The New York Times is reporting that Rep. Matt Gaetz sought a blanket preemptive pardon for himself and congressional allies during the final weeks of Donald Trump's presidency. #CNN #News
NYT: Matt Gaetz sought preemptive pardon from Trump

The New York Times is reporting that Rep. Matt Gaetz sought a blanket preemptive pardon for himself and congressional allies during the final weeks of Donald Trump's presidency. #CNN #News
Only in the MAGA world is asking for a pre-emptive pardon, NOT a full admission of guilt; _”I’ve done nothing wrong, but I need absolution for all the crimes I didn’t commit.”_
@Budom K do you have proof he asked for it??
@Capt. Tamre’ Colby you lack one thing, evidence. No proof has been presented to prove Gaetz wanted a pardon, and Trump shot this down.
@Michael Williamson The reporter says supposedly he asked for a pardon the title is confusing you, genius
@Jim River
That’s cool and all but I’m not referring to the reporters. I’m referring to the idiots in the comments thinking he’s indeed guilty of the accusations against him
@Michael Williamson You commented “@Jim River stupid. The point is the report claims Gaetz asked for a pardon, but gives you no proof of Gaetz asking for this pardon. You’re taking the word of of a report at face value instead of waiting for the evidence to be presented. You reek of ignorance.” Now you are trying to say that you meant it for people making comments. You are wishy washy
“But I’m not guilty! Please give me a pardon to prove it! Please!” Matt, only guilty people need a pardon.
Or targeted people.
Please Matt?
Did you witness him say this to Trump?
We are ALL INNOCENT until proven guilty! In a court of law by our peers! Not by the MSM or Politician’s!
@Joe Bright
@Hugh Mungus There all a bunch of
Themselves! They just don’t want to admit it!
Nothing says you’re the true “Law & Order “ party than dozens of party members seeking blanket pardons
If TRUMP Said It . You Know It Was A LIE.,
NIXON The President Who Became A CROOK. TRUMP The CROOK Who Became A President.
@Wayne Dalton No That’s FOX With The Fake News.
@Wayne Dalton Or FOX News With OBAMA GATE.
That lady is weird looking, why is her chin so narrow gross
Asking for a preemptive pardon is like an admission of culpability. if he knows where the dead bodies are I predict another Epsteinization.
Lmao you so basic. Everybody bout to get epsteined
whatever bro
True, I am sure he was part of that ring anyways. Drain the swamp Trump said…

@You never know! it is either trigger words CNN deletes or YT. The most innocent comments are being deleted nowadays. YT cancelled me twice because I reported some vile comments and trolls that harassed me. The comments were acceptable but reporting them one to many times gets you cancelled YT says. I now do not report a soul, I do not understand their rules and I have read through it a few times and I have always kept to it. It is still very random though and selective.
@You never know! lmao LMAO
@James Severino

If this doesn’t go well, he can always audition in Dr. Suess as the Mayor of Who-ville.
Yeah, that’s what he looks like. I’m dying here, laughing so hard at your comment.
@keepit kawaii gay
@amatuercounciler Dane Yes, yes I am.
I’m Waiting for Donald to say he never knew Matt. Never met him. Had dinner with him but didn’t know who he was. Only spoke to him 3 times. Had a friend that knew him but they were never introduced.
Trump did not let him off the hook. Thanks for all the unbiased and equal time reporting on Hunter and Joe’s illegal ways of getting rich and all the women he’s done wrong.
@William Ray unbiased? Getting rich and all the women joes done wrong? What about Donald and his paying a porn star to keep quiet? Rudy admitted Donald paid her. Donald’s married so That’s adultery. What about over 20 sexual assault allegations one being the rape of a 13 year old girl Donald was accused of? You were quick to defend him on that. Joe didn’t say he’d be dating his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. Joe didn’t say one of the things him and his daughter had in common was sex. Joe didn’t say he didn’t rape a women because she wasn’t his type. . So save your unbiased crap.
I love it. Joe Biden is the president and you guys are still worried about TRUMP.! Lmmfao.

Done and done!!
In the real world, sharing pictures of naked women and films of the aforementioned in work would get you fired from your job. Our politicians should be above this, not 1000 feet below the bench mark.
Most of your government are geriatrics who act like children. See the problem?
“The party of family values”. Lol what a joke
@A B the republicans are the ones who will seek to trumpet “family values” and morality. Is it too much to ask that they live up to it?
@A BNo, because he’s a Republican and Bill Barr’s (Republican) justice department started investigating Gaetz last summer already. And Gaetz got so scared that he asked Trump for a general, preemptive pardon. That right there screams guilty. BTW, I agree that Trump and Clinton are somewhat similar regards to women, though Clinton is less callous and obnoxious about it, and he never had a claim of sexual assault against him, and with Trump there are plenty. But they definitely crossed ways in Epstein’s circle.
Hey!.. Nobody’s accused Matt of sexual relations with family members !…but that might make some sense considering he keeps insisting that he’s had sex with someone he didn’t have to pay…humm…
@A B monica was of age. Bush senior had a long time mistress, when aked about he said mind yer own business.Every minute of the governments time was spent on Monica, nothing was done for 21/2 years for what? Thats all the republicans had , nothing got done.what a effing nightmare our system has been.while the 1% take it all
@Olive Eisner woo hoo..great Twice song.
Matt Gaetz knew he was caught with his “pants down”, and was looking for pardon before Trump left office. He is now up the creek without a paddle.
Where is the proof of that please?
Matt Gaetz had his “pants down” after farting loudly and saying “pardon me.”
@Cornelius Gal

