Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a former police captain, won New York City's Democratic mayoral primary, and he joins Morning Joe to discuss his campaign and looking ahead to November's general election.
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NYC Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams Calls For 'Prevention' Plan On Crime
Mayor, you think if this country wasn’t set up the way it is the have and have nots would be different. Your heart has a warm voice Mr adams. But that been a number one hit for a long time..
Yeah, let’s get the attention of that clean election
2:36 “ How do we arrest them, how do we keep them in jail”
This right here is the problem. Society needs thriving economies. If the problem is in the inner city & the education is crap, pay is crap, then we know that’s a formula for failure, then you tell police to Up arrests & tickets, & now we just yet again created the same situation that leads us here.
Well according to democrats, we do this by building more hospitals and removing jails.
What does that have to do with a better education and a living wage?
Some people needs to be in mental institutions and many of them for life. Plenty are rehabilitative and too many shouldn’t be imprisoned at all.
Private prisons should be abolished and prisons house both Republicans and Democrats.
So are you just looking for an argument? Because some people end up in prison due to escalating arguments.
Some people would rather be right than happy.
@Selah How should i know what those have to do with that?
It’s what democrats are telling us..
The amount of people that are set free and just commit the same or other crimes again is insane.
Democrats are saying all people should have a proper education and be paid a living wage instead of a person having to work 2 or more jobs just to pay for rent, food and utilities with little to nothing left over from their paychecks.
Back in the day, (up until the late 70’s/early 80’s), people worked one job, could buy a home, pay all living costs and still able to save for a rainy day.
Nowadays, most people can’t and are one paycheck away from being homeless. That’s unacceptable and this affects people regardless of party affiliation.
And these are reasons why crimes occurs. People are tired, angry and desperate. Not all crimes are due to these things but most are. There’s always been mentally ill/crazy people.
@Devo What Democrats act like the solution is that simple? We need an emtire restructuring of the criminal justice system, a complete overhaul of the way policing is done, rehabilitation and poverty reduction. Better education in low income and better pay and conditions for workers. We need strong federal housing programs so people can live their lives without fear of becoming homeless after one missed paycheck
Wow, Mika. You think it looks good?
Your expressions said the opposite.
NYC needs all the policing it can get
I would Rather Pearcing than taking a Ride in the Cyclone.
Riding the front seat of the Cyclone is the ONLY thing I give Diblasio props for ! That and BLM way in front of Trump tower
He’s the Coolest

*How about billboards in the most violent areas of our inner cities to make young people think.*
Message… *”Why spend your best years in prison for killing someone you don’t even like?”*
That’s a good message
@mohamed said … Thanks Mohamed. Trying to come up with positive solutions.
@vonsuthoff yeah dawg just make a commercial where you fry an egg and say this is your brain on drugs thatll work
@Andrew Nevarez … God I love fried eggs ever since I saw that commercial… I stopped all my killing too!
*Good on Eric Adams for coming up with a way to let good cops weed out the bad cops!!!*
Hope thats what happens
I agree with most of what Adams says except that is just about education. Its about the war on drugs. Economics fixes this problem same as it did when we had prohibition. Just my two cents
Young,smart,intelligence beyond his years!!I really like him..Thanks Eric,for great interview..
Unless you take the guns and deal with the social issues that cause a huge percentage of crime you will prevent NOTHING.
Yor not getting my gun , how about put the idiot’s that don’t obey the law in jail , or is that to hard for you to understand ? Ia’m thinking So .
There’s always room for crime prevention.
The power structure is talking about infrastructure where are the Black Leaders talking about Land
also tearing down all these Projects.
The power structure is talking about infrastructure where are the Black Leaders talking about Land
also tearing down all these Projects.
The power structure is talking about infrastructure where are the Black Leaders talking about Land
also tearing down all these Projects.
Ok I just had some weed and I noticed that the closing music has a significant subliminal effect. It generates apprehension and anxiety. I also think the slogan should be “this is who we were.”
Captain New mayor I think this City is going the right way.