Former President Barack Obama criticized Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) over Social Security at a rally for Democratic candidate Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin. #CNN #News
Obama delivers scathing attack on Ron Johnson over Social Security

Former President Barack Obama criticized Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) over Social Security at a rally for Democratic candidate Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin. #CNN #News
How can ‘any’ person hear Obama and still vote Republican…such an incredible speaker!
@Sebastian White Trump didn’t rent to poor people, lowers property value, unless your racist and think it’s about race
I have a video here of – actually more than one – of Trump advising people to drink disinfectant… Lysol and Dettol had to put out a warning to their customers! So seriously spare me this nonsense!!!
You don’t think “1 million” Covid deaths and the denial that came from Trump that Covid even existed… you don’t think that’s mishandling it?
America had the ‘highest’ number on the “entire” planet, and India and China have ‘far’ bigger populations!
Stop making miserable excuses for Trumps corrupt and terrible Government… where is your ‘self respect?’
We’re arguing with children. Bunch of know it all loonie bins who can’t figure out why the whole world doesn’t just bow down and support them the way their entitled, leftie parents have. I’ve lost all faith in society, in humanity in general.
America has raised an entire generation of porch dogs. Good for sic-ing on your enemies, but can’t survive two days without the table scraps you throw at their feet…..
You are so “massively” out of touch with the reality! Exxon Mobil’s own scientist realised the company was contributing to global warming back in the 50s! Instead they got rid of their scientists and went on a campaign of spending “millions” to cover this up!
At what point do ”you’ start “thinking” for yourself instead of being a “mindless slave” to what the Republicans say please who get “millions” from the fossil fuel industry to lie to people?
Again, I can send you as plenty of info on global warming… climate change? I’d recommend a Youtube video by Joe Scott?
You can search for Joe Scott on here?
Obama drawing more crowds that anyone running in the Mid-Terms. People like me have been watching each one. That’s what a real President looks like. So glad to see him standing up for our rights. And just good to hear his sane responses to issues that matter.
@Slick wrong. I bet you think trump is a genious
@Georgie Biden beat trump with 6 ppl are his hate gathering. Obama would pimp slapped trump
@michael bailey
You need Jesus
@Cesspool Junkie I don’t need a figment of someone’s imagination thump that Bible to somebody else.
@michael bailey
Your master Tinkerbell probes feces in demonic rage
We were once republicans during the Bush era. I had heard then Senator Obama speak on a news program back in 2007, I said to my husband, you have to hear what this guy is saying. A few months later Senator Obama was coming to Wilmington, NC and would be at the Trask Coliseum. We got tickets and were chosen to sit right behind him. Later I got to speak to him and shake his hand. Volunteered to knock on doors etc. Best thing I ever did was listen to him that first time. It completely changed what I had learned. I was hardcore Red with such a hate for the left. Thank God for small miracles.
It’s funny when liberals use God in a conversation. That wouldn’t impress Obama at all.
You should of tried bricklaying or sewage system maintenance or oil rig work….they pay quite well
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing your story! I volunteered for him, too. He’s such an inspiring person.
Theyr all the same, with the exception of one.
@M so much so, can’t get true facts from news anymore.
We should demand we have the same healthcare they do!
ahahaha, Yeah, good luck with that.
@Farriba Habibi You want half of your income taxed? I think everyone pushing universal healthcare should get taxed accordingly. So whatever you earn. Remove 40% of that. Because that’s what those peasant non super power “smart countries” have for taxes.
@Farriba Habibi
@Mark Smith
@Mark Smith
Even though Obama talks about, “having worked for social security” I don’t feel that it’s emphasized enough how CRIMINAL it would be to have people pay an entire lifetime into a program that is essentially a societal contract, and then suddenly decide to “sunset” it, basically telling everyone, “yeah we know you paid into it, but we’re just gonna renege on that agreement.”
@Cesspool Junkie have you tried therapy
@TX Rick like when your two weeks away from your associates degree and your trade school shuts its doors on all its students and faculty without notice?? that was rough after a year and half of study and practice…for nothing.
