Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took to Twitter to respond to Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) offer to join forces to investigate the decision by free online trading platform Robinhood to restrict the trading of GameStop shares because of its volatility, saying she would work with anyone in the GOP except Cruz because of his role in the US Capitol insurrection.
#CNN #News #ErinBurnett
The only thing McCarthy is going to tell Marjorie Taylor Greene is “Keep up the good work”.
@Beach Bum Turns out drinking bleach does not help with Cancer or Autism either. Thank you CDC and NY Times.
Was that Trump as well or do stupid people believe stupid things??
@Cathy Wuehr You find that amusing
@Matt O laced with bleach & disinfect
Send both of the traitors to fed lockup for sedition!!!!!! Dems get off your assess!!!!!!’
@Mark so why do people take aspirin for a head ache ? the ache is in your head but the aspirin goes to the stomach
Anybody who is against democracy NEEDS TO BE removed from office.
@Matt O haha….Exactly!Awesome! trump’s cult followers are being brainwashed to the point that we can call them “ The walking dead”.
@Ben Lancaster – You said, *”I didn’t see any Russians at the poll threatening people”*
No. That’s because there were PLENTY of tRump lunatics hanging around polling stations to attempt to threaten voters. Many were disbursed and some were arrested you may recall.
This was ONE MAJOR BATTLE Putin won (back in 2016), _essentially taking control of the country, or at least dividing the country. Yep, Putin won his BIGGEST BATTLE without ever firing even ONE SINGLE SHOT.
BTW, there’s evidence that Russia was grooming tRump for the presidency for the last 40 years.
From The Daily MAil (UK)…
Explosive new book claims the KGB began grooming ‘young and vain’ Donald Trump 40 years ago by saving him from financial ruin and turned him into a Russian asset who gave Putin ‘everything he wanted’ as president
American Kompromat How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery by Craig Unger is out January 26
The author claims Trump’s association with Russia began in 1976 when he decided to make his move from developing real estate in Queens to Manhattan
Trump was rescued multiple times from multiple bankruptcies by boatloads of Russian cash laundered through his real estate in the 1980s and 1990s
When Trump became President, it was time to pay the piper and Trump gave Putin everything he wanted, Unger writes
The author claims Trump was connected to Russians through friend Jeffrey Epstein, who was supplying the Russians and Silicon Valley with underage girls
Trump also appealed to the KGB because he was ‘vain, narcissistic, highly susceptible to flattery and greedy,’ the author writes
The author interviewed high-level sources, Soviets who defected, former CIA officers, FBI counter-intelligent agents, lawyers and more for the book
And existence.
@Kathryn Foster Yeah your still not indicating for or against. The FBI can look at my comments all they like.
@Duncan – You stated, *”can’t you see that’s exactly how the media painted Trump for 4 years? They purposely did that because they are biased. If you have an opinion about Trump just based on watching mainstream media for 4 years then I am sorry to say but you are highly uninformed.”*
Try doing some reading and research about tRump and his family *_BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED OR EVEN CONSIDERING RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENCY._* There’s an abundance of evidence of his slimy business practices, and his lying and cheating WAY BEFORE 2016. Or you could simply talk to almost anyone from NYC. They’ll tell you the truth about the crooked trump family.
“Partisan anger isn’t healthy for the country?” Neither is hanging the Vice President.
@soylentdean they destroyed property true, I don’t condone it but they didn’t attack the capital building. do you know why they were protesting = humanitarian reasons. something in which this country promotes democracy. so understand the difference. they wasn’t trying to lynch anyone.
@baba yaga ganoush and that’s a significant distinction.
@Jon Morrison did you benefit from trump being president. did you qualify to be in forbes magazine. trump’s goal is to be listed among the top ten. you don’t know trump at all. he used the president’s office to get more money.
@Terry Dolan trump made sure of that when he started the tariffs. but his wife/daughter Ivanka still has her businesses with China. a lot of farmers went bankrupt because of the tariffs.
Looks like the GOP are afraid of a large faction of their members..
I live in NC and funny they had nooo issues with our results.

When are GOP Senators and Congressman Congresswoman a wake , stand for the truth
My friend the truth is a wall being built around the peoples house and you soon to be more taxed while your freedoms are pulled right out from under you in the name of a new filthy corpogovernment credo.Hang on to your second ammendment because control is going to corporate like never before
@Tacoby Colie that’s your stand .? forever? ..we all love Tacoby…the world is pretty vast
@allaredumb they don’t even know..i wish they reached out to game stop
we stand for Nancy…I’ve seen your mansion pablo…power to the people!
