In an apparent private phone call, former President Barack Obama voiced his concerns about the Justice Department dropping charges against Gen. Michael Flynn. NBC's Mike Memoli and Yahoo News' Michael Isikoff have details.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Obama Voices concerns For Dropping Charges Against Gen. Flynn In Private Call | MSNBC
Remember November.
@Kymmberliestarr NY and California pay more (38 BILLION) every year to Uncle while Moscow Mitch takes $28 BILLION a year for Kentucky last 50 years you lying POS.
@Philip Erdman And Trump invades dressing rooms of undressed pageant contestants as his divine right. He can dream about them while drowning in his own bodily fluids from the COVID 19 he’s catching from Steve Miller’s wife!
@Mike Marder Why not, me and your mom’s will be voting together. Didn’t she tell you how bad she feels for giving birth to bad breath smelling dengerate?
Another brain freeze moment for Biden on video( this one is really bad) and now Cuomo putting Covid patients in nursing homes. I can’t see Debbie Wasserman making anything palpable out of this pile of corruption. They’re Saying the only reason Biden is running for president is to stay out of jail.
@C. Morgan Biden….Obama part 3 2020. Going back to real leadership and leaving garbage in the basement stupidity.
Oh boy. Twitter is going to burn down this weekend. Donald has already forgotten Coronavirus
Legend Bartlett The fact that they don’t even know that speaks volumes. Republicans are the dumbest people on earth.
Kenny z Trump was warned by Obama about Flynn and Trump took 21 days to fire him.
For so facts QMAP.PUB
@Raern corner production: deflecting is all you have I deal in Common Sense and Reality;
@Marcus Guzman From the way you are talking you are not even using common sense or reality you are like most sheep living in a dream world that you have been brainwashed into believing in. The reality is that you will be chipped and you will be under the total control of the NWO, they will tell you how to think, where you work, where you live, even if you are allowed to live they will tell you. This is the real reality that this world is heading in as fast as it can.
Treason is getting Mainstreamed….
@darknite 123222 LOLOLL!!!

Ohh dear God!! You are truly too funny!!! Obama!?! Just bcuz grumpy wants something soo bad, does not just make it happen, boy wünder!!!! Omfg LOL!
@G.T.O. Momma No!!! The DOJ works for the People of this Country, and are supposed to work INDEPENDENTLY, of the president, that’s in currently. They worked hard to keep the DOJ separate from the president, since Watergate!! Then came trump and Barr!!! And it’s happening again. And in re to Obama, Eric Holder was only in the first 4 yrs, I believe. I forget who the AG was, after Holder. But no, they are supposed to work independently, of each other!!
@Donald Pfau That, has been the biggest B.S. CONSPIRACY theory crap, that’s been going around, of course, after trump got in!! Alll of the make no sense, crappy admin days are here again. Like effin Watergate 2.0.
@Kristin Kimberly Oh, I misspoke. I fixed it, for ya. Thanks
@Kristin Kimberly You want think it’s funny when you see Obama’s neck snap like a twig. Damnit I will though.
Twitter MELTDOWN in 5,4,3,2..
@ *Kenny Snively* “My boy? “My” boy would be my dead ex, RIP.
YOUR boy, on the other hand, is crashing and burning in spectacular fashion.
Donnie will be reviled for centuries, if we survive him.
tyRump worshipers just can’t get it through their thick, empty skulls that not everyone is like them. We don’t need a big daddy guru to worship and adore. Unlike tyRumpsuckers, who can’t tie their shoelaces without one.
@Dae Dotfan19 Ok Gangster guy lol
@Jonathan Villalobos ok
@Worm OK prankster!
Not such a private phone call then.
He’s concern because his evilness is coming out now. MSNBC wants to make this go away by trying to say it’s not Obama on the tape. You’re all in this cover up.
This is just like Star Wars:
Nancy Pelosi is Emperor Palpatine, Obama is Darth Vader who got played like a fiddle by Nancy Palpatine, Trump is Luke Skywalker, Trump Jr is C3PO, Trump’s wife is Princess Leia, Flynn is R2-D2, Pence is Han Solo, Muller is Chewbacca, George Washington is Obi Wan Kenobi, Abraham Lincoln is Yoda, House Democrats are stormtroopers, Joe Biden is one of those generals, Putin is Lando Calrisian, President IX is Jabba the Hut
Trump is Jar Jar Binks, but slightly more annoying.
@Bob James Trump is Jar Jar Binks with Luke Skywalker’s role
Yes the rule of law, pedophile groomed for position of greater lesser social favor. The control freaks among us love to freak the demon in them.
I heard a lot of binary clicking going on in the background
Liers ALWAYS HESITATE!! They have to pick and choose their words carefully,
John Wudarcki Trump supporter accusing others of lying.

