New reporting from The New York Times states that records show Trump's financial situation is dire — but who does he owe all that money to? We discuss with Michael Schmidt of The Times and Andrea Bernstein of WNYC. Aired on 09/28/2020.
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NYT Reveals Trump's Massive Debts, But Who Does He Owe It To? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
This just shows how broken the US is. We require more qualifications & background checks from McDonalds employees than we do from the POTUS. We should all be hanging our heads in shame.
We, meaning the country, need to demand thorough vetting for the top job of running the country. The lessons we have learned from this presidency are staggering.
The presidents finances should be one of the prerequisites for holding office since it can directly affect his decisions.
@Jeff Webb After everything Donny and the GOP has done, the entire constitution will have to be revamped. They also need to get rid of the electoral college. It’s insane how outdated this country is.
No. We required very little from white POTUS. Obama wouldn’t have been able to get away with this.
Donald Trump is killing this country
Fragile Crystal He may be a troll… but he’s right
And killing Am. Citizens
@elias ali ali so ate U the walking dead??? BIDEN/HARRIS 2020

Mauling it, it doesn’t die so quickly.
He owes the Russians. He is in Putin’s pocket. We have a compromised president in office. He is whoring America out to the highest bidder. Sell out traitor draft dodger.
Now we know why he did nothing to protect us and why so many people have died 206,000+ 7,100,000+ infected with covid19 he rather us die then let us panic.
He want heard immunity, a massive die off of the population.
Agree with Michael Cohen on everything he is saying concerning the +$46 million, etc. I believe he needs Russia more than ever now. Here’s what I’m thinking – Most of the extreme Debt by the King & his relatives were transferred to Russia probably through the Deutsche Bank to pay for wealthy housing in New York, Florida, etc. (Russia owed a huge amount of money to the USA & the State of New York, etc. that was never paid to the IRS). But it will be the women that he fooled around with which will destroy him eternally together with all those religious fanatics & their so called “Christian” values through his Taxes. That huge Moscow Trump Tower could also be used for ICBM rockets with rocket launching pads & rocket launchers with those rockets on their way to maybe Chicago & Detroit. The Mueller report never did any counterintelligence report or even financial report on Russia & the King even with other Family members, all were off limits ordered by the King I believe. All the convictions they did get were merely pawns. The AG & the King had a field day with that report to the American public. I believe the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles Rettig will be in deep deep trouble with also the entire IRS once all the Tax records come out – this was merely the first report by NYT. Also I believe then it will be time to get all his Tax records that go way back to the wealthy Father from New York. Just more reasons I believe Russia (big financial friend of the King, etc.) will come in & stop that 2020 Election in November & promote the King from President to Dictator so he will never leave office with huge power & wealth which he needs right now (through big private Tax Money coming from the 30 billionaires & other rich Republicans who Did support him). You can be quite sure they will all be stopped from leaving the USA. And the chances are less that the King & the Family will be bumped off latter from someone in their own corrupt Party. If Russia does not come to the rescue now – he blew it big time.
America: “Our elected president is a deadbeat and a crook, a shyster and a fraud. Lets blame foreigners”.
Putin MBS Erdogan all have reason to Blackmail Trump. He is a National security threat and disaster.
Agreed just looking at his actions or rather inactions from Trump when the world needed to hear something positive this POS takes care of Individual One!
Every country around the world has reason to blackmail Trump, Including UK, Canada and Australia.
Freaking Insane.Never Underestimate the Stoopidity of the Public….for allowing this ConMan in the White house in the first place
America: “Our elected president is a deadbeat and a crook, a shyster and a fraud. Lets blame foreigners”.
Don’t forget the Saudi’s
The Republican Party is no longer a political party/movement. It’s a criminal organization
BC stargazer
tRump is a threat to the US and world Peace!
However tRump is just a pawn of his Enablers in the fascist Repuglikkkan Party!
The fascist Repuglikkkan Party could have terminated tRumps ambitions of becoming a Dictator several times!
When tRump was impeached!
The fascist Repuglikkkan Party chose party over country, Fascism over democracy!
Then again at their party conference, they could have rejected tRump and nominated someone who cared about the America Democracy and the American people!
Instead they once again chose party over country and Fascism and a dictatorship over democracy and the American People!
It’s been that way for decades.
@Prussian Blue America has been an ally of Israel since its founding. Their security and sovereignty us in America’s national interest.
Is Israel perfect ?
Do we like what the Netanyahu government is doing ?
I’d say no, how about you ?
widdle donnie’s move to “solve” the middle east peace problem is no solution because it eliminated the Palestinians from the equation.
GOP = Trump Inc.
2020 ballot:
– Biden-Harris
– Putin-Trump
Having a broke potus on a hook for a ton of dough – that’s your nuclear weapon.
Biden an harris for sure lets get the dog out
America: “Our elected president is a deadbeat and a crook, a shyster and a fraud. Lets blame foreigners”.
hahahahaa…don’t EVEN go there
Trump portrayed himself as a successful business man. From the sounds of it, he is anything but. I can see now why he wouldn’t turn over his tax returns for public viewing.
Did you just now figure it out?
Did no-one check out his claims, did they just except what he told them.
So all those bankruptcies before he even ran wasn’t a clue?
Trump’s ego is probably going to get the best of him. He’ll claim that he was successful, and that he just took legal tax deductions. I believe that he is really a failure.
How can you tell that Trump is lying about how wealthy he is?
Because people who are truly wealthy, don’t go around bragging about how wealthy they are.
Trump’s word is worth about as much as a diploma from Trump University.
Trump’s word is his CON.
He only lies when his mouth is open or thumbs are tweeting.
Is that the only comment you know how to post?
David J You know he’s lying If his mouths moving & there’s sound coming out …..
@Marla Hill You keep posting this same question soooo… same question back to you
This too is true, at least not the guardians of “old money, ” the (woman) wearers of good “old” jewelry. They don’t leave the money to the children, they leave the children to the money. The greater part of the money held in America, however, is held by those whose money is so new, the green comes off on their hands.
His interest are foreign, not this country. America has always been great, it’s why his father, wife and in-laws migrated here.
US banks know he’s a deadbeat and won’t loan to him. …so he goes overseas. We need to find out what Deutsches Bank is hiding. Plus Jared + Saudi princes.
America is great a killing people. Especially it’s own people as well as others who cannot defend themselves from the trillions in debt you have borrowed to devekop mass killing machines.
America is also great at protecting the rich.
@Lucky this is a false narritive, and I hope you don’t live comfortably in America reaping it’s security rewards talking like that or else you would be a hippocrate. But all happens under who’s ever in charge