This has been going on for over 400+ year’s over 74 million people voted for 45 they really or spineless, cowards and afraid taking and or stealing our tax dollars Congress doesn’t care .
Why would anyone be against metal detectors, given what occurred at the Capitol?
I think any senator that has a problem with it have nefarious ideas.
Ur eyes needs retraining
@trained eye but Republicans won lots of seats on the same fraud system so explain…
There is even metal detector in every school? How come some representatives and senators are against it when they have worst behavior than the students? They should be the model to the young people, right?
@MFBloosh AMEN!

Yup! Nefarious.
Cruz always gives me the impression he’s scared to death, whatever he says, whatever he does. Like the guy who knows that there is someone who knows some dirty secrets about him.
@K Dapson I already replied once but leftwist must have removed it. I spoke of the million dollars of campaign donations that AOC tranferred to her private fake llc bank account. Stealing it. And what about the millions of dollars in campaign donations ilhan omar paid to her husbands fake consulting firm while running for office. Of you got proof of trump pocketing donations let is know . Otherwise you are lying and slandering. Typical for a leftist pos. And as for pardons were you as concerned when Bill clinto pardoned two domestic terrorist killers at the request of Nadler. And Obamas pardon of a terrorist murderer. And all the money they made off pardoning people. At least trump pardoned people who were only targeted because they supported trump not because they committed crimes. In our new way of justice where court’s In prison people because of who they support and even when they dont commit crimes.
I get the same vibe.. your likley right
@Bill T Marchi your off your rocker old man
about the dems
@Emily Curewitz like you
Not “crawling back” – he’s slithering back to the snake pit.
AOC needs to realise politics isn’t a popularity contest, its a game of saving lives by creating legislation that saves lives. All state spending serves some purpose but if you live in a nation that’s hurtling into a national debt de@th spiral as a result of a huge trade deficit causing a spending deficit then the money your ‘popular’ legislation expends translates directly into lives lost when the Blue (Capitalist) mandated high taxes paid straight to their debt interest & the low state spending they force takes food off peoples tables at a rate of £1m for every life lost. I wouldn’t trade 2 of the oldest poorest & most disabled Black (Nationalist) lives to save the politician who murdered them with the opportunity cost of her wasted ‘popularity’ spending, focus on fixing the trade deficit & spending deficit before it makes your entire political system irrelevant by transferring all political economic power from citizens directly to creditors through national debt interest.
In fact the laws of opportunity cost & the principle of 1 life equals 1 life demand that we must sacrifice the life of 1 to save 2 regardless of any Blue mandated law that protects Blue lives from direct action but doesn’t protect Red (Populist) homeowner lives from being hurled back down into the Black (Nationalist) wage slave renter class & directly takes Black lives through extreme poverty & its associated violence to survive. Not everyone is an economist & there is no fault in fighting the corner of the people who elected you, this is solely about the strategy AOC is choosing to save lives. Increased spending may save a few short term but in the long run it will cost an exponentially large number through De@th by poverty while America works its way out of failed state status, history has taught us many nations never fully recover without outside assistance, such as the Marshall plan.
If she truly wants to represent for her electorate (always questionable when Blues hold such huge reserves of political economic power to use as leverage to ensure Blue mandated policies after ‘elections’), then she needs to stop the racist rhetoric that splits the Black (Nationalist) class along ethnic lines & look for cross party support for sliding tariff balanced trade treaties & policies that will help reduce the trade deficit. Black hatred must remain focused on the Blue obstacles to prosperity, especially as the US enters a Blue mandated downturn in its fortunes or all Hell will break loose & cost many more innocent lives with unfocussed rage than just the few at the top who brought about such hate filled conditions as economic ‘busts’ always create.
National Socialism is a natural response to Blue created national debt de@th spirals, economic situation creates political situation & while it may have been refined to remove the elements that divide Black (Nationalists) along racial, religious & national lines, for the false Blue owned media divisions they are, we have lost none of the knowledge of the fastest way to correct a risk/reward imbalance for taking Blue bribes to enact Blue policy as a reward while being insulated by Blue mercenaries from the risk to life that trading the lives of others for money incurs. Everyone is autonomous but as knowledge spreads so too grows the hazard AOC faces from the ‘already dead’ Black (Nationalists) her, possibly unconscious, Blue mandated policies threaten.
“We want to raise wage slave Hell to Capitalist Heaven to eliminate the threat, Red hope for Black (Nationalists) is Blue salvation too, they need…”
@Cropper Copper Aw lol, why’d you change it, banter is my favourite forte.
