Nicolle Wallace breaks down the House impeachment managers' presentations from the third day of Trump's impeachment trial. Aired on 02/11/2021.
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#Impeachment #Trump #MSNBC
Not Surprised Some GOP Senators Left Chamber Early Because That Presentation Was About Lack Of Shame
GOP senators will be voting on what KIND OF
they want and WILL BE JUDGED IN HISTORY for it
@Special People “members present”
So if 26 GQPee walk out the Senate can convict and prohibit w/just 50?
I like your reasoning
@Diamond Diva Remember even if you have to write it down or save it somewhere do it and vote them out
@tj mak Yep vote them out
@Randy Caston Yes please that would be delightful
@Bobby Baggett true. Because what’s ok for one is ok for the next person and the next person
Some of those GOP members along with the president spewing stop the steal are a clear and present danger to this country, period!
@Aedammair Ornóra Actually only people like your insane self are a huge problem for our country Biden 2024

@Steam fish White rice Agreed 1000%
@Sara Mill Go take your medicines lunatic

@Helene Flamand Right on
@Bob Beckhart So true
If gop can’t face what trump did, we can never let them have power again
@Stone Men i dont recall joe biden having an armed militia of lunatics trying to overthrow the United States goverment and murdering cops. But sure keep watching fox trump news
Meanwhile any illegal immigrant committing a felony will not be deported but you all are focused on the dog and pony show… absolute disgrace what’s happening to this country
It’s actually sickening how patronising to the American people this is…
@Primaris Gains hopefully they don’t get reelected
@Stone Men Rightttt.
They should impeach these senators just like trump. They are aiding and abetting
Exaggerating except when it comes to antifatards
Yes those on the democrat party incited violence Harris, Maxzine, Scummer, Peloski, they put out inciting to crowds and the democrats did nothing when the states were burning, police officers beaten and literally towns were destroyed cause the democrats did nothing and said they have the right to riots which were bad, and would not allow Trump to call in the National Guard
@Sandra Smelcer

Democrats and Liberals are HATE FILLED MONSTERS who HATE America and wish its destruction..
Only armed resistance can save this country from becoming a migrant infested high taxes communist country..
@Joe McKim He should have a nice tall glass of Jim Jones’ Kool-Aid, extra strong.
The 14th Amendment section 3 and 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 was written specifically for people like these Republican traitors.
Those Dumplicans that walked out of the trial basically said to the American people that they couldn’t care less and showed their contempt for the Constitution, the country, and the American people. They should be stripped of office. Since they would prefer to live in a dictatorship, Putin would probably be happy to have them.
We the people should show them at the polls when they are up for re-election. We don’t want to hear their lies.
And people support and vote for them
They certainly shouldn’t be allowed to vote since they haven’t listened to the evidence. A trial jury can’t just leave when they want
Let’s get them at the box vote them out Josh Hawley Ted Cruz Lindsey Graham Mitch McConnell Majorie Taylor Greene Ron Johnson spread the word they hoping we forget
Tarred and feathered
These “jurors” dont need to see the evidence because they are accomplices.
magat exterminator… IMO: they Do ***not want*** to see the evidence because they are accomplices.
Trump and his Kool-Aid drinking senators, are traitors to our beautiful country!!!! Payback @ the voting booth in 2022 & 2024
Magat exterminator:

