Former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis explains why he thinks the argument over whether or not gun safety reform is a political issue is "insanity."
#CNN #News
‘Of course it’s political’: Ex-Boston PD commissioner

Former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis explains why he thinks the argument over whether or not gun safety reform is a political issue is "insanity."
#CNN #News
The incomprehensible thought that these 10 year old children were trapped in a room filled with their dead friends with a psychotic shooter for more than an hour while police sat outside and did nothing. Disgraceful act by the entire police force and all those kids dead is on them.
guess the”Good Guys” were busy that day…….
Ukraine needs 100 billion.what are you doing on youtube? Get to work. Chop chop
@Joe ROGAIN From what I know, nobody survive in room 111 and 112.
I bet even the shooter was thinking ‘What’s taking the cops so long?” Finally it’s here
@The TacoCat
Borscht biscuits and boshirovzzzz
Yeh. I reckon that he did. Good shout.
A hour and 20 minutes in a life and death situation like that must seem like an eternity.
Before or after he was trying on mom’s dresses
This is incomprehensible. If police aren’t there to risk their lives for our children, what on earth do we pay them for?? The parents were ready to handle it themselves WITHOUT guns, and you’re telling me cops with military gear are too afraid? We need to keep demanding a full investigation into exactly what these cops did. I can’t imagine what those families were going through watching the cops just wait outside.
This just makes sick that this is still happening.
Greg Abbott sued the homeowner 8 million in 2013 for the tree limb that fell on him during a wind storm. How much should each family sue Greg for in the death of their kids ?.
@SCABCRAWLER sorry buttercup but that’s all Abbott’s deal.
@Jim Shepard no this is biden’s America remember.
That’s messed up!
In any country the head of this mess would resign immediately. What are you waiting for G. Abbot to take responsibility and leave office?
In no other country in the world, this mess happens so frequently.
Crime is a favorite topic of many politicians. Crime is a problem that government gets involved in. The government is run by politicians. Crime is a political issue. Little children being executed in their classroom is a political issue. Politicians exist to answer political questions. That’s their job.
Gregg Abbott, in 2020, signed into Texas law that any resident of that state can open carry a firearm without a license.. May he sit with those children’s blood on his hands for the rest of his days.
So if the teacher had a gun things might have been different?…thanks for proving Abbott right.
Awe my favorite fellow democratic American liberal patriot
Keep triggering the queen vladz trolling clowns buddy
You’re doing great
How does a human being not go in to save children. PERIOD Finally it’s here
I was a cop in the 1970s and ’80s and I’m absolutely sure we would have ended this in five minutes.
Without body armor or high powered weapons.

It’s to protect and serve the government.
They protected their worthless lives and served up pathetic excuses for their craveness and incompetence.
“Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.” is the actual motto.

Complete FAILURE of police.
And school security
The IC made a mistake?
He made an assumption?
He sounds incompetent.
-_> When taught gun handling: always assume it is loaded (even if you ‘know’ you emptied it)
-> When at a school, NEVER assume there are no kids there.
Fire them all
This guy is trying not to say it. Then I will. It looks like the 19 cops in the hall didn’t do what they are paid and trained to do. For heavens sake. Engage the shooter.
This guy was talking a lot of bullshit without saying anything. Barricade or not, the cops should have went in because some kids had already been shot, were bleeding out, and needed urgent medical assistance. Waiting an hour while kids are bleeding to death is unforgivable.
This makes me feel like crying WITHOUT END!!! It is a tragedy of immense proportion
Yeah, my mind is Fu@ked up.
This was a very well balanced and nuanced interview.
1. The police communication system is from the 70s
2. Command structure reformation
3. Gun law legislation requirements
All logically laid out apolitically.
I wish we had more such reports to educate the public, including on FoxNews!
The US system is failing its people and children as it’s today!
And we could add psychological testing before purchasing a gun.
“I’m not making it political. It is political because you refuse to do anything about these guns!” Should be the only response to an accusation of “You’re making this political.”
The “rights” of an individual just obliterated the rights of 21 others. The GOP says they are for individual rights? How about the right to live?!
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” I believe the document reads…
Blaming each other for nothing will not help. The root cause of gun violence in U.S is easy access to the guns
I hate this whole ” don’t politicize this issue” anyone who thinks life isn’t political is either willfully ignorant or just lying. Politics affect nearly every aspect of our lives…I mean it affects your love life ( depends if you are gay or straight) your work life…( Min. Wage, rules and regulations).
You should demand interviews with the officers who took part in this. The question of who’s responsible is kind of irrelevant. We know who’s responsible. The officers who did not engage with the shooter immediately as they have been instructed to do in situations like this.
Too many mishaps too many slip-ups those parents may have lost those children that day but as a society we got to do better in the name of the future of us all the children are the most important thing in this world