Katy Tur explains the political implications of the Supreme Court's rulings on President Donald Trump's tax returns. Aired on 07/09/2020.
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'Not Their Problem': Katy Tur Says Trump Campaign Doesn't Think Tax Issue Will Affect 2020 | MSNBC
Trump doesn’t want 4 more years of the presidency, he wants 4 more years of immunity.
(Btw, Katy Tur is Hot!) 
lock him up…lock him up..!!
Lloyd Acton,
What happened to his need to teach Iran and North Korea and China a lesson?
What about his promise to finish the Wonder Wall?
All that h’e’s now keeping for 2021-2024?
Am I glad I’m not in Trump’s shoes. And the Tanned-Without-Sun cream and his in-weaves get thicker and thicker….and, o horror, he is given less and less executive time at Mar-a-Lago.
Poor Donnie; so many desires and still so much undesirables to do….
Both statements are true , I like the second one better
Al Capone didn’t go to prison for bootlegging, prostitution, murder or any of his other crimes. He went to prison for tax evasion.
money laundering for Putin’s Poodle
Bye Trump!
Can you, for a second, imagine the Orange Pig in an orange jail suit ???????!!!!!!!!!
Why doesn’t he follow the footsteps of why presidents showed their taxes? Because one of them got called for corruption, showed taxes to show he wasn’t.
This is some b.s. we as Americans should be able to see his financial entanglements
so… just show the taxes…
Just be better if he choked on a chicken bone
They may not think so but evidently Trump on twitter going ballistic does. .
Poor Baby Trump. He’s going to cry so loudly in prison when they take his Twitter away.
People know what trump has been up to. they know he is a crook
Hello… this is NOT a political thing! Its a legal matter for New York… The electorate has more than enough to make up its mind about. If Americans don;t vote Trump out… they deserve the country they get as a result
Yes you are but ruling stated there has to be a reason and or specific. Just can’t get entire return. Case has to be proven in court that it is valid information. That’s the part every one has problem with!
@Thomas Cunningham No one is having a problem with it. It will be extremely easy to show cause and subpoena Trump’s taxes. We have ample evidence that Trump has been involved with tax fraud, bank fraud, real estate fraud… you name it.
As we watch this, bunker baby is having a twitter fit like a 12 yr old kid.
Poor Baby Trump. He’s going to cry so loudly in prison when they take his Twitter away.
I kinda wish I could see it, but just for the lolz. He’s so screwed.
@Tessmage Tessera
He’s going to be crying, alright. Over Twitter? Nah. He’ll have even “bigger” problems in prison.
@Tessmage Tessera
Take his Twitter away in prison?
That just sounds naughty.
The REAL question is, “Is America Going Even Lower,” see what happens in November.
That depends on how many of us is going to turn out and bring people along that didn’t cast their ballot 2016.
Doesn’t matter. Trump is going to get destroyed anyway.
Yes he will
tanon I just really hope so!
Not yet. Dont get complacent.
Flush the turd
November 3rd
Tax evasion, fraud and money laundering is my guess.
Guarentee Trump is going to throw his accountants under the bus. Preferably one that is dead or a Democrat. He won’t take responsibility like every other person that SIGNS your tax return. He will claim the returns were too long or complicated and he was duped. ‘I’m not an accountant” wil be his defense.
It wouldn’t work for you or I if we ever get audited, but his base will eat it up.
Go to jail and stay there.
I don’t know what’s in Trump’s taxes, but I’m willing to bet that it’s far worse than anyone ever imagined. Far worse than anyone ever imagined seems to the pattern when it comes to anything involving Trump, so it’s a safe bet.
I agree. If the moron had spent a fraction of his energy on fighting the corona virus that he spent on hiding his tax returns, the country wouldn’t be in such a mess.
Well put. Trump launders everything financially. No other modern American President has done this. Gangster stuff. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur is having a struggle getting any type of truth outa this situation as well. (But..also.. right now..we are in the middle of a pandemic too. (Remember the two cruise ships with corona virus patients on board? In February I believe..) President Trump said to just quarantine them.
But the Chinese medical information about this virus was available to him in January, during the Senate impeachment trial.) And
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell said we couldn’t impeach Trump so close to the election.
Nowadays..what a supreme mess. Americans are dying of this virus. But, Trump goes to Mount Rushmore and makes this strange, dark political speech. The American people need caring people if we are to recover. (His job as president is to protect and defend. ) The American people need as many capable folks in Congress and in the White House in January to start over. If we can just get there. Holy smokes!
Former Vice President and now Democratic candidate..Biden told us, it wouldn’t be easy. Vote blue
in November 
we need a President Roosevelt type leader. (Someone who just wants to do the job.. at a time of confusion and misleading bull crappy) .
Trump’s next move will be to sue himself, to prevent himself from releasing his taxes.
That’s all I’ve been praying for, lol
I actually want to see all of his three filthy feckless offspring suffer the brunt of any repercussions!
If you want to read what is sounds like when a pig squeals in alarm written in a Tweet, read Trump’s today.
His tax returns will “magically disappear” after they drag this out to the dying end.
“I would rather see the tax returns of politicians who became millionaires that the tax return of a billionaire who became president”