Well said.
the same people who were cowering in cupboards are now too gutless to do anything about it.. cowards to the core..
Ted, Marco, Josh, Lady Graham and other GOP’s shouldn’t be voting on this round of impeachment. They should be on trial as well.
These guys are the true definition of the Swamp!!!!! Don’t forget these senators in 2022 & 2024 !
@Valerye Rogers Preach sista. Preach. I totally agree with you.
These traitors to our country need to be voted out once and for all!
When accomplices to the crime hold seats on the jury.
When the Senators walked out, the proceedings should have stopped until they returned, that or disqualify them from voting altogether. The constitution only requires 51 senators be present to do business.
All senators should be obligated to attend every minute the trial is in session
If they leave without a valid reason, then they should forfeit their votes in this “trail. “
Not even willing to face the truth…
These senators are unfit to serve our country.
@Sara Mill : Read the report. It’s the least you should do.
Votes were not rigged, according to the report. Lawmakers were not bought. There was no funny business when it came to voting machines. Rather, the Time story explains, business CEOs and left-wing activists coordinated closely to influence news media, legislation, state lawmakers, social media companies, and voters via targeted messaging campaigns, get-out-the-vote efforts, and protests. They also recruited scores of poll workers.
If there was illegal activity in the vote-counting process or anything illegal at all about left-wing activists working hand in hand with business titans, it is not outlined in the Time article. So, you’ll have to look elsewhere for proof of that.
funny how none of this is on fox or Qnews..wonder why that is..
@Sara Mill wtf are u on about
@Aylbdr Madison good ole boy sara’s dont need facts..a messiah figure with bone spurs is wat turns them on..
Of course Republicans walking out..they have no shame ..nor backbone
What the? This just becomes comical – this is a hearing – how do the “jurors” get to just up and leave?????? Disgusting tbh.
@Serafina Calise yes. My flag here in SWFla was stolen by anon neighbor who left a note saying that I don’t deserve it
@edeltwice , guilty
Amen!…can only hope karma comes to these Senators and their families, supporter, sooner then later. Lines are being drawn
Blue lives matter only when useful for the GOP.
When accomplices to the crime hold seats on the jury.
They took an OATH not to be blind or deaf to the evidence of this case. We CANNOT forget these traitors.
Aren’t they performing as jurors? Since when did jurors just get up and walk out? Rhetorical question. One hallmark of narcissism is the inability to deal with shame, something to do with childhood, tRump is the perfect example. Shame is so important to our humanity, MAGAs now can ignore it, the flip side of their entitlement.
Remember what trump said about Cruz wife and dad? This is so sad!
@Christine King : When accomplices to the crime hold seats on the jury.
The former noble Republican Party is now the laughing stock of the world.
@Richard Barry an impeachment trial doesn’t shut down law enforcement, border patrol, and other agencies that deal with that stuff. The nation can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Also, did you actually listen to the trial? Because, determining if someone is racist is the last thing that is trying to be determined here. It’s if Donald trump incited a riot, and tried to interfere with the counting of the ballots.
@Promp King I think our friend (Richard Barry) has embarrassed himself enough for one day
@Daniel Morales Aw what? I missed it! Looks like they deleted their comment
Don’t suppose you took a picture, lol?
@Richard Barry Cheap labor conservative loves illegals immigrants! Trump supporters there in Mississippi don’t like to work for cheap wages. So the chicken processing plants there in Mississippi hired illegals immigrants!
@Sam Crane And they don’t want to raise the minimum wage. “No it needs to be better for me specifically. Don’t help any of the minorities or people worse off than me”. Serves them right.
Hard to impeach Trump when his co-conspirators are sitting Senators. Rise up. No campaign fund to Senators who were to much of a coward to vote with integrity.
He’s talking to you! If you give them money you are just as culpable for their disrespect of our values.
EXACTLY!!!!!! Complicit, paid for and bought!! Inside job.
The “R” stands for “ridiculous”, not republican….
@James Jones that’s another one…keep them coming.

@Brown Brownn With so many parallels to Revelations in the Bible, looking a lot like the mark of the beast. At least for the trumpers anyway. Think about it, the mark of the beast is on the head(a maga hat) or on the hand(the coin they are so proud to show off). Just saying.
@you are fired! Nice
@Brown Brownn There ya go LMAO

@HiDro CroNick Agreed
Charlottesville – Michigan, the kidnapping plot – Jan. 6 – the assault on all of America.
Our Republican Party is shameful. People died! They don’t care!
Judy, people did die, and they never care unless you ‘contribute’ to thier re-election campaignes.
@Gregory Pierson Unfortunately.. True
Everyone already knows the GOP has no shame, no dignity, no morals just like their supporters.
Son: “Hey dad, if the Senate acquits him, does that mean he’s innocent?”
Dad: “No, son. It means they are all guilty”
Trump said “We love you and you are very special”. Isn’t that giving “comfort and aid to the enemy”?