NYT: Firing of U.S. Ambassador Is At The Center Of The Giuliani Investigation | The ReidOut | MSNBC

Regarding the raid on Rudy Giuliani’s home, The New York Times is reporting that the “warrant also sought his communications with Ukrainian officials who had butted heads with Ms. Yovanovitch, including some of the same people who at the time were helping Mr. Giuliani seek damaging information about President Biden, who was then a candidate, and his family.”
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NYT: Firing of U.S. Ambassador Is At The Center Of The Giuliani Investigation | The ReidOut | MSNBC


  1. Trump, Putin, Manafort, Flynn walk into a bar…the bartender immediately shouts White Russians for Everyone!

    1. Hi…. I’m Joe Biden….👈😳….

      …and there must be
      some “mistake”…👈😳….

      They just delivered some new
      “Monogrammed” stationery”,
      to “kammy” and it reads…

      “From the desk of
      POTUS “kammmala harris 👈😳..
      VP “anybody from california”….👈😳

      I think they misspelled
      “kammy’s” NAME….👈😳….

  2. He loves this country….. So much he is plotting with other countries to undermine US democracy…….

    1. Yes Rudy Giuliani is a patriot he loves this country that is why he tried to undermine democracy yeah tell us another one

    2. Yep, such is the new definition of a “patriot”. The far right has made the term “patriot” such a dirty one that real patriots are disgusted by it.

  3. Trump on fox : it is double standard…
    The People : Yup, thats true…FBI should raid trump family organisation,club house at same time
    Trump : this is witch hunting
    The People : Yup, you are the witch

    1. Funny thing about USA is Trump tried to overturn the election up end Democracy and he will prolly go to court for his Taxes..screw Democracy right who cares..but money..that’s important :Putin Mission Accomplished

    2. @missusri Yep — and so nice of Eatspit andCry to provide such a clear example of that stupidity, too.

  4. I been saying for years…whatever you do in the dark will one day come to light….well..actually I don’t know who came up with that phrase…but it is true. i’ve done some dirt in my past and boy…did karma get me good. Stay on the right path folks !

    1. Luke 8:17: “For there is nothing hidden that will not be made known; nor anything concealed that will not come to light.”

    2. Someone wide told me something very similar, don’t do anything in private you would be embarrassed about if others knew.

  5. What if Zelinsky from Ukraine made a public statement about the Quid Pro Quo phone call and the smear campaign against Biden now that Rudy is being investigated? It would break the internet.

    1. I’m pretty sure I read, shortly after Biden’s inauguration that the Ukranian administration contacted the new US administration willing to cooperate with information of Giuliani’s, & Trump’s, roles & contacts with them. They admitted that they waited for a new administration to take office before coming forward, they very much feared retribution from the Trump WhiteHouse, as America is a key ally & they’re in jeopardy from Russian occupation. I won’t be surprised if Ukrainian officials are also providing information on this matter…

    2. @Eatspit andCry You should be drawing on a sidewalk with chalk. Not using up your mommy’s data being a very bad cult 45 troll.

    3. @UCocTTSJsFOGScCnfNdqvqzg your funny… but it wasn’t “progressive” teaching that made us go from 1 to 23rd… you can thank the Bush administration and Bill Gates push to privatized schooling for that one.

  6. “Marie Yovanovitch didn’t hang my picture on the wall. WA, WA, WA 😭😭”

    – Diaper Donny

    1. Trump supporters will never believe the truth and will always try to bend it to suit their narrative

  7. When Giuliani said people say he will throw me under the bus and I say well I have insurance – I think he must have something good on Drumpth…

    1. I think it is a bluff.
      I think Trump kept his distance to Giuliani. They were never close.
      Rudy was trying to get a pardon. I don’t think he ever got one.

    1. NOUS482🦇(giggles liuni) Quick get the 4seasons crap spreading machine going .I have to cover my butt trail!!

    1. @Eatspit andCry WTF is wrong with you? Based on your eratic typing it seems like you have some kind of neurological disorder, and definitely advanced dementia

  8. Ooooooh snap, I’d forgotten about Rudy’s “I have insurance” bit. This could get interesting.

    1. Evidence??? Just like the “evidence” he had on voter fraud. This would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    2. More of DIAPERDONs delusional I don’t think we’ve ever seen before….the likes of which has never seen before…..thats when you know its all BS
      SO UNFAIR………how about litigating a lost election with 60 courts telling you to pound sand….so much winning

    1. Nah. Make Trump (who never sleeps much, allegedly) wake up early for his morning round of golf by raiding him at 5am or earlier.

  9. The way the Feds are gonna grill Rudy, he’ll look like he stared at the Arc of the Covenant opening. 😆

  10. I love Jason. He deserves his own show. He can record the program in the night, after he stops teaching his students.

  11. For four years I turned on the news with dread. Now I can’t wait to hear who’s in the fire. So, so happy to see our democracy at work after seriously fearing it’s death.

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