New York Magazine devotes its new issue to gaming out what a second Trump term could look like. Editor-in-Chief David Haskell joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 02/17/20.
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NY Mag Predicts A 'Politics Of Revenge' If Trump Has Second Term | Morning Joe | MSNBC
It already is the politics of revenge. Petty and childish. We’re fcked.
Ya unless we Vote
@Cicakkibin No lies, just info the media wont report because hurts their partys reputation. Closed minded people are easy to control, I suggest you become more critical, it will do ya some good even if you are a social justice nimrod.
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
– Confucius
Kevin NYC 2 posts and you’ve said nothing.. we all watched the same hearings and trial, we all see the same news. Wake up.
Kevin NYC obviously that’s how you see it lol
@Ken Rimmer I said you dont know what is going on. You think Trump was signaling to Putin during a speech. I didnt think people actually bought that one. But here you are. If you watched the hearings you saw that ever witness testifies under oath that they had not witnessed any crime. Im not really trying to debate or inform you of what is happening. Just letting you know that you are way off.
@Jenny Cowgill
You’re still trying to project.. saying I worship Trump and such.. but I will say, it does annoy me when the media criticizes Trump on a lot of things.. because they focus on small, insignificant things such as how many cheeseburgers were ordered.. how exactly something was said.. so on and so forth.. when there are actual things to criticize him on such as his initial thoughts on red flag laws.. bombing syria twice.. etc.. which is really important and newsworthy? Burgers or bombings? But no, people like you will continue to nitpick until your party finally breathes its last breath.. which is soon if they stay on that same road for much longer..
Oh.. but you think a president is someone who teaches people morality.. no, no my friend.. they are there to protect the country’s best interests.. not teach you how to adult..
Seems Mr. Trump needs his
Team back: Mr. Flynn, Mr.
Stone, Mr. Manafort and others to Win his Reelection
Difficult task for Mr. Barr !
Don’t forget PUTIN
GEE WIZ, can’t he just pardon everyone…..
Trump Only Needs And Has The American People At His Back…Even The Experts Say Trump In A Landslide….Goodbye Democrats.
All will be pardoned
This isn’t a prediction, this has been happening since he took office.
@leicanoct You think deporting an American native, not naturalized, citizen is not a problem? Wow, you are really cold.
@leicanoct In 2010, 4000 citizens were detained or deported.
@Ivy Good one !
Sean Bailey yeah Obama loved deporting people. The most immigrants ever deported by a President. Started to put children in cages, what a shame.
@leicanoct Rightie propaganda. No interest here. I am not a Trumpie; I prefer truth to lies. GOOD BYE.
Somehow I feel there are people taking notes on comment sections like this, keeping names and hacking into accounts to find real names, this is something the anti-Christ would do, But then ” Paranoia, the destroyer”
@Mike M No , my opinion comes from listening to the man talk. He talks hate,open your ears and really listen.
@Dorothy Gears I know this is hard for people with TDS God bless you
Julie Casey
Despite the fact that Republicans have generally controlled the government far more often during the past 40 years. Just because idiots spout off crap about the “deep state Democrats” doesn’t mean they’re right. The Republicans have been so dominant that the Democrats having been moving to the right for decades. Both Clinton and Obama maintained the policies of the Republicans in many, many ways.
If your premise were correct, we would not have the failed War on Drugs, the War on Terror, and we would already have Medicare for All. There would be far less bribery in politics and stronger campaign finance laws. The US never would have gone to war in Iraq or Afghanistan. If your premise were correct, we would have a very different government right now. Keep lying to yourself since it’s so convenient for you; but make no mistake, you’re so wrong it’s not funny.
Mike M
Why would we bother fruitcake?
@keir farnum keep peddling I’m sure you make Maddcow proud . If you keep peddling at the current pace you will reach the cliff by November no problem .
Trump will be unhinged and unchecked if given a second term. He’s everything that I feared he would be and he’s not done yet.
What would be even more terrifying is if his GOP controlled Congress and Senate reversed the 22nd Amendment, effectively allowing him to keep in power indefinitely.
The Senate impeachment trial was a total and complete sham. The President needs to be held to account.
@Sux_2_B_U, keep your lying like your pathological liar president trump. Show your Tax return to let the people check your lying mouth
Real Talk 76, how heavily medicated are you exactly? Cause life has been literally the same during Bush, Obama and Trump. It will be the same after Trump, and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that.
The only people whos lives have been severely impacted by the Trump presidency are the emotionally unstable and people who reside in Washington D.C.
Trump is the king of ignorance and of ignorant people..
Every day at least five times a day I miss Obama. It’s criminal what this disgusting slob is doing to this country.
The Disqusting Slob Was And Still Is Obama Not Trump…Trump Is For The People…Obama Was Nothing But A Puppet For The Elite…PROVEN.
@ Jerry W – I’m sure you knew you’d get negative responses for missing Obama. However, I agree with you.
I even miss Bush.
I see and feel literally no difference.