@TX Rick it’s just a ploy. They use rhetoric a lot around elections.
@TX Rick
@Craigar111 This is either an outright lie, or you are remarkably bad at managing money. The max penalty was 1% of your income for the first four years, and then 2.5% for the next three until they were abolished in 2017. The only way you could have paid 16K over that period if you were making like $90K+ a year. And you could have easily afforded the minimum health insurance required making that kind of money.
Obama, your nation needs you. Use your power, passion, and persuasive speaking to pull us through this mid term. Our country literally is on the line.
@tim johnson some things can’t be fixed. Just like the lack of a relationship with reality you have
What was he did for the country? Oh yeah, Obamacare and miraculously he obtained two or three mansions since his term ended. Someone made out, but it wasn’t us….
You keep on believing this Democrats and you see what’s happening and you still won’t wake up we are so close to World War III just because of Democrats and so many other things
Unfortunately this nation is full of idiots who vote against their own interest. No one can help once they are deep in the cool-aid cult.
Don’t see him helping anyway tho. These politicians just want to get the people to vote and will say anything to accomplish that.
Social Security is a retirement account, period. Paid entirely by our own contributions. You might as well tell people you’re raising their tax bill by 50 percent.
@R M “The government could easily cut defense spending and/or raise additional revenues to help support social security.”
Social Security has literally tens of trillions of unfunded liabilities. Again, this is a math problem. You could zero out the defense budget and you wouldn’t put a dent in it.
“It’s certainly not for a lack of money here because the Federal Reserve “prints” more than enough to go around, trillions, the biggest problem is greed and a callous disregard for the elderly. ”
Where have you been for the past two years? Maybe you missed it but we’ve got inflation levels the US hasn’t seen in decades at least in part because the fed printed trillions of dollars in a time when we already had supply chain problems. You can’t just print money unless production is increasing proportionately otherwise you get inflation.
I’m not worried about anyone being punished. That’s childish. I’m worried about solidifying my own retirement and 12.4% of my income is PLENTY. 12.4% is plenty for almost anyone when invested in an actual investment account instead of a government insurance program that only functions as designed when there are tens of workers per retiree.
@unlisted junk What on earth are you talking about?
Your problem is believing Obama. Nothing said about how we are going to handle SS in the future will change payments of retirees or soon-to-retire recipients. The democrats lie about this at every election and it does fool many….
@BTrain5489 but we would have more of a chance of losing IRA’s as compared to SS.
I cry for the desire to have non narcissistic leaders who will work to ensure a healthy life for us all. Not just those who are fortunate enough to be part of the lucky inheritance club or just plain lottery luck.
The fact that there are so many millionaires in Congress is truly horrifying. of course they’re going to advocate for their own people, other rich folk.
We have one. People need to stop the madness and let President Biden do his job.
@Joe Conley We have the next best thing. Obama’s Vice-president as the President of the USA.
@Grandmaida7 it isn’t a class war. If you want it your way, do it yourself. Don’t vote for, or not vote, people to do it for you.
Thank you, President Obama, on social security!
Scare tactic! If it came down to point where seniors were not getting their payments that would be the least of your worries. The government would have already collapsed.
These politicians go after the most vulnerable of topics – social security being one – and then claim that they’re doing good by allowing us to have it. It’s all a game.
@Lawrence Harris
As a female I never was paid same as my male coworkers. I worked retail on my feet 15yrs, cleaned houses 30yrs, sold ins. 2 yrs, cared for elderly, & adults with developmental disabilities for 6 yrs. I worked 2 jobs Mon-Fri and a weekend partime job. I’ve never been on welfare, I do not have a pension. My social security Retirement Benefits will be my income. I paid taxes 53 yrs & I even worked from 12yr to 18yr babysitting a bunch of neighbors kids Therefore I earned my Ret. Benefits!! Leave them alone!
And MAGA could care less
Seeing how you listed a bunch of years I can safely assume that you have been around a while now. I have heard my whole life that Social Security will be insolvent if we don’t act now. It’s right up there with by the year 2000 the planet will be underwater if we don’t act now.
