Oakland Protesters Defy Curfew After Peaceful Demonstrations | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

NBC News Correspondent Jacob Ward joins from Oakland, California where a day of solemn peaceful protests turns into night and a citywide curfew that has gone into effect. Aired on 6/2/2020.
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Oakland Protesters Defy Curfew After Peaceful Demonstrations | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Oakland Protesters Defy Curfew After Peaceful Demonstrations | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @snoop alert We protest the murder of an unarmed black man by police. t’rump supporters protest for the right to get a haircut. And that right there is your lesson in white privilege for the day. 😄😆

    2. @Ro G Trump supporters do not protest getting a haircut moron that your Democratic governor
      And protesting and rioting is two different things you don’t have the right to tear up other people’s property
      Therein lies your problem

    1. oh that would be so awesome. it would do so much to help save the us. i really wish the cops would understand that it is their right to riot, loot, and commit arson like this fine upstanding black lady so eloquently points out in this short clip

  1. “That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Lincoln.

    1. Fred Sanford : Living on channels you HATE, to rant at people you HATE, about the people you HATE, is a sign of mental illness, son. Or, of being PAID to DIVIDE America? Which are you?

  2. Sad news…

    “Let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth!”

    There is a solution to the problems of injustice, corruption and oppression. A *government* that God has established in heaven and which will soon replace the political and economic systems which give rise to so much discontent. What will the Head of this government do?

    “He will *deliver the poor* who cry out for help, as well as the *afflicted* and anyone who has no one to help them. He will redeem their souls from *”oppression”” and *”violence.”* (Psalm 72:12, 14)

    Testimony: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/experiences/bible-changes-lives/fight-injustice/

    1. Take a knee, under the peace.
      Protesters stand against the violence of unfair order.
      Be scared of this words!
      *”I only followed orders”*
      You are a human who can think.
      *Don’t follow unfair orders!*
      You are not a slave who must follow unfair orders.
      Colorful would be beautiful. 🌎
      I hear this music
      🎶 https://youtu.be/MhR4sLgF2cc
      And i cry silently..

  3. Brother and sister Only the Courageous can make peace , Not vandalism and looting.

    1. It’s time to end it, the “peaceful” protests one way or the other, we have lost patience with straight up criminals. It’s BoomTime.

  4. Shut the government down and disarm them. Audit every branch and let’s figure out how they’re going to pay back their 25 Trillion dollar debt. No pensions.

  5. Trump is a dark cloud on American democracy and civility. There is no silver lining, only poison in this cloud.

  6. Oakland – another Democrat party stronghold. Do you know if the cowardly mayor of Minneapolis arrested those blacked up white supremacists that torched the Target store the other day?

  7. Thousands of businesses burned ,looted !! Hundreds of cops attacked ,hurt , some shot ,few killed.
    Nothing about these last eight days was peaceful

  8. Where are all the lockdown protesters! Why are they not out protesting for they’re rights!

  9. That reporter sounds like a Trump lover saying “these people aren’t happy unless they clash with police”, WTF is he doing standing there and violating curfew himself, fire Jacob Ward!

  10. “there was no curfew for whites protesting public health with AR-15’s and storming government buildings” – well said, what about that?

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