@Jenny Maher That’s what people do when they lie.
Obama is like a employee I use to have. The guy stole my skill saw and I didn’t realize it until I went to his house one day and it was sitting there in his garage…with MY NAME ON IT! He told me he picked it up at a garage sale.
Harold Moore well bathhouse Barry has been good at that. Sho nuff
Obviously … say … Michael looks like he could be running low on something … Adrenochrome?
I want my baby back , baby back , baby back ribs
You’re a sad man John
@*Whips* nah you freaks who like babies are sad ……pizzagate for the rest and hot dogs for barry
@tim allen Im low class. so I dont know how im an elite. Oh and btw theirs no basement to the comet pizza and adrenoichrome is only oxidized adrenaline, theres no study to back up that it has properties to restore age
“Railroad Justice”Is what Obama promotes. Who let this guy out of HIS cage. Wonderboy concerned and worried about his legacy. David
ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST….7th White House Communications Director, 6th National Security Advisor, 5th Secretary of Defense, 5th Secretary of Health and Human Services, 5th Secretary of Veterans Affairs,5th Secretary of Homeland Security, 4th Attorney General, 4th Secretary of State, 4th Secretary of Labor, 4th Director of the CIA, 4th US Ambassador to the United Nations, 4th Secretary of the Interior, 4th Admin Small Business Administration, 4th Director of National Intelligence
4th White House Chief of Staff, 4th White House Press Secretary, 3rd United States Trade Representative, 3rd Secretary of Energy, 3rd Office of Management and Budget, 3rd Administrator of the EPA
2nd United States Secretary of Education
2nd Secretary of Transportation
2nd Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
2nd Secretary of Agriculture
2nd Secretary of the Treasury
1 Secretary of Commerce
And a partridge in a pear tree!
the supply of shitbags is endless, there leftovers from that jug eared shitape crew.
This is what draining the swamp looks like.
The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself.” Augustine of Hippo
I expect Barak Obama to say a lot about this, since he’s implicated in it.
Guilty parties HIDE behind top notch lawyers. Barack sounds too TIMID and INCOHERENT in the audio.
He also looks like he is 80. Many have noticed it.
@Ke Mo No one here smart enough to argue with
That’s right, now shut your pie hole!
The Obamagate controversy refers to several scandals during President Barack Obama tenure, notably the misuse of government agencies, media manipulation, illegal wiretaping, and domestic spying on American citizens to harass political opponents and critics. By the election year of 2016, Obama officials vastly expanded the use of the foreign intelligence gathering apparatus as a weapon against domestic political opponents. In 2013, there were 9,600 FISA search queries involving 195 Americans. But in 2016, there are 30,355 searches of 5,288 Americans.[1][2]
@dan112020 You sir are delusional, sorry if sir offends you.
@eurekajim #VoteBlue2020 You hate America more that CCP. How sad for you.
Michael Isikkoff and Christopher Steele planted stories on Yahoo to back up Steele’s fake dossier. The FBI used those to aquire warrants to spy on the Trump campaign for Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
He is the one meddling in this of course he wants him fired.
I won’t be surprised if he ends up in the big house making little rocks out of big rocks.
He needs to serve one month for every day Trump had to deal with that B.S.!
Biggest conspiracy of 2020: Tik Tok is targeting African American voters to discourage them from voting for Joe Biden

get real
The only thing unprecedented about this is the involvement of a previous president being part of the treasonous attempted overthrow of a duly elected president. The Democrats will lie all the way to the gallows when they are hung for treason. When will MSNBC start covering the real story? Or will they be found guilty of aiding and abetting . . .
If you don’t see anything wrong with this and you don’t see how corrupt Obama and his administration are then you need to wake up.