Democratic lawmakers rebuked President Trump's racist tweet, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley who were targeted in the tweet.
Ocasio-Cortez’s fiery response on where she ‘comes from’

Democratic lawmakers rebuked President Trump's racist tweet, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley who were targeted in the tweet.
LOL, that country is called US. orz
Lol. Their corrupt government is led by him. He created an environment of hate and corruption. Read it again, he is saying his OWN administration is awful.
It.was the Democr
@Elma Henkel estas bien loquita. O simplemente estúpida. Learn another language.
When someone shows you who you are, believe them- Maya Angelou
@flowerrmb please name 1 thing he said thats racist….liberals are racist af btw
@Carlito Lujan AOC calls herself a Jew and Epstine helper. Two Jews in a CIA pod.
@flowerrmb @flowerrmb please name 1 thing he said thats racist….liberals are racist af btw
You’re right and President Trump has showed us that he’s for all Americans, let me repeat ALL Americans!
@Patrickj Reuben: Even if they are wrong?
He said “no one can interpret this any other way”

. Someone flip to Fox News 

@Lori Preddy I am retired from the US Air Force. you stupid nazi prostitute.
Trump playing 4d chess again . lmao . No true red blooded American is going to vote for dems now , they are a bunch of freedom hating socialist that hate our country and are trying to destroy through are economy.
Apparently, 15 years ago Trump banned Epstein from all of his hotel estates following a complaint that Epstein had ‘abused/molested/been rough’ with a young teen who worked in one of his spas. Doesn’t that show how Trump felt about Epstein’s behaviour?
I’m no Trump fan but I find myself in the annoying position of repeatedly defending him (not as much as I condemn him but sometimes it’s close) because the international MSM can’t resist portraying his EVERY action & statement as deeply flawed. He is deeply flawed but even a stopped clock is right twice a day!!
trump is nothing more than he’s ever been: a c-list-troll and a reality-tv-game-show-host looking to further his own brand and convince someone, anyone of his legitimacy. smh. #idiocracy
@Iowa State He certainly is good at getting them to do as he wants…
He’s also the leader of the free world. What have you done with your life?
Define stupidity: Tumptards hating CNN but always commenting on their videos.
Go take The Mark of The Beast. We will find out about the Catholic latin brown running satanism all over the globe with their cocaine to white devil trafficking. $
Keep your friends close,and your enemies closer.
@Hu Kares Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEP “RIGHT” UP and see the COMMUNIST DRAMACRAT IDEA OF EQUALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hu Kares
2 hours ago
Divine Feminine Rising
Old lady, your time is up. The youth are taking over.
So just know that your lack of a response won’t stop me from outliving you and wielding more influence than you ever thought you might achieve.
The land of laws! Then why nobody is standing to this bullying buster?
Because he’s bullying on our behalf and WINNING!!! Give up your hate and look at what MY President has done for this country!
Winning what?
Yea, land of laws. We don’t jail people for being mean in a free country.
@Tony Sutherlin horrible examples of disability and and disrespectful to these powerfull woman who will change this world soon enough his ego is bigger than his penis stop being a bully and put your shiter back to your butt 45! Even the woman soccer team is a shamed of you
Tony Sutherlin I’m sure your just hoping with bated breath that anything you and The rest of Trump’s cult deem as “wrong” will be outlawed. Sounds a bit like fascism to me.
“corps” is short for “corporations” here (OAC is referring to the private prison industry) – I can’t believe the newscaster doesn’t know that. See 1:00
trump, is a racist and should take his back to Scotland and his 4th wife back to Russia!
David Reid As another Scot, Trump would be as welcome in Scotland as the Ebola virus.
@Melvin Cohen So what? Putin’s are from Russia, Mandela’s are from Africa.
Macrons are from France.
What’s your point?
@Tracey Chisholm Trump 2020. MAGA.
@Sally Craig So you’ve had the Ebola virus?
Trump needs to focus on the issues intead of insulting American citizens. This is a diverse country not whites only.
He wanted to see if his tools would go rogue and deport his political enemies for him.
Native Americans were here first sooooooooo did I just confuse myself ?
@Luke SpacewalkerThey weren’t the first though. Little amebae were. Give them back their LAND!
Before the Native Americans arrived, North America was home to the Mound Builders, a race of giants that was exterminated by the invaders.
The US was founded by Europeans, not Native Americans…
Yeah but they weren’t doing anything here they were just smoking pot and roaming around making babies
Alexandria is the new face of America.she becomes more powerful every day.YOUNG Americans have her back that’s what scares both sides.
I know Sara Sanders is waking up happy as hell she dosent have to justify Trumps lunacy anymore
Zutsuts. Llllvvv da woman sara
Don’t be fooled, Sanders believed, and probably still believes, his lies.
Suzukas husband you sound just as moronic as a far leftist.
In Kallstadt a wine grower needs an aid to spread manure. Who would be suited better than the grandson of a Bavarian draftdodger?
AOC and colleagues,has mandate form the masses ,not, from twarted electoral college and Russia.
Every time Trump excretes a Tweet I wonder what the White House has distracted us from . . . again.
The most crime-infested place on earth is the White House
Shouldn`t Trump then “go back” or leave for Scotland??
We only should elect a president with high IQs. We should change the requirements.
Electing a president that’s been on a short yellow bus is disgraceful for our country