Former President Barack Obama says Republicans have been "cowed into accepting" a series of positions that "would be unrecognizable and unacceptable even five years ago or a decade ago," telling CNN's Anderson Cooper he is worried about the state of democracy in the US.
#CNN #News
Obama criticizes Republicans for embracing 2020 falsehoods

This show the cowardice of the elected officials who put their own priorities above the country. This is why we must fight for term limits for Congress members (representatives and senators) they have proven that they aren’t there for the people anymore.
@Thomas Blaine oh you’ve been watching DC politics since 1979 huh? Is that why you told me to prove Obama’s corruption? Weird how when I told you to Google it, you said you only found fox news. Why would someone who’s been watching DC politics since 1979 need to be informed of something they apparently already know?
@Death to Communism, keep making up a story about me, just like your grifter. LMFAO. I VOTED FOR ALL BLUE FROM LOCAL TO WH on 2020 election. I will do it again 2022 and 2024. I’m a silent Independent voter for Democratic Party. RIH GQP.
@Thomas Blaine nice generalisation, but this isn’t about both parties right now this is specifically about Obama era corruption. “you point to proof that fits your agenda” no..I point to proof. That’s it
regardless of my “agenda” it’s true Obama was a horrific president that allowed this corruption, that allowed the tax code rigging (he made Bush’s tax cuts permanent) Obama festered in corruption. And it’s a shame someone who’s been “watching DC politics since 1979” needs educated on this. And if you DIDN’T, you wouldn’t have asked me for proof
@Il Was I call BS
@Death to Communism, call what you want death. I don’t give a sh!t about it. GOOD LUCK that the future news won’t hurt your little feeling KKKomrade!
This is enough for sure! We need to push for all positions in DC to have term limits going forward! It’s evident that these people clearly are self serving and money hungry people, not working for their country!
@mjc 427 I dare to say that those republicans were exactly why people voted for Trump. With Trump politics term limits could be a possibility. However you now see that democrats are even more establishment than anyone would have ever known before. Liberals praise leaders of civil service. When your answer is government then who do you hire? You hire the more tenured government employee. Biden is text book. Conservatives accepted establishment republicans because that was the game. But Liberals PRAISE refined establishment political dynasties. .
@Eric Pandorf How so? the amendment proposed had no effect on current politicians holding office. Your point is moot. You might want to take a look at who was appointed on his cabinet, their backgrounds,and question why, I can tell you, corporate money.
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. .

Term limits are blatantly stupid and antidemocratic. Without term limits Obama would be in his fourth term, trump would have never happened, and we would have hundreds of thousands of Americans back that wouldn’t have died from covid. But Republicans tricked people into believing denying the people their choice is good for democracy.
A million Alice’s in a million Wonderlands. Not just in America, it’s a global problem. People care more about their Facebook feeds than their neighbours next door.
Sadly, that is too true! We need to continue to care about each other in spite of our differences! .
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. ./////
@M Hall lol. ok.