Both sides do it. It’s what’s called a political wedge issue. Like Obama here is doing, trying to scare voters into voting for his party by accusing Republicans of wanting to cancel Social Security. Yet it would be political suicide for any President, or congress person to touch Social Security. They push fear that Social Security is going to be bankrupt by X. Yet we’ve all seen them create billions whenever they want to. Social security is not ever going to run out of money as long as they fund it
If they can waste 70 billion in Ukraine they can fund Social Security. The only thing that might happen is getting to a point where the program can’t pay for itself from just employee/employer donations. It’s been a self sufficient program for decades. Even generating enough cash that they steal it every so often. I’m close to being able to collect it myself. My whole life I’ve been told the program would be gone before I was old enough to collect it. Yet it hasn’t happened. All that has happened is they keep moving the date out farther and farther. Just like Climate Change. We’re 5 years into the latest 12 years left to live. We’ll still be here in 7 years unless they nuke us, which is more likely than the weather wiping out the planet, or Social Security being dissolved.
Enjoy your retirement, I know I am
@Harold Brooks Proof?
Couldn’t agree more you deserved every penny of it.
If you’re on social security and vote for johnson you deserve whatever happens
Hopefully no one that stupid.
Hey Obama while you’re out there can you FIND my doctor for me. While you’re at it can you stop stealing $10,000 a year from my family’s medical budget to pay for all the cartel’s drugs..
@Lawrence Harris All republicans want to END SOCIAL SECURITY.
Everyone knows this!
@John Smith Yea and I got a bridge to sell you!
If you’re on SS and vote for Johnson nothing will happen to your benefits because you listened to what the Senator said directly and not filtered through a liar like Obama…..
Leave it to President Obama to “Tell it like it is”, what a man. No riddles to unravel with his words, straight up and spot on. God bless President Obama and have mercy on the United (divided) States of America…
@David AtkinsonHave a feeling I know where you are trying to go with this, therefore In his Own words, not mine.
” Obama’s response
I’m a Christian by choice. My family didn’t—frankly, they weren’t folks who went to church every week. And my mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew, but she didn’t raise me in the church. So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead—being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me. And I think also understanding that Jesus Christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as human beings, that we’re sinful and we’re flawed and we make mistakes, and that we achieve salvation through the grace of God. But what we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people and do our best to help them find their own grace. That’s what I strive to do. That’s what I pray to do every day. I think my public service is part of that effort to express my Christian faith.”
— Barack Obama, September 27, 2010.[34][35]”
@Unfiltered h “he picked me up in a limo and immediately asked me if I wanted to score some crack cocaine.after we had smoked some he asked me to perform oral sex on him” . …that dude all over the internet
Cut Social security, expect more tent cities more homeless.
Not his words though. These Democrats are all reading scripted speeches lol. Wake up
That’s how he got promoted to MEET THE PUSS..
As a 62 year old single woman I don’t “ get”social security, I paid into social security with every job I have had since I was 18 years old. My SSI is based on what I put into my “retirement fund”. It’s not a “gift” from the gov. It’s an entitlement because I paid for it out of every paycheck I have earned my adult lift.
I hate to say this but, are you grasping the messaging coming from the republican party ?” This goes beyond abstract projectionist fear mongering !” They are literally telling you what they intend to do if they assume power again !” If this is not an incentive to not vote for them ,I don’t know what y’all could be using for brains !”””
@Sandburg Martin his debate is how the younger generation sees it.
@joyce roberts the younger generation pays for the older generation. Nobody wants to pay another’s way through life, unless they get some kind of pay back.
obuma is lying,it is not the first time obuma lied what about obuma care,how soon people forget,SS is not going anywhere
Copy that, Penni!!!
You know Obama is fired up when he raises his voice (first I’ve ever heard him) but he also spoke fast without taking a breath! I love and miss him but it’s so great to see him on the campaign trail stomping for Dems because this mid term is one of the most important and many of us lives are on the line. Not being dramatic or overreacting!!!
Don’t see how our lives are in the line tho.
