NPR reporter says Pompeo berated her after interview

Republican strategist Rick Wilson and CNN contributor Wajahat Ali join Don Lemon to discuss Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement in response to NPR host Mary Louise Kelly's claim that he cursed at her and demanded she find Ukraine on a map after a taping of "All Things Considered." #CNN #News


  1. ” U with a picture of a crane” that right there made my day amidst all of this corruption🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣thank you for shedding some humor into this🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That was a much needed laugh🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. @Natasha Norman ditto, I am southern and take personal offense from it. They’re basically saying it’s ok to use the n word, right? Bigots and hypocrites the lot of them. Hence why they lose so much.

    2. @loveinspired7 omg. You are such a liar. Did you watch it on mute? Cause that’s the only way you ain’t lying through your teeth.

  2. This, coming from a network which pushed a phoney dossier and conspired with officials of the previous administration to secure Obama’s legacy through corruption.

    CNN and its viewers have an amazing ability to distort reality to fit their political-bias. No wonder they’re losing the support of independents.

    1. Don Lemon about a jetliner disappearance: “That’s what people are saying. I know it’s preposterous — but is it preposterous you think, Mary?” (Mary was Mary Schiavo, former U.S. Department of Transportation inspector general.) Brilliant, Lemony Boy!

    1. Yeah when trump loses. Nobody was excited for hillary and everyone was certain she would win lots of people stayed home and she still won the popular vote.

    1. @Rowland Parrish Michelle Obama sends warning Climate Change will soon mean all coastal cities beneath the sea….in later news….the Obama’s have purchased a beachfront mansion….banks still giving 30-year mortgages to beachfront housing Mazie Hirono proposes bridge from San Diego to Honolulu to end climate damage from the airplane travel….Hank Johnson warns that increase travel to Hawaii may flip Hawaii over….Sheila Jackson Lee now says she has proof flooding is caused by water

    2. @Rowland Parrish Michelle Obama sends warning Climate Change will soon mean all coastal cities beneath the sea….in later news….the Obama’s have purchased a beachfront mansion….banks still giving 30-year mortgages to beachfront housing Mazie Hirono proposes bridge from San Diego to Honolulu to end climate damage from the airplane travel….Hank Johnson warns that increase travel to Hawaii may flip Hawaii over….Sheila Jackson Lee now says she has proof flooding is caused by water

    3. Bellicose Ataraxia someone watched a YouTube video….

      Still, u think there’s no such thing as climate change? Park a car in a garage and leave it running.. I’ll do the same in an electric car… we’ll meet 24 hours and talk about the results, ok?

    4. @Chico Dalianis apple’s and orange’s, you say that like electric cars will magically save the world. They won’t. Ever think that before the buffalo were hunted almost out of existence, that there was more than there are cows on farms today? It’s a natural cycle that changes always. Ppl been crying wolf on this issue for decades on top of decades and still, nothing. Nothing but the natural order of things. Besides, we’re all gonna be dead in 10 yrs anyway, right? So who cares.

  3. ”Ex-WH chief of staff John Kelly says he believes Bolton’s account of Ukraine allegation.” Gotta feeling we are going to hear witnesses.

    1. If they Do ! They are Stupid ! Trump already Won ! There are No Impeachable Articles even With Bolton’s testimony ! But I’d like to hear From the Biden’s Joe and Hunter ! Also Adam Schitt should be called Too !

    1. Ehhhh, mark dice is also super biased. He’s the definition of “old man yells at clouds” even though the younger generation is becoming more conservative. Dont get me wrong he does have some great points but As a fellow Trump supporter i feel like sometimes he lives in his own bubble. The best thing for people to do is read/listen to multiple sources and form their own opinion. Otherwise, we have the political climate we have today

    2. @Ben BoyAEW Ya, he sent letters to the troops after 911 and told them they were fighting for the illuminati that staged the attacks on 911. Though I too was against the Iraq war that was a pretty pathetic thing to do. He’s funny as hell though and I love his little Brian voice overs. Trump 2024😂

    1. Yeah if you’re lying too much to his face. Pompeo doesn’t suffer fools and traitors lightly. God bless our great secretary of state!

  4. Hmm the “elite,” I think the definition to that specific word is contemporarily open for definition. As far as the comedic banter part about elites with “geography and spelling”…the funnest part was, none of them laughing actually know the origins of such disciplines….now that’s truly funny, from …an elite, perspective of course.

    1. Kinda hard to just another side as “the Elites,” when the guy you elected literally lived in a gold-platted skyscraper in Manhattan. WTF, Trump ain’t a man of the poor.

  5. Life lesson: when someone acts unprofessional and childish then you should also act unprofessional and childish.
    That’ll show them!

    1. Trump and his administration have lost all right to be treated like adults. It has a negative effect trying to treat them as if they deserve even an ounce of respect.

    1. @Laveluvcrew “…sound like sad small minded people”.

      That statement could also be made about all three persons in the video!

      In the terminology of lgbtq, don lemon is a flaming diva.
      He has even claimed he broke up with a guy, just because the guy wanted to stay at home and watch tv together!!!

      Heck, I’ve done that with women I’ve dated…stay at home, get pizza (or Asian), sit and watch a movie she picked.

  6. “Hey, remember when we called everyone who didn’t live on the coasts ‘deplorables’?”

    “*Wanna see us do it again?*”

    1. I think these clips should get as much airtime as we can give it. I’m gonna share it with everyone I can.

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