New York Times Justice Department reporter Katie Benner joins Chris Hayes to discuss her reporting that Trump weighed ousting the acting attorney general to install a loyalist in his place instead. Aired on 01/22/2021.
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#DonaldTrump #AttorneyGeneral #MSNBC
NYT: Trump And DOJ Lawyer Reportedly Plotted To Oust Acting Attorney General | All In | MSNBC
Wonder if he was working with My Pillow Guy?
That wouldn’t help the pillow guy is a ex crack addict with some brain damage.
How long to
@Kim Walsh y6
@Grand Wonder 6uy
Pillow guy was working for the Govt. But got fired for sleeping on the job
Trump has no bottom.
Bottom no, lardass most bigly
@MidniteSan – #PressF for the poor sap on “The Apprentice” who had the nickname “Wet Wipes”…and *why* it was given to him.
Tfis that
oh wow
I’m beginning to think that this GOP swamp is large enough to qualify for national park designation. /s
This has to be illegal, right? Fire everyone until I find someone who agrees with my psychotic plan to become America’s first dictator.
Id prefer a dictator who doesn’t start wars for profit to an ‘elected class’ of war criminals doing the military industrial complexs’ bidding.
That’s called Fascism
@Kaiser Milo To overturn the election? Even after bar said there’s no fraud
I have fully downloaded this episode video. Please go to the channel I watch
@M G –
went down to GA, he was lookin’ for some votes to steal, he was in a ‘yuge’ bind, Biden kicked his behind, and #45
needed a place to squeal…” 
Convict trump and co. Accountability is a must.
@Ian Dawson is a Joe Biden racial hatred Klan member
@Ian Dawson MSNBC/ANTIFA/BLM/CCP Communist traitors
I have fully downloaded this episode video. Please go to the channel I watch
@V You re**rds are still whining about Trump like little Karens. The irony is unbelievable. News flash – Trump is not the President anymore and Biden lost more than 50000 jobs on his 1st day in office. Keep licking Biden’s boots.