Why is caring for people struggling in the richest country in the world a political issue? Oh…of course. Greed and narcissism are hand in hand, which describes most of the GOP.
The some of Richest people on the face of this planet are Mark Zuckerberg 26 billion, Bill Gates 114 billion, Jeff Bezos 171 billion .The democratic party outspent the republican party in the last presidential election by 4 billion (double) . They ARE the party of big money . Under president Obama the shortfall of funding Social Security grew by 5.4 TRILLION dollars. Your children and grandchildren will be paying dearly for this.
@Denise so if someone does good they should pay for you ?
Get real .
You ask a lot of simplistic questions because you don’t know much. First, you need to get a job and work for a living to qualify for Social Security. Second, don’t believe Obama who’s lying to the people who don’t know much.
Only in the USA.. Not here
Seems, to me anyhow, it’s all the politicians. They work to keep themselves and the rich stay rich.
I’ve been working since the age of 13. I joined the military at the age of 19. I’ve had Social Security taken out of my paychecks until I started my own business several years ago but I’ve paid into that system and when I went through breast cancer, they refused to help me because they said I wouldn’t be sick long enough for me to qualify. Fortunately, I made it through. But it angers me that every so many years of my life, I’ve watched the age to qualify get raised. I’m 57 now and hope that Social Security will not be something that I will absolutely need but again… I paid into it and I think it’s very unfair for rich people to decide that it’s not important for seniors to have the help that they have worked for! Trying to take away medical help… Seniors need this as we all continue to age! How can any senior that uses Social Security and Medicare want to vote for these people that want to take it away??? So frustrating. But I love listening and watching Former President Obama. I hope he fires up the crowds enough to make people truly think again

@BTrain5489 that’s your choice, nobody else wants to lose SS ,you must be well off .
@BTrain5489 Then you are a fool. It does not have to be this way…raise the rate to include upper-income earners. Raise the taxes on corporations that are – currently – not paying their fair share. Instead of throwing up your hands and handing over what you have already paid into the system, fight to make the system better and more equitable. Don’t be a quitter – be a fighter!
@Joe Conley Really? You think Russia should just be handed Ukraine on a silver platter. That has been tried before, my friend – the result was WWII.
The government you voted in has been using Social Security for everything but what it was designed to do. Educate yourself on why it’s in the shape it’s in and who is going to do something about making it survive in the future. BTW, you’ll never get the truth from Obama, the one who came up with and lied about Obamacare…..
It’s just a way of scaring people into thinking the other part is going to take away social security. During Trump we didn’t have any ss threats. These politicians are all bs. They work to stay rich and for the rich.
i love that guy, i wish we had a president like him
Are you for REAL ? ! You do realize that Borack Obama was President of the United States serving 2 terms Plus President Joe BIDEN was his VICE PRESIDENT RIGHT? ! .
My God Obama is something else! He is so MOVING and convincing. What an amazing & gifted man!
He is fantastic!!! What an orator. Best in our generation.
Lmfao,you are a sheep..
I’m impressed how strong that speech was by Obama. He’s always smiles and laughs, but he put his heart into that one. That wasn’t anger, that was conviction.
@tim johnson even if it was acting, it was the right way to do it, and it was based on his conviction.
Yes sir! I agree!
And you see these crazy jerks hate him.
Republicans hate Obama
Always hate the ones you love.don’t they.
A lot of son of bitchs vote hate
Vote republican
Vote treason coup
Vote to attack capital our govt.cause they hate you.
Hate our country.and they’ll do everything to destroy of.
Including civil we.
He smiles and laughs at all you naive clowns that voted for him.He got millions from Iran for shipping the cash to them..Lmao at you clowns..
It’s all BS
In case you’ve forgotten, this is what a leader sounds like.
Yes, this is the leader who lied to you about Obamacare and now is lying about Social Security. He tells you what you want to believe is true….
Obama had his own cut social security agenda.
@GeaR You’re the clown for making excuses for someone getting rid of hard working American’s social security. Thank god you’re not a leader.
Politicians have one thing in common – to work for the rich.
@tim johnson so did DeSantis