NYC Mayoral Candidate: Housing, Homelessness Are Top Concerns | MSNBC

NYC mayoral candidate Shaun Donovan joins Morning Joe ahead of the city's Democratic primary to discuss his campaign.

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NYC Mayoral Candidate: Housing, Homelessness Are Top Concerns | MSNBC

NYC Mayoral Candidate: Housing, Homelessness Are Top Concerns | MSNBC


  1. What about violent crimes, which have gone way up in the past year or two? NYC is looking like how it did before the Broken Windows approach when Giuliani was in charge.

    1. Crimes are caused by poverty. Poverty comes in forms like homelessness. It’s almost like they’re tackling the root causes of crime instead of just putting more people in prisons which will raise our taxes.

  2. Do you know how the homeless in NYC will be housed? They’ll be shipped to already vulnerable upstate cities like Binghamton and Buffalo. And news outlets like you will not report that part of the story.

    1. A lot of people don’t seem to understand that some cities do this. They would rather pay for a bus ticket and screw up another area than actually fix the issue.

    2. @Jason Scott Most of them can’t and won’t work. These aren’t normal people down on their luck. Many homeless have severe mental health issues or are drug addicts. You can’t rehabilitate them..

    3. @Juan Valdez What you say about the mentally ill is true. Up until about 1972, people with these problems were not so prevalent in the populace. They were ‘put away’ and cared for. But, in the early 70’s they were released into our society and cannot be forced into a mental hospital until they actually do harm. Result? More of them on the streets, with less of them receiving help for their mental illness.

    1. Give free shopping carts to the homeless. They’ll have it all picked up in a few days (and then cart it around for months).

    2. Capitalism will do that to any city over time. The gap between the rich and poor grows over time slowly driving up housing costs so only the richer percentage can afford them.

  3. It’s amazing how he goes “you know, that’s a great question” and then proceeds to answer a completely different question. Where do politicians learn how to do this?

  4. It doesn’t take much to predict that there’s going to be a lot of wealthy people getting wealthier and a lot of homeless people remaining homeless.

    1. Capitalism will do that to any city over time. The gap between the rich and poor grows over time slowly driving up housing costs so only the richer percentage can afford them.

    2. @V – I think it’s pretty obvious why. But they will do the same to the new areas they’re moving too. Give it more time and Florida’s and Texan’s cities will experience the same as New York. Homelessness will always grow as housing costs do and eventually drive out the rich again after time.

    3. @Geo Dude Yes and no. I think you’re glancing past some of the big government polices that raise housing prices and taxes which drives people away.

  5. If that was me in the green dress all I would be thinking of when I saw these pictures is how bad my arms look and that I should never show them ever again.
    I hate my arms.

  6. Seems like a nice guy. Wasn’t just talking down his opponents and spoke about previously bringing down homelessness by 1/3… that’s a huge accomplishment. Not sure why 99% of the comments here are so negative but I have an idea lol. Bunch of magatards here lol

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