Just hours before the president's first debate with Joe Biden, The New York Times reveals records show Trump's finances are in disarray and he has spent years avoiding income taxes. Aired on 09/28/2020.
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NYT Details Damning Trump Business Woes Just Before First Debate | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Donald Trump made Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street, look like a saint.
This is so serious we are in trouble I mean Americans and their children come on Republicans enough is enough we have to be done with this man.
As Stated in the NYT Report Linked Below:
Concerning Amount Paid:
“Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe — $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. But virtually all of that liability was washed away when he eventually filed, and most of the payments were rolled forward to cover potential taxes in future years.” – The NYT Report
Concerning The Security Implications:
“Mr . Trump still has assets to sell. But doing so could take its own toll, both financial and to Mr. Trump’s desire to always be seen as a winner. The Trump family said last year that it was considering selling the Washington hotel, but not because it was losing money.”
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/27/us/donald-trump-taxes.html
You might try a bit of punctuation before posting anything else. You don’t sound too bright.
@S You don’t either you are nothing but a brainless Trump supporter so do everyone a favor and shut your stupid mouth t
I’m sorry but the Republicans are the reason he is in office, and they have sat idle by and defended him even though he is the definition of a traitor. The republican party have destroyed the United States of America. Once a Country that was envied by most of the world and had the respect and gratitude of the western world! When they stood up against evil and fought for Democracy and the rule of law!
Now, It is becoming more and more like the enemies they fought so hard against in WW2. And just the fact that the majority can’t even see that is scary.
Donald Judas Trump took way more than 30 pieces of silver to sell out his country.
History SHALL be BRUTAL to trump & his supporters.
@Marisa Mcbe you follow Trump you must be a Gump. Say hi to Forrest
@Kepler Mission
Faith based world views are a dime a dozen, and held by the most ignorant among us.
@Marisa Mcbe
Jealous of being the worst person in America? Hardly.
Jealous of being responsible for killing 200,000 Americans? Not a chance.
People like you are a sort of herpes on society.
I hope there’s plenty of PICS & COLORING BOOKS of every last face at his rallies, parades, golf matches, conventions, White House summits, meetings, speaking engagements, marches, “feedings,” visiting the military & OUR Sacred Burial Grounds of THE BEST, & his entire teams of ppl ADORING him every step of the way! Including his wives, frndz, sexual victims, & fam. AND TAKE 45s PICS DOWN, ASAP, FROM EVERY MILITARY INSTALLATION & HAVE

female USAF
@Carva Lone




female USAF

He’s a fraud he’s not even supposed to be the president
You are obviously a connoisseur of fine Kool Aid. By the way, Hillary lost. LOL
@S nobody’s talking about Hillary I don’t care Trump is a fraud corrupt
@S and by the way when civilian again he will be locked up with his son mark my words

I don’t understand why you still the president he should immediately remove
His lawyers will be wanting their cash up front from now on.
I can’t wait for him to Stiff Them!!!
Trump needs to be HELD accountable for his actions, and the threat of trump selling America’s secret to who ever he owns money to
If Trump is playing the board game of LIFE, he is going to end up at the poor farm.
Fake billionaire.
Fake CEO.
Fake “tough guy”.
Fake President.
He is , a original fraudster . Lock him up, and vote him out.
I agree
@Shango Sankofa Good one!
@bill t And, if they filed a “MARRIED FILING JOINTLY” 1040 tax return, then Melania signed it and is on the hook too.
Donald Trump = Worthless.
Also Donald Trump = Worth less.
Next time you see a homeless person. Think hes a better financial risk than Trump.
@Michael Freeman … and less of a security risk…. and probably more honest… probably more compassionate… A better person all round, actually.
@Jack Boot and more stable mentally.
Yeah , everyone doesn’t treat him well. That’s cause he’s doing all the wrong things!!! What? He expects a ” well done ” or a ” good job ” for all the lies , scams , cons , Corruption and death’s he’s inflicted? Jesus.
Whatever , evil you do to people, it will be coming, back at you. Vote him out.
@Leslie Williams I agree

What deaths has he inflicted. Wtf are you even talking about.
@X DirtyThots Biden/Harris 2020!!!

So if he never made money during 20 years, how’s he rich? Either he isn’t, or he lied and actually made money, which is fraud
He simply lied about being rich, it’s not complicated.
Melissa H I know it, you know it, but it seems that many people still believe him
exactly… Either way he is a liar and a fraud.
This is a Case of Damned if he did and Damned if he didn’t either way he’s a failure, no getting out of this one *tRump!
He inherited his money, made a lot of noise. In the end he had about the same as he would have if he did nothing.
He is gotta go, he betrays the WHOLE American people! V-O-T-E EARLY FOLKS!
He betrays the whole western world …
@Bob Leton I agree.
Fraud, he’s a fraud and a fake business man. The only reason he’s got property is because the Russian mobs are laundering money through them!
How can Trump stand there saying this is all fake news? Seriously? This isn’t the National Enquirer reporting, it’s the NYTimes.
@ModelLights Trump is NOT a Billionaire either.
@bdegrds his problems didnt cost me a dime
obama biden bankrupted 127 wind solar and alternative energy business on the
tax payers dime
Its a deflection tactic as usual but his cult sycophants and the racists will follow blindly….same as it ever was so get out and VOTE HIM OUT
@bdegrds grow up get back to me then
ModelLights Trump said himself the IRS don’t like me . Why is that? sounds like the bankrober complaining about why the police keep following him around. Where there is smoke there’s fire . Perhaps the reason Donald has been under the longest tax audit in history is because he always cheats. It’s a way of life for him and only a truly stupid individual would fail to see that.
Trump loves to claim that he can’t release his tax returns because he’s under audit. Even though the IRS has stated countless times that being under audit DOES NOT prevent you from releasing your tax information.
Republican Party needs to tell people who vote for them that they are voting for the Republic of Russia Party

It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump were getting food stamps.
That’s funny! Good one.
That Funny but True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the IRS joins the long list of those who aren’t being “fair” to Trump. Personally I doubt whether I’m alone in wondering why they aren’t as “unfair” to me as they are to Trump, Who else gets their comb over colored and crimped at the taxpayer’s expense,
Trump “loves” our country – he just doesn’t see why he should contribute to it’s upkeep. Just like he “loves” our flag – he just prefers the confederate battle flag.
He should reveal, in detail, just to whom he owes vast sums of money before the election. We wouldn’t want him paying his debt off by offering access and favors that suits his bottom line but is detrimental to the country he “loves” – he just loves money more,
And just who will be paying his debt if he has to stump up the cash? He can’t dip into his “charitable” foundation any more because it was discovered that he was the only charitable cause to benefit. His campaign funds have mainly been transferred into the pockets of his army of lawyers who are busy losing almost every case they litigate. So how much of his debt will be covered courtesy of the US taxpayer? Barr has already got us to fund the defamation case brought against him when it was Trump who defamed E Jean Carroll not we the people so it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that he might claim that Trump’s debt is our debt.
He only way we can hope to secure out tax dollars for the benefit of the country and not for he benefit of Trump’s bottom line is if every one of his spineless accomplices are ousted from their seats in November. Then, even if Trump & Barr are successful in rigging the election, there will be constitutionally ordained checks and balances back in place not just a complicit rubber stamp for any whim the spoilt brat in the White House might come up with.