Cept that never happened, and has been corroborated by literally noone. Guess you didnt read the paper today, cause it looks like Mr Gaetz story actually checks out. Former DOJ admits to shaking down both Matt Gaetz as well as his father for 25 million. FBI now investigating extortion claims and the best part is the guy who tried to shake down a sitting us congressman , admits he asked for cash. Yall a bunch of idiots, this blows up in your stupid democrat faces like everything always does.
He is in it up to his lips!!
A paddle would be of little use to him now!!
Time for him to negotiate!!!
What does he know,
and on whom does he know it?
This SOB knows he is guilty and always did. Guilty as sin. Needs to have his day in court. Let’s not sweep it under the rug…
Why did you poison your daughter ?
@Adam Silesia
Probably to prevent you from enacting your Gaetz fantasies on her
He is probably trying to cut a deal.
You know, like Epstein!!!!
Does he have Epstein-like resources?
In the end, money was of little use to Epstein.
Daddy Gaetz (crying): ‘What have I always told you, didn’t we bring you up right, how dare you behave like this and shame us so. Didn’t you learn anything, how many times did I tell you? Never get caught’.
You called him daddy!!!!! lol
@Olive Eisner Lol if that’s an indication of “CCP bots” and youtube statistics being rigged, then explain to me why every video with “Biden” in the title usually has 2x or even 4x the amount of dislikes than likes? Surely these bots and rigged statistics would have Biden getting millions of likes and next to no dislikes, meanwhile videos of Republicans getting millions of dislikes and no likes, right?
@Olive Eisner What does Chyna have to do with this?
@Ace Oh YT tries to keep up with the “Biden” stats! Go to the livestreams for the WH and even during the campaign they couldn’t pay people to watch. Meanwhile ordinary channels are getting massive views on livestreams no joke!
But overall CCP owns big tech everyone knows that. It has nothing to do with R’s. Most of the R’s are D’s anyway so that’s part of it. But mostly they just go back & forth making people divided. That’s the #1 goal. Partisan bullshit. Like this comments section for example.
Mar a Lago Resort.
Switchboard: ‘One moment, Mr Gaetz, I’ll see if he’s available.’
(Makes internal call)
‘Good morning, Mr President, I have Matt Gaetz on the line.’
DT: ‘Who?’
Switchboard: ‘Matt Gaetz. He says it’s urgent.’
DT: ‘Never heard of him.’
Switchboard: ‘Thank you, Mr President.’
(Hangs up. Returns to caller)
Switchboard: ‘Mr Gaetz?’
MG: ‘Still here.’
Switchboard: ‘He’s out.’
(Hangs up)
Switchboard (mutters to self): ‘A**hole.’
Active investigations find evidence of a sitting congressperson who trafficked minors for sex. Suddenly Q people are like “where’s the evidence?”
Lol yes…they are all about evidence now
Q people ALWAYS go on evidence! I think that you have them confused with Democrats! (Where talking points suffice!)
@Lisa Saunders you funny
“We will learn more as we go.”
Never a truer word was spoken.
And never did I enjoy these words so much…
Rarely do we get to see someone’s career spiral so quickly down the drain whilst slightly enjoying the sense of justice trailing behind it.
@amatuercounciler Dane We FIRED That Fake Prez Nov 3rd.Now We Got Mighty Joe Biden.
@Lisa Saunders You Mean Like All Them TRAITORS WHO STORMED THE U S CAPITAL That Should Be Hung On The Capitol Grounds.?
@instantsiv sure, because noone actually does anything wrong or illegal. It’s all just spin or PR.
@Meme Short it can be both. Extortion to not reveal a real crime.
“I need a pardon! ”
“Why, what have you done?”
Just like the democraps They dont need a pardon, and for day after day corruption!!
@amatuercounciler Dane We are in power now and deciding your people’s fate lol. Funny. Who’s going to prison and who’s in charge now? Tell all your Qanon garbage buddies to get a “daddy” when they get behind bars to protect their backside bwahahahah
@amatuercounciler Dane turns out QAnon was right, but they had the wrong party. It’s the Republicans who are secretly stealing children and sexually molesting them, drinking their blood and sacrificing them to satan.
Pretty swampy bunch of characters. And the hits just keep on coming

Mama always said, “birds of a feather…”
Republicans: Actively committing the crimes they are publicly accusing others of… pedophilia, election fraud, inciting riots…
Both parties do that.
He literally looks like a human version of Butthead from Beavis and Butthead.
That’s an insult to Butthead!
That’s what I thought too hahahaha
You can’t literally look like something. You literally are something or you FIGURATIVELY look like something. I cannot wait until the constantly misused fad word “literally” goes the way of “Not!”
I’ve decided to step back and focus on family… You can script this like a one star Netflix series.