No wonder Trump has such a big crush on Putin’s bona fide billions $$$$$.
@Ken Albertsen yes very True
no one is supposed to know
Birds of a feather flock together
But SHhhhhh
America: “Our elected president is a deadbeat and a crook, a shyster and a fraud. Lets blame foreigners”.
He’s jealous!!!
That’s who he owes the money to RUSSIA
Patrick Hill cool! Do we get to wear masks and ex army gear and carry long rifles? Oh? That’s the Repuglican Army? Never mind.
Now we know why Saudi Arabia acts like they own the U.S. Military.
however it is ,what it isn’t always, you know
I wouldn’t put past Trump to taking a cut on all of those military weapons and airplanes he loves to sell to the Saudi’s. Is this why he lets the killing of an American journalist go unchecked?
Barr and Kushner have deep money dealings with Saudi princes.
They’ve been suspected of donating heavly to the Republican Party through the fossil fuel lobby since 1980
Russian debt, Saudi debt north Korean debt?
It’s being reported that Trump recently contacted Stormy Daniels, and begged her for some of that hush money payment back.

@Iain Herridge Melanoma is a good one.
Agree with Michael Cohen on everything he is saying concerning the +$46 million, etc. I believe he needs Russia more than ever now. Here’s what I’m thinking – Most of the extreme Debt by the King & his relatives were transferred to Russia probably through the Deutsche Bank to pay for wealthy housing in New York, Florida, etc. (Russia owed a huge amount of money to the USA & the State of New York, etc. that was never paid to the IRS). But it will be the women that he fooled around with (like horse face, etc.) which will destroy him eternally together with all those religious fanatics & their so called “Christian” values through his Taxes. That huge Moscow Trump Tower could also be used for ICBM rockets with rocket launching pads & rocket launchers with those rockets on their way to maybe Chicago & Detroit. The Mueller report never did any counterintelligence report or even financial report on Russia & the King even with other Family members, all were off limits ordered by the King I believe. All the convictions they did get were merely pawns. The AG & the King had a field day with that report to the American public. I believe the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles Rettig will be in deep deep trouble with also the entire IRS once all the Tax records come out – this was merely the first report by NYT. Also I believe then it will be time to get all his Tax records that go way back to the wealthy Father from New York. Just more reasons I believe Russia (big financial friend of the King, etc.) will come in & stop that 2020 Election in November & promote the King from President to Dictator so he will never leave office with huge power & wealth which he needs right now (through big private Tax Money coming from the 30 billionaires & other rich Republicans who Did support him). You can be quite sure they will all be stopped from leaving the USA. And the chances are less that the King & the Family will be bumped off latter from someone in their own corrupt Party. If Russia does not come to the rescue now – he blew it big time.
@Waryaa Wariiri ewe… but funny.
@Andrea Sesterheim I find it unnecessarily nasty, and I’m a lifelong Democrat. Melancholia I think may be more the case.
And a root
I like presidents who don’t get their hair done every morning.
He’s supposed to do it himself!
And get made up, he was very orange and sculptured yesterday.
@Bill Walsh …you mean like Boris “Berxit”Johnson (although he is not a president) WHO ALWAYS LOOKS LIKE HE JUST ROLLED OUT OF BED, PUT HIS CLOTHES ON, AND THEN… “OUT THE DOOR”

