running away.
@adat smith
And Arbery, he wasn’t trying to defend himself against 2 men with guns?? That doesn’t matter though, right?
@Chris Hardy
And risk getting shot in the back, good plan. Let me know how it works out for you if you’re ever placed in that situation.
@WB Wayne So you’re telling me animals are smarter than humans. You never charge a person with a gun if you do not have one. That’s called stupidity. A true fighter examines the situation and tries to survive in the situation. He does not put his self in a predicament to where he loses his life.
@Chris Hardy
And in this case, an unarmed black man is being corralled by 2 vehicles, the vehicle blocking the roadway and the videographer’s vehicle behind him. At least 2 men were armed and waiting for him. I am white, but it is a known fact that if you’re black in this Country, at times, that alone can result in your fate. Pretty sure Arbery took this as nothing more than a direct threat on his life, and reacted accordingly. There’s a good chance if facing that same situation, any reasonably thinking person would have done the same. An animal and a human can’t be compared when it comes to certain analytical factors, such as what occurred in this event.
Without public outcry this was going to be swept under the rug. The McMichaels murdered an innocent man as the video and facts appear to prove. Gregory McMichael is a former cop and prosecutor, he knew how to work the system and would have gotten away with it unless we demand justice as a society.
@Gary Ray Cardoso
Your comment is In correct and untrue
adat smith yeah….no.
@Tommie Jayne Tooter “We, the people” says the democrat who most likely doesn’t hold any value in the U.S. Constitution to begin with. GTFO.
@Tommie Jayne Tooter This has nothing to do with Trump supporters
@Jeremyia Clemens Trump supporters are demanding that those two armed and inbred religious fanatics be acquitted. Don’t you know it’ s ok to run a guy down and shoot him for peeping at a construction site?
So now, 2 months after it happened and a bunch of celebrities are speaking about it and raising awareness, NOW they decide to charge them with murder. Interesting…
Celebrities only are about PR. Normal people can be supportive without making it about themselves.
i know its late, and they should use their platform, but im glad about the video, and the fact they are being charged, but im waiting will thet be found guilty,and will they serve time are would this be another Zimmerman case, or would they actually do jail time uddd i have so many questions
This is why we as a community should speak out about this, they sweep it under the rug and bury the truth if this didn’t get the traction it did.
Yeah, that’s what popularity means; you get listened to
At least they used their popularity for something good like this
As if you’re going to complain
They could’ve easily never said anything
They were pressured by the media spin. There actually is no case here, which is why there was no action taken. You can’t argue law with people who only use emotion. There will be no murder conviction.
A white fat man and his white fat son – what a surprise
And two months – what took the authorities so long, was the arrest done because of the massive media coverage?
@ Rick Trussell – Jeremy Christian killed two African American females while hurling racial epithets. This happened on the West Coast, Oregon. This ISN’T about location.
@ Chris Hardy – because no runner expects to be shot and murdered while out for his or her run. Most runners have routes.
Rick Trussell because you are a real human being sad to say but some ppl don’t think like that
Thank you! These stories break my heart. 2 months to arrest these guys and meanwhile you have thousands of African Americans in prison for marijuana! I hope these two hate mongers get life in Ga. prison
They weren’t initially arrested because the evidence shows the black kid was committing a crime and made the decision to attack a man holding a loaded rifle ….plain and simple weather you agree or not that is what happened. Blacks want to make this about race to further perpetuate their position on reparations and they are playing on white guilt which a bunch of played out crap and most Americans know better!!!
These two guys are gonna love Ga. prison and the new friends they are gonna make
Those two guys anal cavities are going to be SO enlarged!
Well new facts have come out. I heard he went into a house and was looking Around
MotherTouching-Ninjas … it doesn’t matter. He didn’t steal anything. Many people have been to construction sites just to look around. Try again.
@Keep it 100 Xo
Exactly! All he did was look around minor offense. There was no reason for him to be shot
I do the same thing at times in a vacant home under construction, to get ideas. Of course I am a white guy though, so there’s that. Do I deserve to get murdered also? There was NOTHING found on his person, indicating a theft had occurred.
They dont care cuzs its not their son
Yeah but their is a video that has his family morning his death
How many cases like this have not been brought to light yet!
All the ones that aren’t on video.
it’s damn time they do .
God bless the camera man
Ones where it’s pretended that evil nazi racists are lying in wait to murder someone just jogging down the street? Fantasy cases like that? Not many, I’m guessing.
Well the father and son abused Amendment 2.
Pretty sure that’s not murder.
100% guilty!
I know you shouldn’t judge people by their appearance, but …

Apparently, if you’re alt left, you judge everything by it’s appearance.
Hands down here.. Ahmaud Arbery was executed !!! Simply seen in black and white, LITERALLY no gray areas here. The two suspects need to be swiftly sentenced to execution, keeping them locked up for life w/ no parole is just a terrible waste of my income tax deductions !!!!!!!
Death penalty for all that’s involved
I hope the streets pay him back
I see the Slave patrols are still operating despite the virus.
This is why Mountain Dew, Busch beer, and fried pork rinds should be banned!
Apparently Joe Biden ads need subtitles. I’m going to assume that’s because he’s indigent and can’t speak clearly to begin with. The lulz are endless with this guy!
This looks like a set up gone wrong guy filming a guy running towards arm men and why did he cross over towards the guy with a shotgun
This was a modern day LYNCHING by KKK. #JUSTICEFORABERY.
The victim had prior arrest records! Including carrying a loaded gun on campus! I always go jogging at midnight wearing ankle length khakis camper shorts, in someone else’s house!
2 miles? why are they reporting something completely different than every other source? this is easily proved wrong? how does one loose their job with this kind of incompetence ?