The New York Times obtained President Trump’s tax information extending over more than two decades. Reporting reveals that Trump paid 750 dollars in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and paid zero income taxes in ten of the previous 15 years.
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NYT Obtains Two Decades Of Trump’s Tax Returns Revealing Years Of Tax Avoidance | MSNBC
Don’t see many of his supporters on here I guess not much to say
The bot scripts are being updated.
Even Moscow can’t handle reality of fake taxes trump has hid entire life, 100% conviction rate!!!!!
@Richard Hunt 7:40A.M. Monday, Sept. 28, 2020; Right Now on Muscov Ave. where I Live!!!*
*FACT:* _Trump’s tax returns PROVE that he has NEVER been a billionaire. NEVER, NOT EVEN ONE DAY!_
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel Blasphemy to claim to know the mind of God.
@Flavius Stilicho *One of My RePlys to you was MURDERED!!!!*
*I HATE this WAR by U-666-Tube against Freedom of Speech!!!!*
*ALL I said was the word Lib-Trards!!!! Let’s see If it Sticks!!!!*
It’s unbelievable how many people are talking about this
@Ja B I think I have read “Biden will loose” at least 6 times in the last few weeks. Republicans are not sending us their best
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel If anything you say is true, he would show his returns and brag about how he is a great high tax paying citizen. You’re just deluded and fooled by your crooked leader.
Now we all know:1. Donald Trump lost a lot money in business so he did pay federal taxes. So he is not good at economy. 2.Donald Trump is FAKE billionaire

He was a fake back in the early 90s. He dumped his first wife for the gold digger Marla Maples just to try and boost his image.
*Federal grand jury indictment underway. The whole administration. Obstruction.*
Chris – Go watch the Project Veritas investigation that aired today.
Confirmed on video, *Ilhan Omar* campaign involved in large scale voter fraud.
Trumps taxes are a distraction.
One might think that after 4 years you would have learned to wait for some evidence…
@Chris the MAGATARDS got played by master con man
@Hildebeast Clinton Hitler was nominated in 1939.
@deee 327 The evidence is front and center! Just because you refuse to acknowledge what is right in front of you does not mean that it doesn’t exist!
Whenever he starts playing the accordion you know he’s lying.
First President to ever file for unemployment. #EvictTrump
Now THATS funny
He plays the accordion more than Weird Al Yankovitch.

Does Trump know he could easily prove this article to be “fake news” by just releasing his tax returns? Like he knows that’s an option… Right?
*DONALD Trump is under AUDIT, & so You Know that DonaLd Can’t ReLease his Tax Returns!!!!*
The Presidential bar has been set so low for Trump.It’s truly embarrassing and sad.America deserves much better.
I pay more taxes than Trump.Wow!
Vote all Blue
on every level in Sept/Oct/Nov.Vote early

trump: “I can prove to you the NYT lied. Here are my real tax returns.” There, pretty easy isn’t it?
Nobody with 2 brain cells is surprised by this. Can you put him in prison now please?
February 2021
@vote red Trump 2020 stick with the subject. You MAGATARDS got played by a con!
@vote red Trump 2020 nice deflection. Still doesn’t change the fact that trumpf is a liar and cheat, doesn’t even pay his taxes, doesn’t even show up for work, let 200k people die.
@vote red Trump 2020 Ok, so if you put Trump in prison, he won’t have any women, to grab them by their genitals. Trump’s, inmates will be grabbing HIS little, tiny, blue genitals.
@Love Music dont get upset bcse u like trump lies n 397 don’t
Let’s propose a new law… You don’t pay taxes you can’t be president!
A President suppose to be an example to follow not a F’ing criminal!
Anyone: The sky is blue.
Trump: Fake news.
@muuuuuud if you say so. Did you get that from an anonymous source as well?
@muuuuuud . Funny you would say that since evidence was just released about how the Bidens received 3.5 million from a high ranking political figure in Russia. She also happens to be the richest women in Russia.
Thats factual. Your Kremlin accusation is just another conspiracy that ppl like yourself wont let go of.
@My Dude you are skeptical
@My Dude How many ways does Trump need to be found a crook, a con, a liar, before his supporters will see him for what he is?
@bryson west
The poorest uneducated GOP racists and traitors come from shithole redstates that collect half their budgets from blue donor states FACTS
People making only minimum wage pays more taxes than Trump!
@My DudeI would give him one true statement. He has to make up for the other 199, 000 other times he has lied. I would give him credit because I am fair. There are other issues I have with him that are more pressing to me. I think he is just an unethical person who lacks empathy. I cannot vote for someone like that. He would have to become a completely different person for me to support him.
@Type99Arisaka Look at us!! Like seriously!!

The world laughs at us… Hes trash… Defend him all you’d like… Hes Incompetent and we deserve better… Lied about COVID was the last straw for me
Jay Allen He is getting troops out of the Middle East. Made record peace deals. Blm/antifa terrorists making it ghetto.
@My Dude Bruh!! Come on… There are HUGE REASONS why hes never wanted to release them… He kept coming for President Obama for yrs about his Birth Certificate all while having a PURE Dumpster Fire within his Tax Returns!!

@Anthony Egidio
*Tony Egidiot; Yeah!!! Your SOD O MITE ReMark; IS the Reason, WHY I WILL,*
*be VOTING for TRUMP & ALL RePubs, on My BaLLot, in 2-Weeks!!! Sept. 27, 2020!!!*
How can he nominate a justice to the Supreme Court when he and his family may have committed tax fraud?
Great comment.
And how can Mitt Romney vote on his Supreme Court nominee when he voted to impeach him?
No surprise… Anyone who listens carefully knows he is a con…
anyone with a brain. 60-65 million will still vote for him.
christian black
Trump 2020
If Tax Evasion could take down Al Capone, it can take down Trump.
He’s broke we all knew. Thats why he never wanted his tax returns made public…DON THE CON
That’s what it’s starting to look like! My suspicions all along. Can’t wait for the rest of the information to come rolling out.
@Ray Bin Even a few casinos can get bankrupted when used a giang money laundering machines. Probably Donnie laundered billions and billions for Putin and his oligarchs.
It was all of the above. he’s broke, he pays no taxes, he’s a tax fraud. now if only we could get his school transcripts.
@christian black
He only conned the Republicans, everyone else recognized bull sh-t when they heard it. I hope that “Trump-care” covers brain transplants!
Don’t look at me…..I didn’t vote for the Orange Clown
“The emperor has no clothes, and in Rump’s case no much money either. But he’s got HUGE DEBTS!”. What a winner!
Let him spend the rest of his days in jail. From President to Jailbird.
He’s an embarrassment to our country.
He’s an embarrassment to himself. I read a lot of comments, so many from Canada, Ireland, Australia, Germany and other countries. They feel sad for our country because of trump.
So Biden saying a day ago that he joined the Senate 180 years ago…isn’t an embarrassment to our country? Come on man.
The biggest welfare king is Donald J. Trump. Grifter in cheat. Failure at everything he touches.
Trump hasn’t failed at anything he touches. He wins at everything. He’s the president and you’re not and neither is your murdering maniac Hillary Clinton. Doesn’t look like he failed at all.