Former U.S. President Barack Obama praised Canada’s response to COVID-19 on Saturday as he criticized President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic, suggesting that the U.S. could’ve saved thousands of lives if it had acted more like its northern neighbours.
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Funny, our news doesn’t seem to think we’re doing too well in Canada.
@Bill Murphy oh shut up. No one cares what nonsense Russia is peddling now. Losers
@buttdog420 definitely bots
It’s to give at least an idea of where they should be. It wouldn’t be too appealing or seem possible if they said “We should be more like New Zealand!”
Doesnt know north from south bilt a wall south Canada is north!! Lol
Is it weird that I searched a Obama
Lets all pretend like every population is the same and death rates have nothing to do with science, medicine, demographics, governmental structure, nope its all political.
per capita is just one stat. you need to take in account population densities in cities, average age, obesity / other major underlying health issues etc etc. It really shouldn’t be surprising usa has more deaths than Canada. Just more political propoganda…
@muckhorse96 — So basically, when those variables you listed are weighed, America becomes seen as even more dysfunctional. Cool…
@Choco_ Hot_chocolate dude. If you are in Canada you are an American. North American to be precise.
@HighThereGuys TV americans have more freedoms than canadians? how so? also governmental structure is political.
@counselthyself Americans do have more freedom.
American laws observe constitutional rights.
Canadian law does not.
Do some research
Hotdogs &/or Pizza, anyone? Obama’s gettin’ some, for sure. Everyone knows now too;(
65 000 dollars woth in middle of night …hmmmmm
@Gags Double J Jesus calls them as he sees them in John 8;44..
lmao when the right tries to pretend it’s literally anyone else that is grifting
@Dan Luckins that makes no sense at all.
Biden wants extra cheese yo
Obviously, it’s all purely political.. this just affirms it in another way.
No its life and death as citizens deserve to know what they are facing in the future not just a demented president.
@Trog Lodyte He did endorse Joe. That’s pretty obvious considering he’s campaigning for Joe.
@ImaNHLFan at the 11th hour, didn’t endorse him in the primaries
@Trog Lodyte No, he didn’t. And he said at the time he wasn’t going to influence the selection process.
Canadians are not stupid
How’s our economy?
dead in the water. not to worry, though…1.2 million liberal voters…er..immigrants flooding in in the next 3 years will somehow solve that
@Saddle Tramp Immigrants pay income tax. You think this country won’t benefit from the money they’ll spend trying to live here??
@Saddle Tramp Are you jealous that immigrant kids work harder and become doctors, engineers, and scientists while you flounder away in your trailer park?
@Saddle Tramp you do realize you can’t vote after immigrating. BUT you do pay taxes from day 1. By the time you can vote you will have paid 5 years of taxes without voting and more often than not are quite diverse in their opinion on what to do with their tax dollars. A lot of asian immigrants for example are fiscally conservative.
@Saddle Tramp Immigrants are bringing tons of money to Canada and that saves its economy, Chinese immigrants especially.
Where’s Joe ? Where’s hunter? With Trudeau! They work the same way!
How’s mike doing?
I think he prefers to be called Michael.
@Mikey255 why? Cause I didn’t capitalize his name?
@lou dorchen Magic Mike.
@Mikey255 You spelled truthful weird lol.
Is this guy running for President or Biden?
s too senile to be president Harris the AOC Neo- Marxist will take over within months if Biden wins.
Biden’s running for senate against George Bush. He said so a few days ago.
@J Johnstone Nice. I like where you’re going with that. Trump in 2020.
Biden needed help. This guy is sooo boring compared to Trump.
@Sparkles999 Rose he is not boring, he is incoherent
If Canada has had a better response, it’s certainly not because of our clowns in parlement, its because of our people’s culture and demographic density.
@Arme S definitely, I don’t like the guy in charge of Ontario currently because I am a liberal and he is a conservative but he took the right steps to keep Canada from getting too many cases.
@ADRIAN LACKEY Yeah, probably right about that. They didn’t wait for the mixed messages from WHO to pan out either.
@Gal You’re not the boss of me! You… country!
@Trustin Judeau Masks help curtail the spread of communicable diseases. Why do you think surgeons wear them when they work over the openings of your body that they just made?
@Trustin Judeau That is hard to despute. lol
Stay in your cottage
Came for the video, stayed for the cognitive dissonance in the comments.
you know what CV situation has taught me? Most of the population are not very smart and most are brainwashed and don’t even know it. its unreal
LOLL 2.7k dislikes guess the americans dont like this
@The Monster Under Your Bed Which borders apart from china did he close?
@Pretentious Adonis You Mouth Breather. The individual states do whatever they want when it comes to this situation. I hate Trudeau’s guts but don’t blame him for this virus. Idiots like you shouldn’t even speak
@Anna Cot Me too
@Pretentious Adonis I thought Canada closed the american/Canadian border and trump had been trying to get Trudeau to reopen it
Having checked it was mutually agreed, but Trudeau stated that Canada’s border won’t reopen while America has a high infection factor.
@City Watch Guard Yeah I know
The biggest difference in Canada…Federal, provincial and local governments made an effort to work together (regardless of political stripes). From the top down, they admitted there have been mistakes and tried to learn from them, and they don’t strut around patting themselves on the back every time they stand in front of a camera.
Are you drunk
@Luke just brainwashed!!!!
Our news show otherwise
Bingo !!
When he said “can’t go right now” did anybody else hear “I don’t want to!” 0:19
It is the Canadians, not the Canadian government that have and will always make Canada the great country that it is!!
Its funny that even the CDC now admits that only 6% of the original death numbers were directly from Covid19.
I can only assume this means our covid response blew up half of the middle east.
I’m in Canada, and he’s right. We are doing so well that virtually no one is dying from influenza this year. It doesn’t exist anymore. How about that? I do wonder, though, if the MASSIVE rise in suicides should be counted toward our death rate.
The likes and dislikes. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.