Officer injured in Capitol riot: GOP lawmaker wouldn’t shake my hand

A DC Metropolitan Police officer who defended the US Capitol on January 6 blasted GOP Rep. Andrew Clyde on Wednesday evening for what he called "disgusting" behavior during a tense exchange.
Michael Fanone, who was stun-gunned several times and beaten with a flagpole during the riot, told CNN's Don Lemon on "Don Lemon Tonight" that he had come across Clyde in the Capitol and had been dismissed by the congressman after approaching him outside an elevator Wednesday afternoon.
Fanone's account comes after 21 House Republicans, including Clyde, voted against legislation to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the officers who had defended the Capitol. The vote stood as the latest reminder that members of Congress still cannot agree on the facts of the deadly January 6 riot, and prompted the officer's visit to Capitol Hill.
Officer injured in Capitol riot says insurrection is a 'triggering' word for lawmakers downplaying January 6
Officer injured in Capitol riot says insurrection is a 'triggering' word for lawmakers downplaying January 6
"I was very cordial. I extended my hand to shake his hand. He just stared at me. I asked if he was going to shake my hand, and he told me that he didn't who know I was. So I introduced myself. I said that I was Officer Michael Fanone. That I was a DC Metropolitan Police officer who fought on January 6 to defend the Capitol and, as a result, I suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as a heart attack after having been tased numerous times at the base of my skull, as well as being severely beaten," Fanone said. "At that point, the congressman turned away from me."
Once the elevator doors opened, Fanone said, the congressman "ran as quickly as he could, like a coward."
Clyde's office did not immediately respond to CNN's request for comment. The congressman also previously ignored questions from CNN asking to explain his vote against the Congressional Gold Medal bill.

#DonLemonTonight #CNN #DonLemon

Officer injured in Capitol riot: GOP lawmaker wouldn't shake my hand


    1. The 45SHOLE, his 45SHOLE Republicans, and insurrectionists need to be tried for TRE45ON. Vote them out and keep them out!

    2. @J SMARTIN apparently, not being a mindless trump worshipper supposedly makes you a “nut job” according to Don nawzd

    3. @J SMARTIN well, Don nawzd is clearly a Russian, so nobody is coming after him anytime soon, he is simply doing waht Putin is paying him to do

    4. @J SMARTIN Just like that jagoff ron johnson saying if it were Black Lives Matter or Antifa, he would have been scared, but being it was domestic terrorists, didn’t feel like his life was in any danger at all. Then why didn’t he run out and greet them and invite them into his office. And did anybody see the film footage of Pence and his family being rushed to safety? Guess who was fifty feet ahead of Pence and his family running down the hall to safety? You got it. little ronnie.

    5. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

  1. Man’s a grub. Fanone risked his life to protect Clyde who was theatrically barricading doors from his so-called “tourists”

    1. @Bʟᴀᴋᴇ capital police used guns to protect the building. Isn’t that racist ? Or does that only work one way ?

    2. @Francis Peter capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

  2. Clyde is going to find himself on the wrong side of history. He also voted against making Juneteenth a federal holiday. I hope Stacey Abrams takes him down next re-election 😡

    1. @TraskTalker are you confused? Were you born “special”? I don’t keep up with the current Republican gossip so I have no f—-ing idea what your talking about.

    2. @Ren S. coming from the side that believes in 72 genders and all cops are bad and Fauci is a Saint, that’s rich. I’m saying Stacey Abrams was a great football player for the Giants in the NFL, maybe even a hall-of-fame candidate in the near future, but look at the guy, he’s taken too many shots to the head. He’s severely overweight and has no idea what he’s talking about, as I said before, the guy has no business in politics.

    3. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

    4. “We have tens of thousands of votes on hand in Georgia if needed .”——Stacy (black shrek) Abrams

    1. @Flusha Art
      Not sure what you want anyone to
      say about Ashley Babbitt. Remember that guy George Zimmerman? The stand-your-ground dude? It’s ok to kill in self defense.
      From the Capital video she was climbing through a broken window. The crew she was with were breaking down the doors to the chamber.
      Not sure about you…
      but if someone was with a mob, yelling & crawling through a window they broke at my house I’d shoot them too. It’s called Trespassing.
      I’m actually surprised more rioters weren’t shot.

