Nick Burns, former U.S. Ambassador to NATO and Peter Baker join Andrea Mitchell to discuss the national security threats that accompany the stalled transition and the New York Times' new reporting on President Trump seeking military action against Iran's main nuclear site. "If we launched a military attack on any target in Iran, what we know about the Iranians is they do hit back," Amb. Burns says. "They could try to kidnap or kill American citizens anywhere in the world. They’ve done that in the past.” Aired on 11/17/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#NickBurns #PeterBaker #MSNBC
NYT Reports Pres. Trump Sought Options For Attacking Iran | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Hate to say I told all you……three years ago!!! Take trumPIG out now!!
@FirstRyan Murray I agree with YOU……tell Trump’s MAGGOT brain DEAD supporters that !!

@Carol Kelly EXACTLY…..when someone SHOWS you WHO they ARE…… believe them the FIRST time !!! He SHOWED US his ROT during his campaign…..the mimicking the handicap was just the start of ROT to come from him !!
@Cassandra Lyman EXACTLY….. he’s EXACTLY the ROT we SAID he IS …… point BLANK… straight UP SLIME !!!
No no no, he won …
Its like Trump wants to take out his internal rage by endangering everyone else. Get rid of him. He is a petulent child who when doesn’t get his own way, he will react with as much vitriole, vengeance and violence to feel better inside himself. He, even at his age, has not grown up.
Thats why his name is diaper Donnie..
He is no child, he is Evil
@Josie Schulz Mike Pompeo wants and seeks support from Europe to bomb IRAN with Israel, before Donald Trump leaves the White House on JANUARY 20, 2021 , it betrays the West and the Christians for Israel and the Jewish lobby, AIPAC zoa
@Truth91 Mike Pompeo wants and seeks support from Europe to bomb IRAN with Israel, before Donald Trump leaves the White House on JANUARY 20, 2021 , it betrays the West and the Christians for Israel and the Jewish lobby, AIPAC zoa
He has never gown up, and never will.
He needs to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. He is mentally unstable and will cause many thousands of deaths with his narcissistic and irrational rage.
He must be removed and now.
@orphan 200

The Democratic House tried just that. BUT…
@Markus Patients 25th is different
He needs to be removed as we speak. Trump is evil and the devil is working thru his body and mind. He is willing to start a war to get what he wants. To this day I don’t understand how some people can support this. Please get him out there before he is doing something the whole world is regretting it.
@orphan 200 At this stage of the game I believe the Senate Pubic’s would vote him Mien Fuhrer for life.
When all is said and done, Trump and his cronies and enablers need to be held accountable for their deeds.
Atrocities in the name of democracy ? Crazy !
Corey Allen, Clinton was investigated ad nauseam with no charges ever brought. Trump and his sycophants are guilty of crimes against the country and humanity. If Biden’s Justice Department doesn’t bring charges, Democrats will lose the next election to a third party.
@Cory Allen Learn history before making dumb comments. Oh, I forgot you must be a Trump supporter. Did you ever hear of the Nuremberg trials? That’s why many of Hitler’s officers fled like cockroaches to avoid trial and certain death. Look it up. Educate yourself and then get over it.
@sbgibbons99 States are just as if not more responsible for handling of the virus. The entire world is struggling with it.
trying to pin the blame on one person is ridiculous.
@John DiGiacomo what crimes?
America please please do not underestimate Trump’s SOCIOPATHY, he is capable of anything and everything.
He is making History.
All people stay together. if other countries are tattooed. Russian will enter the country to take place. and not an america.
He’s only capable of what the repug senate allows of him.
Trump wants to leave Joe Biden and the American nation in desaster, this is his way of getting back if he’s ever arrested. It’s Trump payback at the risk of every man woman and child. He has no value for any lives, power and his own agenda is paramount. Wirld leaders relationship has been marred with distrust with Trump. What else left for trump to do?? Treated to take everyone down with him or save him from going to jail by sending fear in the American people and throughout the world. He wants the world to support pardoning him.
Other countries secrets are not safe with Trump, if he’s not pardon. Trump tongue is a real threat and danger to whoever near and far spreading misinformation to drag them in the mud with him. A very bitter and twisted man.
Well this is only my views of what seems so blatant.
@cruz silva Actually you are sort of right yet also wrong. Congress is necessary for war to be declared BUT a president can initiate military action against another country which that country could view as an act of war by the US. So in reality trump could get us in a war without him declaring war.
Terrible!! Maybe trump want to go war to stop joe Biden presidency …
@David Dennison Open your eyes, Trump doesn’t care about the presidency anymore, he knows he lost it already, and knows he can’t change the election in the courts. He is resorting to plan B: What he is doing is setting everything up for his re-election in 2024. He will start a chaos on his way out of the WH. That will be in the form of a war or anything like that, then Biden will be busy dealing with it for 3 years, and by 2023 he will accuse Biden of mishandling the situation and will re-energize his sheep-like base, then he will run as “the savor who will save America from the chaos (that he himself generated on his way out).
Right now he is just taking a small lose (the 2020 election), but he will come back in 2024 as a glorious “chosen one” to save America…., and by that time if Biden is not doing great, Trump will have the proof he needs to sell his view that democrats can’t govern the country. You will see it.
I thought Trump would start a war before the election.
If he starts WW3 all his supporters better be the first people to go to war and sign up
He could try it! It might not work for him. Pompeo is not getting attention from his diplomatic visits.
@Terry Hawkins you don’t understand foreign policy.
Trump is losing his mind. Why are we allowing this President destroy America on his last lil over 2 months in office.
@Liberty Freedom GROW UP. You are one absurd and ANNOYING individual.