First off, UK economist who used to work for the voter influence wing of an international group representing Blue (Capitalist) interests, we colour code by actions not statements, political divisions & rhetoric make no difference to economic situation so they are irrelevant.
Blues (Capitalists) – Compete path, live off rents, like to expand trade deficits to cause spending deficits which result in national debt de@th spirals that allow the cheap purchase of property & create new wage slave renter Black (Nationalists), no empathy just business.
Reds (Populists) – Cooperate path, Usually homeowners, like to close trade deficits & seek balanced trade deals not free trade to end boom/bust economics & ensure Pareto optimum maximised growth rates between economically harmonizing trading nations, full of love & don’t get why people are mean.
Black (Nationalists) – wage slave renter class full of violent hate at sprinting to stand still that has to be turned on itself along religious, racial or even national (Iran recently) divides by Blue owned media to prevent attacks on Blues.
you’ll vote for him in..2024..332 likes can’t be wrong
@Chris liv i don’t have time for a newbie on YouTube ,how about come back when you’re been on YouTube longer than 2 weeks..
i have child
@Lewis P Lol, tbf the statements are for the readers not necessarily the recipient, though logical argument for a more efficient system of saving lives than the opportunity cost cascade model is welcome, have a think & if you have a better idea that saves more lives i’m entirely malleable, learning isn’t done by choosing an idea & ignoring better ones.
“Cancel culture” or domestic terrorism culture???? Hmmmm
No more psychotic politicians in office. They need to pass mental health tests!!!
You mean Pelozy and Biden and Waren, and so many of that club.
So people with replies here, an orange lying turd who did not know the meaning of Public Office and being accountable was great, but all the Democrats are the crazies. Sure Sure smh.
@Enviro Mental Don’t get in your feelings lil baby. I and one other person criticized Trump and all politicians. We just want some consistency.
If they did mental health tests, no one would be left.
Aoc is as bad as Trump. Both drama queens starved for attention.
I would love to know the dirt that Cheetus von Tweetus has on all these GOP members.
I respect your mind but I suspect that’s not your mind
@Vickie Adams great debate ..we love you
orange rebel lame.. I’ve been on the internet ..I’ve never thought for myself ..I’ve changed the world
Nothing. They’re just cowards. They know the GOP is dead without Trumps fascist followers.
So if they had successfully killed who they wanted everyone was suppose to forget about it? Enough is enough!!
@plgeorge1000 I just put another pair of underwear on my head after reading your comment.
@Mr. 6 liter are you gainfully employed?
@Mr. 6 liter true when it comes to mit
No one was there to kill anyone. Antifa got a free pass to kill police all summer. Did you forget?
Well…they killed one cop and hospitalized several more…would you gamble your life they wouldn’t have hurt/killed you if you were a congressperson and they had gotten to you?
The fact that politicians are talking about “Cancel Culture” as if it’s a real thing is soooooo annoying. Cancel Culture does not exist outside of Tumblr and YouTube. No one ever died a social death because a group declared them “Cancelled” and you’d think politicians would be above that but I guess Dump made them feel like their job is a popularity contest.
Repubs call being upset at almost being murdered “partisan anger” when we used to call that “justified anger”.
Vladimir Putin must be absolutely delirious with joy and satisfaction.
The White House Apprentice “Where Are They Now” Season 1
I can’t believe all this madness while Americans are dying. What happened to the US?
Nothing. We were always like this.
Those people had compromised consciences before DJT otherwise this would not be happening. Those people have turned themselves over to Satanic forces.
Donald Trump is what happened. His own mother said he will destroy this world.
White peoples and Trump did it..!!
Cruz claims to know what isn’t healthy for this country? whatever, just look in the mirror
Cuz need miss greene needs to be locked up a kicked out of the house
“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…and we will deserve it.” Lindsey Graham 2016.
@John Connor Trump gave massive tax handouts to the wealthy to *NOT* pay for any of America’s bills. The republicans aren’t very educated. They can’t understand complex subjects like Math and Science. Republicans seem to think that the Billions every year military budget (they want instead of things like health care and education) is somehow “free stuff” that doesn’t cost anything to run. Because of that, Trump *increased* the deficit (right wingers pretended to care about when Obama was running things) by Trillions.
@Bunk909 yeah the so called charities he was donating too was just his own pocket.
@Bunk909 jj
The Dirt was talking about s—.
Seems he was wrong. We still here, but with Biden here rapidly going down.