*So many* keep… ‘forgetting’ *that.*
Trump is the king of stupid plots. If it’s stupid, he’s thought about it. A dumb coup. And there are people who want “to just move on” without Trump facing justice.
This is a “George Costanza-type” plot. Puhleeze!
He was draining the the swamp.Deep,real deep.
Never, Never, Never!
Another example of how much corruption will be exposed now.
@CynAnne1 Silly liberals, you might want to check the report from Homeland Security, CIA, and the Feds on Russian ties with democrats. You will then see that it goes both ways, but you easily manipulated sheep think ONLY the republicans are bad LOL. You don’t even see how ridiculous you people are, defending these politicians who are more corrupt than your little brains could ever imagine. what we need is a new party, that doesn’t fight over EVERYTHING, and actually cares for us….but i guess you liberals are just fine with them cutting stimulus chekcs in half, and only giving 2 in 12 months, while every other major country in the world gave their citizens much much more.
@Mike Ditka Shees, who would have thought, heh, another Q conspiracy theorist without 2 neurons to rub together who thinks he has “special” super double secret information that’s going to cause a storm. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you. Heh.
We checked, Ditka… *did you?!?*
Along with…
And ‘you’re welcome’ for *the edification provided.*
@Mike Ditka
someone needs a social distance hug, (…6’…), there ya go. /s 
@Steam fish White rice I’m thinking that the GOP are taking their swamp up for national park designation status in an upcoming bill, watch this space.
Just like the suspension on a car, buildings also need shock absorbers.
Can’t even imagine if he’d gotten four more years…l mean dictator for life!
Scary thought.
Yfis that
oh wow
Maaaannnn. DO NOT PASS GO! Go directly to jail.
jesus christ!! he def needs to be convicted or he will be back
There’s still is a lot he’s done that we don’t know about.
@jhl jhl lol, trump and his campaign advisers, Flynn, and dam near everyone around trump, was coordinating with Russia, LONG BEFORE trump was even SWORN IN as president. Boy, you people are surely lacking in the critical thinking skills
@jhl jhl- Imagine how foolish it might feel to be an intelligence agency and not know at least as much as the Russians know about what’s happening in our own country, and rather more about the behavior of the president, or president to be, with Russian ties. I’m sure our intelligence agencies are not fools. And there has been suspicious behavior of a certain president for years.
@John Ontargo Trump against democracy.
Democracy won.
I think that GA phone call is probably one of a few! We almost had Trump succeeding at this stuff — in other words, rigging the election!
@Sally F –
went down to GA, he was lookin’ for some votes to steal, he was in a ‘yuge’ bind, Biden kicked his behind, and #45
needed a place to squeal…” 
Conspiracy all the way! Trump should be impeached and Clark ousted by Biden! Smh!
@Joe Boyko It has been done in the past.
@Leo Scheibelhut When? Congress doesn’t, and has never had the authority to impeach a private citizen. Take a basic civics lesson and learn what impeachment is.
@Joe Boyko What’s your point!
@Joe Boyko You intellectual, you!
@Integrito If you have to ask what my point is after I’ve already clearly stated it, you might want to consider brushing up on your reading comprehension.
trump tried everything, didn’t he? Let’s hope he gets his just reward, prison and no longer able to run for any govt office.
* Tried to fix the Dem Primaries, so he would face one of the joke candidates, anyone but Biden. That failed.
* Then had Putin and Xi launch a bio attack on the West, while he deliberately sabotaged the federal response, pulling the US out of WHO on day one, so they wouldn’t save lives, all while Kushner sabotaged the federal distribution of lifesaving medical equipment to hospitals, so they wouldn’t save lives. All to mass murder as many voters as possible, especially in the cities that won’t vote for him anyway, his native New York being top of the list, ’cause they dare reject his greatness. Terrify voters from going voting in the midst of an engineered pandemic, so the record low turnout would secure him a second, third and fourth term untill his glorious death, all while grooming Ivanka or Don Jr. or Jared or other member of the dynasty to take over from him in best North Korean fashion.
* All of that failed too, ’cause as bigly clever as Trump is, he forgot all about mailed-in votes. When he realized that, he panicked and replaced the US postmaster general with some random talentless lackey who immediately tried to sabotage the automatic sorting of said mail votes by pulling the machinery. That failed too, ’cause the little people in the post offices just refuse to understand the rules.
* Then turn to his brainwashed mob to turn up and scream ‘stop the vote’, crying non-existent election fraud somehow part of mailed votes. That failed.
* Then launch mountains of pathetically frivolous lawsuits, expecting the judges he appointed to vote in favor of him. That failed, ’cause those judges somehow misunderstood the unspoken agreement too.
* Then suggest falsely that his vice president could deny the official tally of the vote in Congress, only to send in his brainwashed mob to rush the hill and find this official no. 2 and snap his neck in the gallows, while blowing the brains out on no. 3, the house chairwoman, to clear the power chain and finally consolidate his self-evident dictatorship for life in best Saddam 1979 fashion. Having deliberately pulled almost all security troops on the hill for this vital occasion, and refusing to receive any call for sending in the troops, while he watched it all on TV with glee. But somehow, all of that failed too, ’cause the troops stopped taking orders from the official no. 1 and took them from no. 2 instead, ’cause they didn’t understand the rules either and decided to be ‘patriotic’.
No, that’s actually what happened. Only a few good men stopped the fascist coup in America.
Great recap of Trump manny attempts to keep power by force agaist the will of the people.
There’s the Trump we all know and despise! See, gonna be lots of trump news to come!
All of which will be lies and fake news.
@Richard Lind try clicking your ruby shoes three times, Dorothy. You’re going to have to wake up sometime
But this kind of stories are now kind of fun. This one is almost a fairy tale “The magically disappearing votes”. You just need to add a couple of witches, a broom and a black cat.
@Marcia Sandberg – The *’bigly’ best part* …?

The *GA lie, debunked…and by a Fox ‘News’ reporter,* no less.
If true, that DOJ lawyer should be disbarred and prosecuted.
And his boss…
He was a Trump appointee, confirmed by the GOP Senate. He was only there for about two years. He is NOT a real DOJ attorney.
There’s no “if true” to question after all it’s Trump that we’re talking about his final weeks in office we’re filled with pure desperation and when nothing else fell through he incited an attempted overthrow of the Government.
After Rudy and the pillow guy and the kraken you surprise he tried that LOL

trump trying to make the DOJ do his bidding for his personal gain is impeachable
“Magnificent”… his stupidity and gall is astounding. Pure lunatic perfection. Good riddance.
Yess! All of the above

Ffis that
oh wow
Without legal accountability for all parties involved, we can never call ourselves a nation of laws. What we just witnessed is just practice, if we don’t send several someones to jail for this.
It’s like he really thought nobody was watching him.
sociopaths are like that. even thought they know it also they don’t care. it’s a condition of how they think, act and do-not feel empathy.
He was trying not to be too obvious. lol
Ffis that
oh wow