Officer killed after attack near US Capitol

One US Capitol Police officer has died and another is injured after a suspect rammed a vehicle into a police barricade outside the Capitol building Friday afternoon, the department's acting chief Yogananda Pittman told reporters during a press briefing roughly two hours after initial reports of the attack first surfaced.
The officer was identified by Pittman later Friday as Officer William "Billy" Evans, an 18-year veteran of the force and a member of its "First Responders Unit."
"It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the passing of Officer William 'Billy' Evans this afternoon from injuries he sustained following an attack at the North Barricade by a lone assailant," she said in a statement shortly after telling reporters the name of the officer would not be released until his family was notified.
During the press briefing, Pittman said the suspect in the attack, who brandished a knife after ramming his vehicle into a police barricade on Constitution Avenue and was subsequently shot by officers, had also died.
Federal and local law enforcement sources told CNN that the suspect has been identified as Noah Green. One federal source told CNN he was 25 years old.
An investigation into the attack is ongoing, Pittman said, but the immediate danger appears to have subsided. USCP lifted an hours-long lockdown of the Capitol Friday afternoon after law enforcement determined the "external security threat" had been cleared.
#CNN #News


  1. The officer left for work never knowing he would never come back home. RIP. Thoughts are with the family.

    1. @GPlumbob So where did the money raised for them go? To ideas? Who do you guys think you are fooling when you say Antifa isn’t organized?

    2. @Dragon Glib yes hes obviously stupid and also he wants to do his illegal crap and not be stopped by police officers. This is why the socialists want to defend police so we won’t have police at all.
      There trying to turn America into Venezuela and china and Russia and Iran north Korea and many other rot pots around the world

    1. @Sheila Bush “dur we switched !!! we are no longer the race hustling party of the past” now watch us race hustle just like we did in the past 🙂

    2. @DJ See’s through it hahaha hey I’m in a country that has no guns, no massacres, no covid, excellent universal healthcare, cops that don’t kneel on black peoples necks till they die. Hey How’s your country going???……(DJ See’s horse shyt!!!)

    3. Want to see who it was? Google Noah Green. I guess he doesn’t fit CNN’s racist narrative. He “was” a Lous Farrakhan Hitman. But don’t believe me, Im sure CNN will eventually have to say who he was.

    1. @Edward L. remember that only in merica are there more firearms than people. Remember that only in merica could a orange faux predator become a potus.
      Thank the lord he is gone.
      Oh and don’t be ableist.

    1. @PRISON TALK REAL ONE as someone who’s lived in boulder it’s predominantly white people.

    2. @idont fuxkingcare I’m gay so take my opinion with a pinch of salt but you look pretty white to me and not very attractive LMFAO

    1. @Jay Huo Like the capital police are a cult?? they are civilians. You are stupid, the cop that shot the maga patriot is still alive.

    2. @Jewish Space Laser Operator the woman was a patriot and what happened on January 6th was a long time coming in fact the people didn’t go far enough

  2. It’s just crazy how the human brain can prioritize crashing a vehicle into a barricade over survival.

    1. @Itz-venomtv When BLM Was Looting, The Trumpets Used To Say Blue Lives Matter, But Those Idiots Attacked Cops At The Capitol!

      Some Trump Supporters Are Against Each-other, Like Fools 🤣… LMAO 😂

    2. According to sources it was a black nationalist Farrakhan follower that attacked the US Capitol, and the reason why CNN and the rest of the leftist MSM has shut down reporting on it. Doesn’t fit their narrative.

    3. @Sheila Bush Let’s not bring politics into this. He was a jogger so he was criminal by default.

    4. Very obvious… Trump’s Cult, QAnon, KKKAYE, Proud little boys, and the Terrorists are now working together to attack the Capitol and kill our HERO Police! #SupportBlue

    1. @Robert Smith Nope in 50 years America will be mostly Latino and Asian. Black people like White people will get absorbed.

    2. @T T We are innocent until proven guilty. It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt he was a drug fucked loser.

    3. @A A Good point. The way people are mixing the white American will no longer exist. Every commercial is interracial with every race combination and also lesbians & gays.

  3. First the attack on Epiphany, now an attack on Good Friday…I’m almost scared to see what happens on Easter. RIP brave officer.

    1. According to sources it was a black nationalist Farrakhan follower that attacked the US Capitol, and the reason why CNN and the rest of the leftist MSM has shut down reporting on it. Doesn’t fit their narrative.

    2. @MatthewGT And? You didn’t have that knowledge when you left your racist comment. We get it, you’re stoked he’s black to “fit your narrative” as you’d say. Except it wasn’t for the BLM movement, so your point means nothing lmao nice try though

    3. Very obvious… Trump’s Cult, QAnon, KKKAYE, Proud little boys, and the Terrorists are now working together to attack the Capitol and kill our HERO Police! #SupportBlue

    4. @Ren Hippo Just listen to yourself. How can you tie Trump to this…?? I draw myself to the conclusion that TRUMP IS YOUR DADDY.

  4. Jake Tapper… “We need to say the name of the slain officer, not his assailant” wonder if that would still apply if the assailants name was JimBob Whitey…

    1. good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief …

    2. Lol could you imagine if this dude was white. There is NO WAY Jake Tapper would say this. Hypocrite

  5. Suspect is 25 yr old Noah Green from Indiana. He was a Nation of Islam follower based on his Facebook.

    1. @Bernie Goetz I’ve made a dozen new accounts on my cell phone in the last few months. It takes me an entire five minutes. Lol.

    2. @Modulus Five Funny how the most violent group with the highest murder rate has been convinced that they have been oppressed. They get every type of affirmative action and hand out possible and they still claim to be “held down by the man.” It’s rather pathetic.

    3. @N.Y vs L.A You have the highest murder rate of any group. You also get the most handouts of any group. Still, you go on and on about being oppressed and held down by the man. It’s rather pathetic.

    1. @Robert Smith yeah exactly
      it’s just sad how everything boils down to politics
      the guy lost his life and all people care about is arguing about politics

    2. @Robert Smith Exactly.Why isnt it racist when black ppl call each other that word ?? If it was such a bad word one would think they wouldnt use it when talking to eacher.

    3. @Robert Smith Well, Democrats either sit at home and wait on their check to come to them or have family money and sit in their parents/grand parents basement. They don’t drive so they don’t care. It’s just another tax on the working man. But we’ll figure out a way to cheat it.

    4. @Robert Smith it’s like that on any news station but also anywhere
      Fox and CNN are the worst
      But i was on a literal movie review about Spongebob and half the comments were political arguments

    1. Yey, the usual brigade of media-trashing snowflakes, deluded to the point of thinking that just because they don’t like something, it’s automatically biased. And doubly so to think that the media ever NOT had a opinion. How positively precious!

    2. @RapidHealth Fit lmao you kind of proved the OP right when what you posted didn’t mention the guys color TOO.

    3. @Tommy Willis you are right. They usually do not report it when whites commit crimes. They certainly do not let anyone file a criminal complaint against whites except other whites. I know that from first-hand experience

    4. Exactly. In fact I even “guaranteed” my friend the murderer was black given the speed the possibility of terrorism was ruled out by the police spokesperson.

    1. @Submonger doesn’t ever matter to the leftist anti-white agenda you are saying. I he was white republican, he, wouldn’t matter? Tell me.

    2. good. i want ask u in mark pincus agreat thief. and haker system people for 20 years owner zynga agreat thief ..

  6. My deepest thoughts, prayers and condolences to the family. This is extremely saddening for all. Peace and love from Canada 🙏✌

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