    2. All the while, your democraps are funding terror groups like sblm and antifa. So what’s your point?

    3. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

  3. Andrew Clyde’s entire response to the insurrection has been a middle finger to the whole DC capital police department and our system of democracy.

    1. @Walawalacookie you mean the truth they showed you. Yes quite horrifying but hardly the whole picture.

    2. @Antiblonda You’re going to sit there and tell me there was no inssurection. You are a fool and your chosen party are criminals.

    3. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

    1. The 45SHOLE, his 45SHOLE Republicans, and insurrectionists need to be tried for TRE45ON. Vote them out and keep them out!

    2. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

  4. Andrew Clyde wanted to record so he can give it to a judge and say that he’s being stalked and harassed

    1. @Walawalacookie It goes like this: Lie, deny, then run to fox (not) news for anal retentive sympathy.

    2. @wrigleyville2016 Then get ousted later by your own party and make a ton of money writing a book full of things we all already saw happen. It seems to be a pretty successful formula for them.

    1. @John Wilharm You’re an idiot. The election was Nov 3rd, 2021. Inauguration was Jan 20th. Trump lost due to election fraud on a national level. He remained in office until Jan 20th 2021. He will always be known as President. But you will always be known as a fucking moron. I mean if you absolutely think that there was ZERO wrong doings by the Dems, that there is no collusion between the media and the powers that be, and that a senile old man who has lost two other bids at the presidency, didn’t campaign, hid in his basement, and somehow got the most votes in US history… I’d seriously get tested. Maybe wear a bicycle helmet around the house. “Oh but Biden did campaign a little.” LMFAO!!! More Trump voters turned up to his campaigns than his own supporters.

  5. Andrew Clyde is one of those Republicans who have voted against awarding medals to honor the police officers. Andrew Clyde does have this disgusting behavior.

    1. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

    1. @jammie johnson There is plenty of laws against all these crimes, how ignorant are you not to know it? And there is a good reason for having a juridical state instead of the law of the jungle: I could very credibly accuse you of all these crimes and I bet you‘d be happy to have the chance to defend yourself in a court instead of being killed by a police officer when he comes to arrest you.

    2. @Francis Peter All a moment for flea bag george accuse me and stop with the crying Im Black and the cops are Hunting me BS that all you people do is BITC% and Cry no wonder this country is being called FAIRY LAND and i am glad GEORGE FLOYD IS 1 YEAR SOBER BLESS HIS HEART

    3. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

    1. Clyde calls police dispatch for help. Operator: click. hangs up the phone. Bye, Falicia

    2. @Vlad the Inhaler wait!..hold up…Clyde ran way from one person and yes to a MOB as well…But instead of shaking his hand, making eye contact, thanking him and his fellow officers. For being there and probably saving his life and other. He ran out like if, it was a tourist group on January 6 all over.🤣🤣🤣 again.

    3. @Tony C the officers own word said, that he introduced himself to him. So Clyde knew who he was from the beginning. Not to mention they both work or worked in the same building. I’m sure they came face to face multiple times before the January 6 event (MOB). Plus TV coverage has given both of them identity. Yeah they know each others face.

    4. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

  6. What a pitiful cowardly creature, these fragile men have got to go. Idk how this guy does it with the PTSD he must be going through, my heart goes out.

    1. Yeah, I can’t imagine the hell he went through. Only to be treated like a non person by one of the very people he saved. It’s disgraceful.

  7. Until a truthful and sincere approach to this story comes along, the American people are not giving this fictitious narrative a serious look. This is a truly pathetic miscarriage of justice, look how far they’ve fallen. Sad.

  8. The belief that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” is wrong. The real threat is from those who DO remember the past, but are content with repeating it.

    1. Yup, like the Progressives and leftists who bombed the capitol back in the late 1900s.

    2. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

  9. Keep GOP Rep. Andrew Clyde’s face on the air! He’s watching, they always do! Such a jerk!

    1. you just want to imprison everyone because you are jealous of their hair… grow up democracy is not for children.

  10. Bless his heart. He is rock star! A hero! I can’t imagine the pain he has experienced and the ingratitude he’s witnessed. Soul crushing. Blessings to him and his. 💖🙏🏻

    1. Capital police used weapons of war to defend a building. Isn’t that racist ??? Or does that only work one way ?

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