Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley is calling on Premier Jason Kenney to announce restrictions as COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the province.
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Shes still around collecting taxpayer money? Yikes
The UCP is finished. Crooked Kenney has destroyed Alberta.
Karen army hard at work…
Can we stop paying her already?
So Karens like you want to cancel anyone you disagree with? Just cuz tribalism, amirite?
Glad she is getting paid, sitting on her crown.
Kennedy don’t care! He’s laying off healthcare workers 2021 as he said!
Privatize healthcare and you never need to worry about politicians impacting it ever again
@Wayne C all public sector employees provide no value and should be terminated
@albertannationalist Absolutely!!! I’m so sick of paying for pensions and thousands of duplicate union jobs with my taxes.
@Wayne C Learn some English , grammar and proper punctuation.
@C T You’d be paying even more for privatized healthcare, so STFU.
No more restrictions! No more lockdowns! Bunch of garbage!
You want to end up like South Dakota or Idaho? No one likes restrictions but trying to live in a fool’s paradise isn’t an option unless infirmity, healthcare capacity and mortality aren’t concerns for you.
“Sorry ma’am, we have to cancel your life-saving heart surgery because ICU resources are being used for acute COVID patients”.
Grow up. You sound like a little brat
When will we fight back???????
Oh come on like no one seen that coming. All politicians are playing the follow the leader game. Whatever Thug Fraud gets away with in Ontario the others will cut and paste
What FRIGGING difference does shutting down business do for the Long Term Care Inspectors who were operating under the safety net of the individual provincial unions who refused to look after those facilities?
She looks half dead
Her career in Alberta died a while ago lol
@Darryn Monti That’s odd. She still has her career as NDP leader and is ahead in the polls.
Just checked the numbers…. Ontario 23,615 and Alberta 21,694 typical opposition LIE….of course she was available to slag Kenny
2018 1,200 dead in Alberta
2020 500 dead in Alberta
notley should stop sour graping, help what you can, not put blame on somebody else, we know that if you were in that office you will miserably fail. So better shut up!
Could you be a bigger dumpster fire?

LOL so true!!!
Tooooo much government talk in Canada….blah….blah, trillions in debt.
Evan spends the first few minutes stating his “expert” denunciation of all things he views Kenny has done. He and Notley are simpatico …. what a surprise!
Crooked Kenney has destroyed Alberta. Everyone is sympatico with that fact.
Just imagine if covid enables her to get back in office. What a parting shot from covid would that be.
That would actually be great. Crooked Kenney and the UCP (still under RCMP investigation) needs to get kicked out of office.
Being 81 I prefer safety to death!!!!
Yes sir
Kenney wants to sacrifice your life for capitalism.
My wife and I along with our newborn baby will soon be homeless. Because of lockdowns I can’t find work. We refuse to go into debt because of the CCP virus. We are currently selling all our belongings on Kijiji to pay the bills. Trudeau Thanks for leaving the boarders open. I will never forgive the Liberal Government.
You can apply for CRB. Stop pretending to be a victim.
@Joe Smith My CRB ran out. Liberals say we will own nothing and be happy. I’m halfway there
At least something is booming in Alberta
She didn’t totally succeed as premier at destroying Alberta’s economy. So she’ll screw the premier by screaming to shut it down now. I live in Alberta and I care and take precautions when I go out. All this woman cares about are the union votes.
And all Kenney cares about are the right-wing lunatic conspiracy votes.
Yup, can’t wait to kick these UCP covidiots out of office in 2 years.
blah blah blah….i screwed the farmers…blah blah…..