The New York Times reports that Russians have hacked the Ukrainian gas company "Burisma," the company linked to Hunter Biden: "Experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens…" Aired on 1/13/20.
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NYT: Russians Hacked Ukraine Gas Company At Center Of Trump's Impeachment | Hardball | MSNBC
Documents can be planted as well as discovered in a hack, you know…
modern muscle69, how ironic, you use the little boy who cried wolf to describe democrats when trump has been proven to have lied 15,000 in just his first three years. How does it feel to be that unintelligent.
@Andy Smitty The only thing “incestual” about any of this, is how obviously badly Trump wants to smash Ivanka.
Crazy Madness is a great screen name! It fits.
David Sullivan yeap.. that’s correct and I’m guessing they altered a few documents
SouthBay RickyBobby so YOURE a Russian/enemy lover ha ? U protect the, instead of your people?
THIS JUST IN: Thing Unrelated to Trump, happens during things related to Trump!
@Don Jr Loser Wow you got him there
@dude guy It’s not that hard. He makes it pretty easy.
Uh oh something huge is about to come out about who received moneys out of that so called missing $5 billion dollars from Burisma’s holdings because this clown Matthews is trying to already spin it before it comes out!
That’s a proven conspiracy theory outside the cult of Trump World.
What missing $5 billion are you referring to?
I wish they would hack my bank account and insert some rubles.
I will take a couple of Russian women as well.
@Byron Schroedel why to get peed on like traitor trump?
@NotMe Us you are a child or an adult with a child mind. Seek help for your TDS
What about the Iranian people being attack by their government
michelle belle You been smoking crack I can tell you’re saying that by experience
Dean Nornan You leftist won’t exist any longer when we go to civil war I can’t wait to see you all drop on the ground you deserve it I got your IP addresses and I know where half of you idiots live now it’s also on 8chan
Super Kunt Mozzie DemoTurds
Daryl Leckt You idiots would believe anything that comes from msnbc
Delmus Ingle Leftist liberals are hypocrites AMERICAN HISPANICS FOR TRUMP 2020 Tejanos for trump 2020

I don’t want to hear Swalwell talk out of his mouth. I want him to talk out of his rectum and emit the usual gas he loves to deliver.
That sounds hot.
He’s a perfect example of a mental midget.
@SpikeFlea I’ve never heard the term “mental midget” before but I’m going to start using that as an insult. Thank you, my friend.
@Stephen Straughan You’re welcome! It’s one of my favorite insults in my arsenal. The first time I heard it was on The Sopranos when Chrissy and Tony were talking about suicide. I never use it in that context, but the words are fitting for small-minded, goldfish-brained individuals like liberals.
The Russian authorities are guilty of invading Ukraine since 2014.
@Sheldon Earthstein
Wikipedia says Ukraine joined Soviet Union a year later after creation in 1918.
@Al 72 I’m ukrainian but i don’t have DeLorean DMC-12
@Я в инете
And Irish had potato famine, and they blame England, but not English people of today.
@Al 72 I’m only partially afraid that the Russians are not changeable. They always consider themselves righteous. They see their truth
@Al 72 That’s partially true depending on your point of view. The facts are that Ukraine would either “join” or be occupied.
—Thank you Al 72.
They’re trying to clean up blood without asking how it got there.
Kinda like how Trump takes a dump on the floor, denies it exists, cleans it up, then gets praised for cleaning it up.
Zachary Hutchison bro thank you I thought I was the only one lmao dude is trippin
T Dogg so you admit the Democrats are just as bad??? May be a breakthrough
It’s like SNL every day but more pathetic.
You You delusional moron
You I know where you live
Swalwell is so full of crap he’s going to burst
Russia Russia Russia none of us are safe they will come for us while we sleep. Stfu especially this fartface.
The media must be owned by Iranians. These reporters are dumber than a box of rocks.
“Do something for the national interest”
Trump kills a terrorist
Dems: How dare you!
Can we not see how you people just spread fear and lies like come on Russia is not this big bad boogie man stop trying to make everyone afraid.
Chew Vader someone had to say it
right? lmfao
The world is going to become an uninhabitable cinder in less than 12 years if we don’t pay more taxes is a good scare tactic. After 12 years and nothing happens they will have to come up with another scam.
Maybe “prosperity causes obesity” would be a good way to tax people into poverty. to save the world would be a good one. Bernie would like it. I wouldn’t be surprised if my little joke became one of his talking points.
Even if they did , the only thing we care about is exposing political corruption
When this is all over, I hope everyone remembers your names “journalists”, executives, producers, even assistants, so that you can no longer walk on the streets without being publicly shamed. Then again, you’ll all probably be Epsteined by your masters first.
NYT: Russians Hacked Ukraine Gas Company At Center Of Joe Biden’s Corrupt Family. Fixed it for ya.
The fake media lost interest in the Iranians real quick. I wonder if their anti-Trump narrative being completely destroyed has anything to do with it.
Pres. Trump consistently turns out to be strategically and tactically effective as well as in the right. It’s been a long term problem for the controlled media.
Why would American allies matter to Trump who didn’t pay him off tho?
Let me correct the Head Line. “Russians hacked Ukraine Gas Company at Center of Joe Biden’s Corruption”
Well, can’t trust anything Rudy got out of Burisma now, looks like the Russians have been poking around in their servers planting fake evidence!
– Hunter Biden is part owner of a private equity company that obtained 2 billion in cash from the bank of hong kong. (FACT)
– Hunter Biden smoked crack in strip clubs 3 blocks from the whitehouse and regularly spent thousands of dollars with credit cards that had no name on it. (FACT)
– Hunter Biden’s private equity firm invested billions in Chinese Defense contractrors. (FACT)
– Hunter Biden’s private equity firm bought 30% of the largest mine in Africa before the governments even knew about it fact in a joint venture with the chinese government.(FACT)