Following the release of his new book, “A Promised Land,” President Barack Obama speaks with Jonathan Capehart for a candid conversation on how a divided country can heal after a contentious presidential election. Watch the exclusive cable interview with President Obama, tonight at 10PM Eastern, on MSNBC. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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#Obama #Election #MSNBC
Obama 'Troubled' By Attempts To Upend Election From Republicans, Right-Wing Media | MSNBC
Every republican president has given a recession but Trump takes the cake
When will Americans learn.
trump = TWIT
You make #21 with this same quote. You are a bot and are being reported
That was the days dumbest comment!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!
@David Eby Until you posted
@Moe Crawley Trump is like a cancer it keeps expanding.
tRUMP is so JEALOUS of this MAN.
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library2 The election is over stupid. Biden 306 Trump 232. Get over it.
Here’s the full briefing, that CNN, MSNBC and WASHPO will not show you, where TRUMP Campaign Lawyers do a BRILLIANT job of explaining why the VOTE will be rescinded and the results overturned in Trump’s favor!!:
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library2 LOL MAGA Turd…
@Master America Yeah, he works hard undoing everything President Obama did!
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 You poor delusional soul. You really are pathetic. Biden won, and trump knows it. He’s just grifting his supporters!
Time to stand up to defend our votes
@Bruce Smith Dream on, you delusional trump bot!
@Bruce Smith loser, lock him up. Trumpuppet must back to Russia along with his mistress Stormy Daniels
@Bruce Smith The illegal votes are coming from Russia moron. BYE BYE TRUMP
@Justin Case minus all the votes Russia threw to help out Trump just like they back in 2016. DUMP THE TRUMP
@Bruce Smith Sure…. right? Stop drinking koolaid. The GUILTY president was assisted by Russians but was not put in jail merely for Tradition not to indict a sitting president. So but the groper groper groper in chief must rest in peace at Mar A Lunatic
Its a damned shame that this man’s cool decency seems so exotic to us at this point.
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 omg shut up.
You are so right! President Barack Obama brings the leadership we desperately need.
Here’s the full briefing, that CNN, MSNBC and WASHPO will not show you, where TRUMP Campaign Lawyers do a BRILLIANT job of explaining why the VOTE will be rescinded and the results overturned in Trump’s favor!!:
@MB Trump OMG you’re joking right?
obama “It vexes me. I’m terribly vexed.”
Trump is not worth for hide nor leather Trump `Twitter` brain.
awww that’s cute. another salty Russia troll gonna lose his job thinks he’s still changing minds LOL GREAT JOB LOSER!
Obama is certainly observing the real problem: The GOP-politicians who follow Trump.
Obama was and is the spirit of anti-christ his doctrine and ideology is 100% of the devil.
@E Hole eyes from china want osama bin biden as president
@Mike Young neither is biden or pelosi. in fact they are so old that they are turning into leather. worthless leather.
He did a great job observing the 2016 Trump Campaign as well.
Here’s the full briefing, that CNN, MSNBC and WASHPO will not show you, where TRUMP Campaign Lawyers do a BRILLIANT job of explaining why the VOTE will be rescinded and the results overturned in Trump’s favor!!:
The Trumpublicans who are complicit in Trump’s assault on democracy need to be held accountable.
He’s troubled while I’m scared shtless.
Republicans have been planning this a while. Took it out for a trial run in Bolivia last year. And if they fail this time, they’ll be looking for another chance next election.
They succeeded in Bolivia, for a while.
@IPWF yes, and many people died or were hurt. And it just never had to be that way.
Since trumpers think we rigged the election, they might as well not waste their time voting in Georgia’s senatorial race.
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That’s what I say too – the same system that produced the Presidency produced the Senate/House. How come it’s only the presidential that was rigged?
@keith johnson naaah, nothing was found. You’re just sad little troll.
@Possum just a sad sad 13 year old troll who’s world view is based on their parents.
@keith johnson that’s not gonna happen. I’ll bet you 10 grand that biden will be president in January.
That’s a real president.
The reality “star” is a joke. I’m ashamed of my fellow Americans who choose to ruin our nation because of that orange clown.
Year or so from now with biden in office gas prices skyrocket, and our taxes will, you will say they won’t because he said he wouldnt, but he also said he will get rid of Trump’s tax cuts, and that will raise our taxes, so I just proved he lied, about one thing he said, now imagine if people were like that except it was about everysingle aspect of there life….