Liberty Freedom, as James Carville said recount them again watch him lose twice! The recount in Georgia has actually increased the lead for Biden. The world leaders are refusing to officially welcome Pompeo, and they are congratulating Biden. Trump is losing every lawsuit, and Giuliani is filing suits claiming voter fraud, then finally admitting that the suit isn’t about fraud. Trump is now committing acts of sedition by attempting to sabotage the government before Biden assumes office. He’s a weak petty little man, and proving it by his actions.
Are you kidding?!! He lost his mind a couple of miles back.
@gloria duval good one!
Not “is losing” — HAS LOST his “mind”.
djt would like to turn the United States over to Joe Biden in the worst state possible….that’s why.
This. He’s already proven he is more than willing to be petty and vengeful against those he doesn’t like/who he sees has wronged him somehow. That he would do this on the global scale is unforgivable.
@Soul Searcher Where is the SENATE.
Trump is already sabotaging every part of the government he can, so GOP blame Biden for everything for the next 4 years.
Trump, if I lose the US will lose, exactly how he thinks.
That’s great again for america
Exactly! If he’s going down, we’re all going down. Very scary!!!
April Hylan, did you ever expect anything different? Trump has no regard for the country or the people. He never has, and never will. I said it was going to get worse the closer it got to election, and when he lost he would try to burn the country down before Biden assumes office. What Trump is doing amounts to sedition. These are the actions of a petulant five year old.
@John DiGiacomo
If he attacks Iran it hurts America…. that is his goal.
I doubt the military will attack. I hope Iran will drop a bomb on Trump’s properties. They know what he’s doing.
Trump is taking revenge because he lost the election. Spoiled man baby having numerous tantrums. Sad
His goal is to do Israel’s bidding . Your President is paid in shekels, pal.
Edward Snowden posts video showing how simple it is to hack voting machines ‘used in swing states’.
“Hurts america”?
America creates wars. Millions die. Millions more are rendered stateless. They try and escape their plight. The influx results in societal upheaval and discord in neighbouring countries and beyond – American shores not so ‘easily’ reached.
Acts of terror increase. Europe and Asia bare the brunt.
America actually does quite well for itself – her economy flourishes. Her military complex rakes-in the cash.
Hopefully he’ll be dissuaded from initiating a nuclear holocaust – if only for the sake of special allies in the region.
He is the apittimme.
Of evil.
Just no human.
Decency no dignity
No integrity just a
Souless induvidual.
He is the antichrist. As evil as a y creature can be. He hates himself for his inadequate nature and his lack of intelligence a d by hating himself he hates everyone else. He needs to go now before he ends the world. NO ONE IN THE US CAN STOP HIM BLOWI G UP THE WORLD. THOSE ON GOVERNMENT ARE COWARDS AND THE ARMY A D POLI E ARE UNDER HIS SPELL.
I can see you were the first to be eliminated in the spelling bee Deputy Dog!
@Barbara Winterbourne it’s important we don’t start our own conspiracy theories. There are still good men and women working hard to protect our democracy, Constitution, and country. Those whose allegiance is to the U.S of A and not one man, and will defend against anyone trying to do irreparable harm, even the President. Have hope, the nightmare will soon be over.
And to think 70 million voted for him, it literally makes me sick.
Trump is deliberately trying to start a war doesn’t care about American soldiers lives are American citizens life
This “lame duck” period doesn’t work when you have a bag of noxious gas like trump in office.
That duck needs to be taken out with some 8 shot.
He wants to start a war so people forget that he lost, he is just trying to hole on to power
The SDNY is welcoming Trump back with open arms BUT he is very very afraid.
Trump’s scorched earth policy. Little rich kid throwing a hissy fit.
Trump just wants to throw an endless hissy fit because he knows he’s a loser !
He was a loser long BEFORE he was elected in 2016
He is a little girl who did not get her way.
Trump is acting like an arsonist, trying to burn down the country that bankrupted him for the insurance.
@Brian Nave the machines are not connected to internet. Good luck with the “hacking”
Putin is squeezing Snowden’s balls – only a gullible fool would pay attention to what he has to say
Darling Dear
‘Online and vulnerable’: Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet
@Muddy Water lie, trump lost. Their is not a massive plan of election fraud. Trump has lied and gaslighted the american people. Trump is dangerous for the world.
@Muddy Water Don’t blame us for your willful ignorance. It’s your choice, dolt
@Pamela Mattox oh’ no? Take a good long hard look at Michigan… and listen to what comes out of the governor’s mouth.
He’s trying to ruin Biden not check Iran. ..he’s nuts has to be removed now
I think you meant to write “HIS nuts need to be removed now.”
Trump is the most dangerous commander-in-chief we’ve ever had.
Yes trump is a insane psy patients a nut case
Trump support are demon minded people who come from the back woods devil worship people poor loser who live in ancient times.
@Sonn Moon You sound like a pretty reasonable person….
@Sonn Moon take your meds hahaha
Pompeo is moving money around and should be watched carefully.
Irony is Pompeo used to be a law enforcement officer.
@victor maz lol ..depends on if Trump is the one who hired him or not.
Trump is deliberately trying to start a war doesn’t care about American soldiers lives are American citizens life
@Chris Chris Just because you did not know who the Kurds were, does not mean the rest of us did not.
@John DiGiacomo This is a PERFECT encapsulation. Thank you for posting.
Chris Chris, I tried last year, they weren’t taking 67 year olds. What about you? Understanding global politics is apparently something neither you, or Trump know nothing about.
Edward Snowden posts video showing how simple it is to hack voting machines ‘used in swing states’.
Trump killed more Americans through his covid mismanagement than 5 wartime presidents combined. Nothing is important to trump except staying in office and creating a fake legacy.