What has ACTUALLY changed in your life between the two ? I mean physically, not just how you feels or how scared and weak willed you are all the time.
Obama waged a WAR against truth… + Obama forced us to give China Trillions for their stupid smart meters that he FORCED on our homes. I hate Obama as much as I hate Trump.
A second term would mean no shred left of international respect or co-operation from allies, a minority-ruled radical policy shift being locked in, and America becoming an oligarchy controlled dictatorship headed by Trump and maintaining power through his cult.
@KelliAnn Winkler Obama was admired by all democratic allies. trump is abhorred. History and reality are your friends.
I agree with you.
@Jenny Cowgill I think those allies were happy Obama was there, but he was not admired. He was easy and had no balls so our enemies really liked him too. Trump holds them accountable. They don’t like that.
KelliAnn Winkler Obama was a Dictator? You don’t understand Autocracy. It’s not a name you call someone in first grade because you heard someone else say it but doesn’t know what it means. Autocracy is the incremental dictatorship that you are helping to usher in. If Obama was a Dictator he would still be in office and all of the people who disagreed with him would be punished and Republicans treated as non existent in the country. Get educated and learn about what you are supporting for your future lemming.
@KelliAnn Winkler when your party thinks you have enough brains to be granted legal control over your own genitals you can speak in public. Until then shut your holes.
It’s up to us voters. Vote him out.
“If Trump Has Second Term” in other words “worst case scenario nightmare!!”
@Parkland Luxury Homes Realty Rachel Svenman, selling house to more p….y grabber?
@donnies done gotta keep up with the army of Leftist paid trolls somehow . #WinningIsFun #DecietfulDems
@N STAR this answer belong to a clueless.
@Smith John Another trumper that doesn’t know how to spell…Is like a mental virus
The revenge is already happening….
I like to know why he had Mark Zuckerberg at the White House in the fall and wouldn’t tell Congress. Is he going to help Trump with getting reelected or a list of people who say’s thing’s against him and his regime? I know I’m paranoid but look what is going on. Even the whistleblower isn’t safe.
Hopefully his cholesterol gets him before November.
@Catherine Andujar aborting democrats will be afraid of an act of God , don’t pick and choose , you guys will get what you deserved.
@Dorothy Gears you are brain dead are you a lying corrupt Democrat did you escape from a mental ward
nice acronym!!!!
trouble, rude, ugly, mean, pissy
Thats pretty good
@Letta Mego

@Polly Ticks Only too true !
Unfortunately his sycophants will be emboldened to further destroy America as we have known it.
We often believe that exacting revenge is a form of emotional release and that getting retribution will help us feel better , but in fact revenge has the opposite effect.
Even though the first few moments might feel rewarding , psychologists have found that instead of quenching hostility, revenge prolongs the unpleasantness of the original offense .trump is , and always shall be a vindictive , spiteful , petty person that desires to inflict injury on those who do not sufficiently worship him and dare criticize or denounce him .
Today at the Mall I seen 3 black men and 2 Latino men with Make America Great Again hats. I thought to myself we have problem
@Monique Stuckey
Drumpt could win against Hillary or Bill Clinton.. but no body else, I hope.
@Rani Rich That’s a lie and a stupid comment besides.. Probably no one will ever believe anything you say again
Natalie Deyton we
You’re the problem
He spent his first term replacing staff who quit when he asked them to do something illegal (at best) or crazy (at worst). Now that he has finally bottomed out with people with no conscience (Mulvaney) or who have forgotten how to say no for unknown reasons (Barr), you can imagine what he will do in a potential second term. Eventually, in due course, we will know what he has on Barr that explains his obedient-lapdog behavior.
A second term! I’ve been saying that he will go “full Caligula” this term! A 2nd term = “Caligula 2.0”. If I was a horse, I’d be scared !
You are scared of winning you would rather watch your liberty’s get screwed up close and personal while you watch . #MAGA
Just out of curiosity, do you think there is any chance in the world that there will not be a 2nd term?
@Chris Tr1ut8 The ONLY chance is if the second coming of Jesus is before the election
Donkeys too!!
I guess your a horse!
Ney! Ney!

“He’s just a man. He’s a con man and we’ve seen so many frauds before in very many places…he’s just one more.’ Let’s stop giving Impeachedtrump power.
He got a lot of power from impeachment
@Edward Jam 43 percent of americans apparently
Diane Owen Yes, this is true; however, Trump can do a lot of damage in 19 months, let alone 4 years and 10 months.
the last part of the Gettysburg Address was: the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the
earth. One more term of our orange and sick nightmare and it just might perish from the earth.
Because you let it. This is what astonishes the rest of the world. You let him do what he wants.
He’ll also have no reason to keep entertaining the people he’s convinced to vote for him. Watch how he treats a sucker he no longer has any use for. Some of you are in for a rude awakening
Nailed it. Wish I could give your post more than one upvote.
@Elizabeth notthe queen: If things go south? More like when. Just wait until he goes after Social Security and Medicare to pay for his tax cut for the wealthy.