. He gave a good speech and that’s where it stopped. Worthless
It is difficult to compromise on policy, when you cannot even agree on reality.
@sidesideful .. but that could be so dangerous right? … Therapists are most often damaged goods therapists in therapy…
Spiritual guidance has my vote..
@Nedya Monarch “causing them to riot”… …
@Lisa Sez what the hell do you think will happen when you shoot at innocent protesters??????
@Brandon West ok so give me a couple of sources then
@SPACESxo which is a mute point since that is now the definition of policy and politicians. Money runs the world and is now ruining it.
The extremely scary thing about obama s opinion is that he refers to “we used to..”. And he is only talking 30 – 40 yrs ago. This has been a rapid decline. Not looking too good for the future even though there r many strong good people everywhere ….
Yep a rapid decline ever since that bastard from Kenya took office . .
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. .//////:::
@Fen Wan
Yeah ..we all know Barry and Michael really made Michele !
I can see why George Washington didn’t want two different parties now… he was right, it did divide us
@Trey Black if you want to live in a one party country then you are pro fascist pro communism anti democracy. There is NK Russia China you can go to
@CrazyFox34 Gaming
Religion is the division
@EP just like the Bible. The Bible King James Version is widely used but nobody realized that it’s named after king James. He didn’t like what the original scriptures said and wanted to keep the people under his power
No it didn’t. The corrupt deep state created all of that. The fake news media, big Corp, big tech. It’s all evil. We Americans are more a like than what this deep state has presented.
And the peaceful fires shall burn into the night illuminating the skies as our elected officials remain silent
@mike taylor Great plan, more weapons. Do Americans ever learn?
@BigFATGOPLiars Cult lmfao! What? .
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. .,,…,.
The rest of America needs to band together and stand up against this tyranny!!
“None of us would claim that that’s the kind of democracy that we want.”
I think the problem here is that *that* is exactly the kind of democracy a substantial number of Americans now want.
@kenmelrac it’s a Democratic Republic
@ReallyRyan correct
@Justin American Trump was banned from Twitter for spreading false information, mainly that the election was stolen (which has been denied by several courts). If that is the right way to deal with it or not, I dont know but there is a point. People never want to teach children that white people are inherently racist. They want to teach children that some white people in the past were racist (slavery) and that people, no matter the background, skin-color, etc. should be treated equally.
@Christoph Thalhammer Here Here! sure my ancient ancestors were racist but I AM NOT.
Everyone needs to be treated equally under the law. And treated with basic respect otherwise.
@Whiskey Tango Yep
We have come to very unique moment of time. Media has been amplified with the internet, which has allowed everyone the oportunity to spread their message, however, with that comes a cost, where we also see a mass wave of misinformation, and propaganda, ultimately not everyone has the capability to comprehend what is true or false. This is the time that we are living in.
@Keesha Looks q
Is CNN lying because they are telling you what you don’t want to hear or because they are not parroting the same points that your favorite media channel does?
“ultimately not everyone has the capability to comprehend what is true or false. ”
But a lot of people don’t know that. They think they are right most of the time and when presented with anything contrary, they tend to even double down to save face.
As if we weren’t wing propagandize before the internet?
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change.

“Did you ever think it would get this dark” ???
??? Vanderbilt dark !!! .
There have been A LOT of controversies surrounding the Vanderbilt family @Jason Roberts …
… If those were proven to be true …
… It would INDEED be very sad !!!
!!! NOT only for this family …
… But also for the whole of humanity !!!
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. .///
NOT even hope @Fen Wan

Btw …
… Who is Donny please @Fen Wan ???
??? D. Trump …
Glad he points to the media having a role in society’s mishaps
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. ……./
@David Patton hey gay hater
The same media that worships his bath water?
@Franko Ramerez And you’re a tool of the GQP (Grotesque Q-Anon Party).. I’ll take President Obama’s and the MSM world view in a heartbeat over yours.
@David Patton I don’t know… Maybe requiring proof of ID for “boting” is a good idea. And maybe an IQ test, as well.
New headline: Republicans refuse to accept ugly thoughts from a “lead from behind” leader. ……
@quark boson no, you just have no education. we tried to get you some education, but beer and couches outside still won! shame.
@Mike ! actually China has a lot on their plate right now. I’m pretty certain they’re not laughing any more.
You need help. Kooks
@Lynn Schmitt They created a virus. Trump called them out on it. The media called him racist. China is laughing.
They shouldn’t have so much power that they have so much to lose in fighting for what’s right. They have too much power and control and it’s time for that to change. They were meant to be in SERVICE of the people, not in charge of anything.
Up your grind, so true. Our elected Congress people and Senate make their own rules according to what they will be paid and all the perks of office. We need to have a governing body of regular American citizens to oversee the perks that these people give themselves. In almost no other job do the employees get to make up their own rules, perks, salaries, and how much they can get from rich lobbyists. …..
“From the moment you start listening to other people stories, you definitely find your own story in one of those stories. When that happens, that becomes the base for cummunity” president Obama
Barry Created Donny. It’s amazing how some people have the talent of talking for 10 minutes without really saying anything. This is a requirement for being elected into office. Please don’t mistakenly assume “more education” always equates more intelligence or improved critical thinking. I want my 10 minutes back. All Hope, No Change. .

“Slavery, segregation, and so forth” sounds like a great history book
Also sounds like the Democrats
@scott shannon what does it even mean?
One factor contributing to polarization in our democracy is that back then, representitives in congress would bring their families with them to Washington, and the families of senators of different parties would regularly interact.
“Guardrails” apparently only apply to certain individuals
Dems are giving millions In aid to other countries while millions of our own people suffers.
I’m not DEM or REP, but I can’t vote Dem for that reason alone. I can’t support people who supports others above my own countrymen/women