Obama Speech in Fayetteville NC 11/4/16
President Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton and delivers a speech.
Full Speech – President Obama – Fayetteville, North Carolina – November 4, 2016
Obama Speech in Fayetteville NC 11/4/16
President Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton and delivers a speech.
Full Speech – President Obama – Fayetteville, North Carolina – November 4, 2016
Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies and More Lies!!!!
Has the nerve to say ANYTHING about someone on a golf course! So totally
laughable this was. Liar in chief.
Prison for obama 2017 with his best friends clintons, podesta, lynch & co
Obama the only thing you have done to this country is to destroy every
thing that Americans have fought for and died for.
we the people demand that you be held for open acts of treason agents the
United states of america
I second that statement.
The current administration is in a panic now to get votes for Hillary
before election day because the information coming out about Bill, Hillary
and Obama is so damaging that they may all be in jail before that day. I
would like to point out that when Obama mentioned voting for Hillary that
he violated the Hatch Act. These people are criminals and their freedom
from jail and prison is at stake. People think about what is happening.
These are the most corrupt sick group of people that America has ever seen.
I ask the people to wait a few days so that you can hear about the crimes
that these people have committed and then make an educated choice.
Half a mile across the street? What a moron. What does gas prices matter
when you don’t have a job to go to. And no he hasn’t closed any overseas
bases and Bin laden was dead in 2002. Lie upon lie.
he was going to close gitmo……. that was a big reason he was elected.
that and hes a well spoken spook and all the race traitors in the country
got to cuckin
Who is running the country?
This guy get the right skills to become a seller of groceries. A kilo has
800 grs. or 1200 grs. It depends, if he buys or sell. Complete garbage. 20
trillions is your debt.
He is desperate, they know the real polling numbers…
America first and Foremost. I voted for Trump. Vote on November 8th. Thanks
I will do the same.
9:30 here is when he start raging at 75year old trump supporter vet
what do you have to hide Oboma to be pushing for hillary? corruption mf.
You said notting good about Hillary when you ran against her. Employment
rate is 7 Percent due to the news this morning. lies lies lies. my job went
over sea we lost 479 workers lies lies lies. you helped outsourced 70,000
manufacturing amercian jobs. lies lies lies. House is so high you have to
have a roommate. lies lies lies.
This speech is disgusting!!! Full of lies from beginning to end. The crowd
praising him are the Deployables. I’m sick to my stomach. Do they not know
the truth? just look at history, statistic or even your healthcAre going up
25% … What is wrong with these people?