New York Times reports that a doctor was removed from his federal post after pressing for rigorous vetting of treatments embraced by President Trump. Aired on 04/22/2020.
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NYT: Doctor Removed From Federal Post After Urging Vetting Of Treatments Embraced By Trump | MSNBC
Trump and his family owns lots of SANOFI stocks which makes Hydrochloroquine… That’s why they’re promoting this drug.
Visor Overwatch GAO is on it, South Carolina (?) just bought 100,000 + face masks from a foreign government cuz nurses here are getting fired for refusing to work without a mask
. DJT has to make $$$ somehow!
Yes, why not check out Sanofi stock, as everyone is begging all to pursue? Don’t the reporters want to know?
@Cynthia Copland the craziness that is the USA
Visor Overwatch,
They own stocks which even *remotely* help him his win his winwinwin re-election. An investment that will be paid back fully by the Corona Relief fund.
The costs for an assassination on Biden and Pelosi will be peanuts.
Second Amendment bullets galore!
LJKfromJHB : So, it IS Add ?
Holy sh!t, this is scary. People in DC, dems and repubs, alike need to remove this impeached fraud immediately. Americans and people around the world are dying whlie he’s playing politics with all our lives.
Any true patriotic secrete service will take out the orange trash ??
@Mr. Kim I keep hoping…
Cherie Cullum the Dems have done their job they got him Impeached their is nothing else they can do only Republicans can remove him and they didn’t so make sure you vote them out in Nov and even if Trump wins the election, if Dems can get control of House and Senate we can kick him out.
Good luck wit the republicans doing anything against daddy trump.
Yes, the world is looking on in disbelief. Looking like your heading to communist by removing check’s and balances. The world is not understanding why the American people are not rallying to remove him. Make this election about make my family great first again.
Trump’s paranoia is getting worse.
The most unfit and dangerous president in USA history.
That’s what you get for electing a salesman. Political experience is needed to govern – have you learned your lesson yet?
@David berman reminds me – where are his kids ( advisors)?
@David Gray what on earth are you saying?
@David berman suckered much.
I don’t understand why we’re not enforcing a psych test for every Presidential nominee. If you need a psych test to be a cop, it should be mandatory to take one before taking on the highest office in the country. Some would say the world.
We need to find another way of governing. Get rid of these one man shows called presidents.
“Mr. Biden, did you push your fingers into the employee’s vagina.”
“C’mon, Man. Here’s the deal. I thought she liked me.”
Because no republican presidential nominee could ever pass that test? Don’t get me wrong, most democratic nominees would also fail.
Jeff, The media blackout on that speaks volumes doesn’t it? On both sides of the isle they take the “it’s different when we do it” approach to everything. Joe is nothing more than a sexually assaulting, demented old man, prone to lash out on the media and even his own constituents making up fairy tales to make himself sound better. Problem is, we already have a guy in office like that.
I certainly didn’t vote for him in the primary.
I think that both Trump and Biden should take IQ and psych tests, along with seeing a medical doctor for their obvious signs of dementia. It’s clear we need to erase the board and try again with this one. Before it’s too late.
CannibalCupcake the testing for cops must be really flawed I’ve seen some real psychotic cops in America
Evil and stupid….deadly combination.
Terri Freeman well fortunately I’m a black Muslim democrat communist
@Moe Snert FOX and Rush.
But which one is the stupid entity, and which is the Evil entity.
Both fairly equal, hard to tell.
@Terri Freeman Triggered Wanker Alert
Good riddance to that Snake Oil Pusher!
Trying to save lives while walking on eggshells: Welcome to life under the dark shadow of Trump’s ego.
@SouthSide Chicago He claims to have never met or barely knew everyone he fires.
@SouthSide Chicago poor baby
Good riddance to that Snake Oil Pusher!
@SouthSide Chicago he also said he didn’t know, Parnas (and everyone else that gets busted working with him) – he lied directly to us. He’s a conman, only a fool couldn’t see that at this point.
@SouthSide Chicago …Does that even matter?He never fires people face to face,because he is a chickenshit coward! BUT THE FACT THAT HE FIRES PEOPLE JUST FOR TELLING HIM THE MEDICAL FACTS SHOULD WORRY ALL OF YOU AMERICANS,….and if not,you are SCREWED big time,my friend! Keep on looking at the charts…they WILL be going up for a long time