Wait a minute…
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@Possum According to a Joint Statement by the federal government agency that oversees U.S. election security, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” The government & private sector councils that support this mission called the 2020 election “the most secure in American history.”
But Cesar Sayoc said attending a Trump rally is “like a new found drug.”
@Justin Case that’s hilarious
The people of the world seem to be very disappointed in America
As they should be, but hopefully we can turn that around in time
I’ve been disappointed in the US and their foreign policy for decades. What I find so shocking over the past four years is that the government has actively been going after their own citizens – and half the country are ok with that. That’s bizarre to me.
America has become a total laughing stock to the rest of the world. All morale standing and integrity has vanished on the world stage
Absolutely, so embarrassing for USA
and what?
Finally the blame is placed accurately. Just as the parents of an out of controll, spoiled toddler are responsible for disciplining their child, the GOP is responsible for disciplining their spawn – every last one of them.
when investment bankers start jumping out of windows again we’ll know who to blame. of course msnbc will tell you the ongoing crisis on wall Street since the panic of 1837 is just an anomaly and we’ll be back to normal, .as pt Barnum once said. ..
Daily Reminder: Trump says Corona Virus is a Democrat Hoax that will miraculously disappear.
P.S. — I pay more Federal taxes than Donald Trump.
@MB Trump Trump lost quit crying Trumpanzee it’s pathetic.
@Xavier McDaniel And you believe that? Pathetic trump Slave Parrot…That’s your new name…Own it.
@us citizen Thank you ..Kindly.
Not a hoax, actual germ warfare.
@Amma Sophia I’m afraid you’ve been seriously hoodwinked and you need to save yourself. Trump will take your ever dime and normally I’d be happy about that, because that would mean less of Trumps parrot Slaves bothering folk Everywhere about his very Verifiable lies. Use your own head and stop listening to desperate lies…haven’t you noticed they change by the minute? What Grown, intelligent, decent man allows 250k people to die and is allowing ( given the chance) to allow millions to die? What decent human being would do that? I know you have no answer .Birds of a feather flock together. Right?
They only want the red votes to be legitimate. They don’t truly represent American values.
@Alanison good point. Why does the media lie and hate our democracy? They voice their opinions as facts and nobody has integrity or accountability. For shame!!!
Then why Not let Legal votes be recounted?
Here’s the full briefing, that CNN, MSNBC and WASHPO will not show you, where TRUMP Campaign Lawyers do a BRILLIANT job of explaining why the VOTE will be rescinded and the results overturned in Trump’s favor!!:
@MB Trump only I can See your Comment.
They Shadow Banned you from the Sheeple.
That’s why it posted twice.
You are full of crap, too. The democrats have done nothing but cause trouble the last 4 years. They were terrible under obama. Darm the democrats have a whole history of being corrupt.
Republicans only believe in the Constitution when it keeps them in power, otherwise out the window it goes. They don’t want to govern, they want to rule.
Republicans are discrediting the constitution they seem to be white supremacist dictators supported by proud boys and KKK, they are scary.
That is very true about the democrats as well. Prove me wrong on that!
Biden is 77 pelosi is 80! Why are they even in politics when the retirement age is 67 or 68 across America? Answer: They want to stay in power and rule just like a rogue HOA. That is exactly what the government on both sides is like.
“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” – Jonathan Swift
You are so right! All the trump dunces are against Obama!!
The people have no will, they are to easily led.
He’s troubled, he didn’t see this coming? They blocked or tried to block everything he attempted during his presidency. Come on man!
As Bill Maher pointed out, the Dems don’t even bring a knife to a gun fight.
They bring a covered dish.
As long as you believe it ‘ you get
More of the same ! There not going anywhere Soon
They didn’t have a problem with election fraud I mean the Democrats when it was between Al Gore and George Bush of course there was no fraud there either, come on man
@Steve In that election, there actually were discrepancies, and the margins were extremely close. And, that was only _one_ state! There is no comparison to now, PERIOD! Most importantly, Al Gore nor George W. Bush were want-to-be dictators, like Trump.
AP: “A vote-by-vote review of untallied ballots in the 2000 Florida presidential election indicates George W. Bush would have narrowly prevailed in the partial recounts sought by Al Gore, but Gore might have reversed the outcome – by the barest of margins – had he pursued and gained a complete statewide recount.”
The Florida Recount of 2000
@Mdebacle Yes, the democrats need to stop being nice.
The whole strategy is to make Americans hate each other more and more, so it benefits orange Idi Amins future agenda.
Sidney Powell has the evidence. She released the Kraken today.