(sorry for the caps forgot to turn off)
@Michelle Whatshername Really? but he never pays them – or even tips them

Not done, Bill, fastened.
Trump and the Republican senators are destroying the United States.
Vote them out!
@GoT fan 2320 It’s always so refreshing to see a well-constructed comment, such as this. Well said.
After the debates….you will see REBUTLICANS start to sneak away from the public eye like RATS FROM A SINKING SHIP!!!!!!!! AND/OR start to spill their guts about the insanity and lies “liddle donny” has been pulling on the USA for 4 years in hopes they won’t do AS MUCH PRISON TIME as CHUMP!!!! I bought POPCORN for this show (:
@Ronald Benoit I thought it was a name in no known tongue.
did recognize the middle name, and the first was a the first syllable of the capital city of Scotland — lovely place. The last name? Couldn’t make a guess, educated or otherwise.
Rosenstein ran interference for Trump. This is why Mueller wasn’t able to uncover this.
Yep, Rosenstein was a snake in the grass the entire time. He got scared when he let it slip about wearing a wire to oust the president.
And Mueller is an old school Republican who couldn’t imagine how much Republicans have changed since the Tea Party, Trump, fundamentalist Christians, and QAnon.
Vote Blue! Vote early if you can, vote Joe Biden and kamala Harris!
@Froggy I haven’t heard anybody ask Kamala for reparations. Or does she get a pass like some of Democrats unborn babies?
@Johnny one you’re still not making sence … what does that have to do with slavery?

@Froggy ACTUALLY, ABOUT 205,000 NOW!

@Froggy Good comment but it is spelled *SENSE not…*SENCE

Think about this for just a second. The “president” of the United States is such a credit risk, no American bank will loan him money, yet he controls the IRS, the military and has the nuclear codes. Vote trump out! #AmericaOrTrump #VOTEBLUE2020 #BIDENHARRIS2020
Agree with Michael Cohen on everything he is saying concerning the +$46 million, etc. I believe he needs Russia more than ever now. Here’s what I’m thinking – Most of the extreme Debt by the King & his relatives were transferred to Russia probably through the Deutsche Bank to pay for wealthy housing in New York, Florida, etc. (Russia owed a huge amount of money to the USA & the State of New York, etc. that was never paid to the IRS). But it will be the women that he fooled around with which will destroy him eternally together with all those religious fanatics & their so called “Christian” values through his Taxes. That huge Moscow Trump Tower could also be used for ICBM rockets with rocket launching pads & rocket launchers with those rockets on their way to maybe Chicago & Detroit. The Mueller report never did any counterintelligence report or even financial report on Russia & the King even with other Family members, all were off limits ordered by the King I believe. All the convictions they did get were merely pawns. The AG & the King had a field day with that report to the American public. I believe the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles Rettig will be in deep deep trouble with also the entire IRS once all the Tax records come out – this was merely the first report by NYT. Also I believe then it will be time to get all his Tax records that go way back to the wealthy Father from New York. Just more reasons I believe Russia (big financial friend of the King, etc.) will come in & stop that 2020 Election in November & promote the King from President to Dictator so he will never leave office with huge power & wealth which he needs right now (through big private Tax Money coming from the 30 billionaires & other rich Republicans who Did support him). You can be quite sure they will all be stopped from leaving the USA. And the chances are less that the King & the Family will be bumped off latter from someone in their own corrupt Party. If Russia does not come to the rescue now – he blew it big time.
good points and so scary!
BEFORE WE ARE ALL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is this no surprise we all know president dump is a crime lord and mob boss that stinks of lies plus corruption.
“…president dump is a crime lord and mob boss that stinks of lies plus corruption.” …….. all of which endears him to Trumpsky cult followers.
vote Biden America. You owe this to your people. its time Trump pays for his crimes, including the loss of over 200000 lives
Not all of the deaths are attributal to Trump. Just 80% of them. His inaction because it might make him look bad meant that lockdown measures implemented elsewhere weren’t imposed resulting in a death rate per million population 4x that elsewhere.
@Rain Maker 5781 he announced it then allowed exceptions without screening and allowed the virus in. Hes killing off people like you who don’t social distance. Ever notice that he gets tested and separates himself from his rabble but encourages you to squeeze together at his rallies. I hope you don’t get the virus. Some of you still call it a hoax.
@Paul Elford been to 25,000 person rally,no optical in covid .2 weeks ago.No reports of any who attended.We all wore masks,too many Karen’s out side the event, dying to call you in and watch one get a 1,000$ fine.

Rain Maker 5781 we saw those rallies. There were few masks. After the events COVID cases spiked, Tulsa, Arizona, Minnesota…
@Paul Elford 25000 thousand damage masks strong .you just admitted your eyes are wide shut
Stageringly embarrassing that our President of the United ‘States is a known deadbeat.
Well he is trying to pay his debts………………using the US treasury to pay them
I bet most of the “deplorables” pay at least a thousand in taxes every year.