Can ANYBODY explain to me how this unparalleled fool is NOT a clear and present danger to this country?
@GRK Alexis You are invited to my channel..
we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
@Ben B You are invited to my channel..
Trump wasn’t distrustful of science when they told the draft board he had bone spurs, was he?
@Grace3 O thank you grace but I wasn’t called up it was one lottery I was glad not to win
Are YOU registered for the draft as per the law.
we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
Medical Doctor: “science, not politics or cronyism should lead the way”
Man-baby trump: “Question me? You’re fired!”
@john abbot I agree
MSNBC: Science is a religion(1:40)
Are you back today making up fictitious conversations that never happened except in your imagination?
@Michelle Kowalski No. Your “president”.
Every day Trump is proving more and more what a terrible and horrible man he is. He shouldn’t have power over anyone.
Is it true that Joe Biden pushed his fingers into the employee’s vagina? Do you want to hear HER truth?
The American Dictator wannabe and the fools that support him
@Jean Nieves Obamas long gone.
@Ron Allen Obama is gone but lives rent free in your head
@Mike Huckleberry No, he lives immune to his bad policies and spying on a rival campaign. Hope that food cards worth it, bolshevik.
@Ron Allen Hahahahahaha…hahaha….hahahaha
Of curse the doctor got removed he believes in the science of medicine not Trump propaganda
@David Van Bockern This is about politics, we’ve seen the left on shameless display for 4 years trying to sabotage the president with one manufactured conspiracy after another, and now theyre trying to guilt people into not reopening because thats what Alinskyites do, call people names and shame them to get their way, theyve sabotage the Demonrat primary with this virus and will use it to further their agenda ignoring business owners and private sector workers. Federalism dictates the states handle their own affairs short of a natural disaster, the federal government can assist but it cant shut down the whole country like the authoritarian Demonrats would. its obvious youve sold your soul for the government dole if youre willing to trust diabolical scum called the Democrat Party, whos owns a media that wont police them and instead plays along as a mouth piece.
I take turmeric-curcumin capsules to boost my immunity and it works wonders for me. Not all turmeric powder in the market has the curcuminoid the active ingredients needed to get the turmeric benefits. That’s why i take turmeric-curcumin capsules because the qualities are guaranteed. Details on my channel ..
@Amazonia – Tongkat Ali does it make your vulva pulsate?
@Ron Allen Are you ready?
This doctor failed his a*s kissing tutorial,hence his demotion.
Trump and his regime are a joke that’s not even funny.
@DT TIM So does that.mean Trump adores you?
Trump gets his advice from FOX News, not from experts
So in other words, fake news . I am literally dumbfounded as to how an y person can take him seriously!
Look. Trump has to GO. NOW!!
This Country can’t Move forward until he is Gone. For Good.
Todd Toure Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Only 4 and 1/2 years to go
People from 2020: “why didn’t anyone stop Hilter?”
People from 2100 : “Why didn’t anyone stop Trump?”
Ben B my parents decided they wanted a child not some Grimm fairy tale that you choose to believe, millions have died in the name of your god and continue to do so and idiots like you can’t see the truth because your blinded by superstition
@Kris Moodley you are the murderer no? who is going to keep you safe? tell me the name of the person who will keep you safe. tell me soi can tell the world your leaders name ok
@Kris Moodley you do know that they hate athesits as much as they hate christians right? you say my god kills but he hasnt killed you or your family. he has protected you
@TONY learn to english
@colm ivers This makes no sense. Are you asking where to learn english
How come trump claim he knows everyone, but seems not to know anybody when things turn sour.
Rene Curry Oh, but I do listen. I listen every day to the health briefings, both from the While House and the State, When able I even listen to the Cuomo briefing, I am also aware the Russia and China are publishing disinformation on the MSM and social media designed to sow the seeds of discontent. I speak very loudly against thst
tRump is a liar
@Lisbeth Bird we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
@Lisbeth Bird we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
@Lisbeth Bird we have our doctors and you have yours. our doctors speak the truth thru the lord jesus christ and whistle blowing the facts of murder. but,. rachel maddows mentioned that their lord will be here this year. anyone know who her lord is?
Trump will fire all the doctors around him then hire Dr. Pepper
Along with Dr Dre, a higly rated expert of infectious diseases.
How bout DR SUESS?!?! LOL

.. TRUMPSTER would be an honor student in his class room!!! Deb in NOLA! 
@Clay Mcguiness great one

In other words…Doctor made Trump look more of a moron than he already does….got fired.
surround yourself with “yes men” during a crisis….not the best strategy …heaven help us get this fool out of office….
Bob Howell the U.K. has the same problem