Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo defended his administration's decision to delay releasing data on Covid-19 deaths in long-term care facilities as state lawmakers say they are considering repealing the governor's emergency powers.
Cuomo said the Department of Health had "paused" the state lawmakers' request for the data because they prioritized a related inquiry from the Department of Justice. He said both chambers of the state Legislature were told about this at the time.
In addition, he said the Department of Health had largely put data requests on the back burner and prioritized dealing with the immediate pandemic crisis, which he acknowledged created a "void" of facts that allowed misinformation to creep in.
"In retrospect, should we have given more priority to fulfilling information requests? In my opinion, yes, and I think that's what created the void. But do I understand the pressure everyone was under? Yes," he said.
Cuomo's press conference comes days after his top aide Melissa DeRosa admitted in a call with state lawmakers that the administration tried to delay the release of the data, wary of a federal Justice Department preliminary inquiry.
#CNN #News
Seems like he got himself into a sticky situation but he does look like the body double Moe szyslak from The Simpsons

Here’s a video of Trump saying the n word with a hard er:
nice to hear from you
How it is sticky when he clearly reported all the deaths?
@Noir Path exactly, for the cognitively impaired this guy is doing a great fiucking job
@Noir Path He shoved them into a death trap when the USS Mercy was right offshore.
Excuses, excuses, why do we expect different?
And the broken media defends another monster, shocking.
@OSU. 1 .BETTA. Acquited twice by whom and by how many? Majority including 7 Republicans voted to convict him. Only because of rulings he was acquited and their reason for acquiting him is because it is not constitutional in their eyes but no doubt Turmp is guilty. REPUBLICAN senate minority leader Mc Connell even declared so after voting to acquit and suggest Trump to be held liable in the court of law. Embarrassing. LOL!
@XxPoopy_ headxX Turtle Man McConnel is corrupt as crap. His opinion means less than nothing.
@XxPoopy_ headxX
. Not sure why you thought that was a rebuttal. Try again.
You’re right it wasn’t consistently applied to Trump. They took the words “Fight like hell” and argued it meant “Breach the Capitol and kill people”.
@Isz Trump is corrupt as hell more so than Mc Connell but you take his word for it believe his con.
He blames the healthcare heroes.
the heros who turned away 20k Black residents telling them they dont need to be tested and told them to go home where they all died a slow covid death? those heros?
@Noir Path when did this happen? not saying i dont believe you but the press only tell us little people about the wins.
@Noir Path Covid isnt real. Or at least its overblown. 99% survival rate. Yet ppl that go to the hospital die within days after being put in a ventilator. They mix covid patients and non covid patients in the same room
I love how he talks so slow like we’re all little children who don’t understand anything.
@Take It Skeeasy that’s how he always talks. Like he knows everything and dreads having to explain it. I get it, when everyone pats you on the back and you win awards you can start to lose touch with reality. I think he knows everyone is finally waking up to his bullshit. Except New Yorkers, they are brain dead.
I wonder if they’re gonna award him another Emmy for his performance
Just like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. All speak to the American People like we are imbeciles.
This is because he is 100% lying, and you can hear it in his cotton mouth I can hear his sticky saliva in his mouth as he talks. They talk like this b/c they think it gives them a position of power by speaking down to people and in general, they talk slower b/c they are always close to slipping up in the lies.
its called ”showtime”
It’s only confusing when the coverup starts
@Fern Green its just a picture of some fat kid with really annoying cartoonish voice. Young Beetle is the N-Word.
@Latisha Queen thanks you saved me from my eyes from even looking at him. Lol
@Young Beetle Dude you’re a joke
@Latisha Queen Thanks Latisha
Ah, thats a ,,peelousy special
What else would he say lying is the one thing all democrats have in common!
He blamed visitors to nursing homes, not the sick he sent there. What visitors?
killer USPS mail carriers, 6 day a week delivery of covid according to cuomo, it had nothing to do with his mandate that medical personnel advised against at the time, listen to his facts, he will tell you its not his fault and there is no need for an investigation
I guess that’s part of the confusion
Trump Deblassio and this guy all complicit… Deblassio refused to shut down the city ..refused.. and his awful judgment costs 22k lives .. TRump 200k… all should burn in hell
@Noir Path If Cuomo had sent patients to USS Mercy offshore, the deaths would be a fraction. He refused them mercy. Now be silent.
Nice move blaming it on the for-profit nursing homes. I didn’t see they one coming. I guess that’s how he became governor
“there are Governors that perform well, and there are Governors that did not perform well”…..
Impeach this m’fer
But when trump had to deal with something no ones ever seen before he was a beast !?!? This man is a snake
He will get away with it they always do
@DY 1 Trump got away with killing 200k Americans so theres that…….
@Noir Pathoh so it’s 200,000 now eh? What happened to the other 200,000? Oh that’s right they died under democrat governor’s so they don’t count right?
check out when he say’s today that “its illegal” to subpoena or investigate him, a little past the hour mark on the “NBC New York” broadcast. he truly deserves the Emmy
It wasn’t delayed he tried to cover it up
he cant defend his decision to put covid patients in the nursing homes in the first place
Just do what you’ve always done, Cuomo. Shift your blame to the Federal Government.
@Donna M whats crazy is trump sent him a hospital ship and set uo the javits center. My sister a nurse at NY Pres and was on this from the beginning.. he didn’t want Trump to get credit so he made apolitical call that cost lives.I don’t like trump but he the good guy here. I hope we can get cuomo out of there.
@Donna M if you think trump didn’t do his job, then you are an idiot. Go back and look at what he did and what the left wanted him to do? You can thank him and o my him for having a vaccine right now
@OSU. 1 .BETTA. Donald Dump down played the virus the whole time, even though he knew how deadly it was in January 2020! Who’s the liar now?!
Which is true.
He won’t be held accountable because his democrat cult and media cartels have been aiding and abetting, he’ll get a week suspension without pay, that’s about it. He probably should give that Emmy back and cancel the book tour though, what inbred ‘thinktank’ awarded him an Emmy during a pandemic? It’s just so desperate. Sickening, very sickening.
And the TRUTH TWISTING continues.
Is it me or was he literally making every excuse in the book? Democrat 101
He always does. His father taught him that.
thats politics 101, get over the “my side is completely innocent” bullshit and I might consider you an intelligent person.
I love how he just passes the blame onto the private business. Just say we ducked up. No need for the extra hate
Cuomo has his staff working overtime to hit “Like” on this video.
He is absolutely disgusting! He needs to be locked up! Those poor elderly people died scared and alone because of this monster!