Former U.S. president Obama blasted U.S. President Trump's packed campaign rallies, accusing him of being a COVID-19 'carrier.'
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He’s gonna fire chris wray from the fbi as well, this is public knowledge.
I thought it was Joe Biden’s campaign? What’s this failure doing on stage ?
My thoughts too
he doesn’t want to let go, him and his buddies never accepted that Killary lost the election in 2016. Pathetic.
Hi e it up.
Does anyone fact check Barry? Once you are not contagious then you are not spreading it. How utter stupid is Barry? Saying stupid things is how misinformation spreads.
I voted for Obama …I am ashamed to say. Talk about a conman
@bonbonvega Bon what? Lol You saw one of the 3 clans men in the country?
@bonbonvega Bon imagination is fun
what a liar!
Obama and Biden are war mongers who drone strike American citizens with no due process.
So… trump gets censored on twitter for fake covid news this stays up calling trump a carrier… lol?
What is this sad excuse for a poor turnout?
They were built by Obama to take care of unaccompanied minors crossing the border, and only allowed them to be contained for up to 72 hours, at which point a legal guardian is found to take care of them. It was Trump that started the child separation policy, taking children away from families indefinitely and somehow losing track of who their families are.
What’s a corrupted murderer doing on the stage?
Obama should go back into hiding with his purple lips
Obama went from respected statesmen to squeaky voiced beggar haha
A “carrier”,.. get used to that word,.. its soon going to be deemed worse to be a carrier than a murderer, by the powers that should not be.
This is the guy that said, Manufacturing jobs are gone forever, He doesn’t know anything all he does is repeat what his handlers tell him.
He’s just mad because Biden needs free Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga performances to get anyone to show up.
Foreign interference. Obama is from Kenya.
Show me the moneeyyyy!!!!