John Duffy, a Notre Dame English Professor of 22 years, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss an open letter he drafted that was signed by nearly 100 of his colleagues urging Judge Amy Coney Barrett to halt her nomination process. He explains that "We are not asking her to withdraw. We are simply asking her to pause and to let the election play out and then to be guided by its results." Aired on 10/15/2020.
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Notre Dame Faculty Sign Open Letter Urging Judge Barrett To Halt Her Nomination | MSNBC
Unfortunately position and status is hard to ignore. Even when doing the right thing is staring you in the face. Some people just want to be in the history books for all the wrong reasons. She seems like a nice enough person, I’m asking her to consider the timing of all of this and to ask herself this question. Did they nominate you because you’re an independent thinker or because you’ll be easy to control ?
BREAKING NEWS: Al Qaeda and ISIS just issued a statement saying their end goal is to END Separation of church and State & build a “Kingdom of God” in the United States.
No, Wait. My Bad, that was Amy Cooper Barrett.
She’s NOT a nice person. She’s a RELIGIOUS FANATIC. And none of them are good people.
i ask the same of many black democrat supporters.
are they independent thinkers or slaves to the democrat’s plantation
So you want her to cave to political pressure to prove that she’s an independent thinker….
Absolutely no one that is rolling with Drumpf could possibly have a shred of decency!
If she’s a person of conscience…she wouldn’t want to be used for the ramrodding of the American people
Barret is coming across as wholly partisan with no opinion of her own! Her current mutation is to fit the Trump brief perfectly!
Repeal ACA, RvW and support his election fraud appeals!
*Totally agree with these professionals’ letter. Current situation is unseemly, & sly even. Judge Barrett SHOULD do as her colleagues suggest!*
@PrimRoseD What does the Constitution say? Did any of those law professors mention the CONSTITUTION??
@C L so do l. I suggest you take a course in American history.
@unlisted junk l am sure you can find a good deprogrammer once you get your brain fixed and work on your unfounded hate and rage. You are a very sick puppy.
@Buccaneersliveinsiouxfalls 502 Have you ever been to colleges or Universities? I have. Critical thinking, not blind politics can be found there. Get your GED and then give education a try.
@Brother Love l won’t get you started because you have diarrhea of the mouth an no detectable brain. A vacancy came up during Obama’s presidency. He nominated a middle of the road judge. McConnell unconstitutionally refused to give him a hearing. That was NOT because Obama lost the Senate. It was because Mitch McConnell unconstitutionally denied the nominee even a hearing. Your hatred is unhealthy and much more vitriolic than is healthy. You don’t have to like Obama, but he deserves the same Constitutional rights as anyone else. And unlike Trump, he received a majority of the popular vote as well as the Electoral College vote.
She looks like the kind of Pam Beesly who’d end up marrying Dwight.
Enough said she knows that she is being a pawn in the GOP game and doesn’t care she’s thinking only about herself!!!
Yup we don’t want qualified women on the court unless they’re democrats.
Very Christian of her!
Lol here it is but she is trumps pick to save his life.
If ALL she’s going to do is what Trump WANTS…she should resign and get an honest JOB…
After hearing his points, hes right and I agree, it even makes me feel like “wow, this would be amazing for her and her standing to do the right thing “, dont hear much of that lately!
Touche. If she is a true Christian and a person of principle this is the right thing to do. People will respect her, if she is confirmed under the present clouds her judgeship will always be tainted.
She doesn’t care. She’s not stupid.
Andrea always looks hot and a great news anchor.
She is bought and paid for. She will not halt her nomination. She was nominated for specific outcomes.
@Arcturion Blade all depends how they interpret it to there own advantage
@Paolo Albertini ,

@Paolo Albertini because there should be separation between church and state !!!!
@Chris Papa ,
We will not deny she’s a good person, she could wait, Trump nominated her for the job, who knows with what purpose, it’s really up to her to wait, the chair is not going away, she’s a decent human being, she has a conscience, may she chose wisely
Appointing judges should never be a political choice. Judges should be separated from political affiliation.
Amaya Strata
Absolutely !
Barret’s just another lying conservative “christian”. Save your breath.
No quotation marks needed.
@AlphaK91 Better?
can you perhaps give more details? Or do we just take your word for it, on the basis of no evidence?
SCOTUS is the worst “Midnight Appointment” of all time.
The Federalist Society has tasked her to set women back.
And she will, given the chance.
in what way? It seemed that she had to put up with a lot of mansplaining and interruptions that little miss ‘that’s senator Ocasio-Cortez to you’ complained about as being unacceptable very recently. I think ACB did far better than AOC here without playing the crybaby card.
The ‘request’ is indeed audacious, but the Judge, sadly, will not listen to it!
It’s stupid.
Why should she listen? This is absurd.
@Sam Erdrich she’s a good person, she might wait it out, but it’s really up to her now, Trump gave her the job, who knows with what intentions, she knows better, she’s not a shady person
barret should be disqualified, religious Zealots should never judges in ANY united States courts.
Another nail in the coffin of the falsehood that is Christianity. The Lord Jesus would throw this rabble into the mire. You know it.
If he actually existed.
Tim, I disagree. This is a victory for extreme conservative Christianity. ACB will, with the collusion of her fellow justices, impose radical Christianity on an unwilling nation.
The American Christian version of the Taliban now has its talons on the throat of all of us..
God help us.
If she was such a Christian she would know what God would want her to do. She is honoring a false God.
@Tom Moylan Relax, there’s amendment # 2 and poisons…cyanide, ricin, etc.
She’s purely an ideological appointment, and she will never stand down for the sake of democracy. She’s an anti-abortion shill.
Barrett she should wait let Americans to vote have democracy rule it’s wrong for her to do this.