CNN's Gabby Orr provides an inside look at former President Trump's first months out of office. #CNN #News
‘Not an easy transition’: Hear inside details of Trump’s post-presidency life

CNN's Gabby Orr provides an inside look at former President Trump's first months out of office. #CNN #News
Voldermoron is desperate to be back in office because he thinks it’ll halt all the lawsuits because “you can’t indict/sue, etc a sitting president.” This is not for anyone else’s benefit but his own.
@Four Monkeys Cafe
Magats have been bending over for their little lord Don the Con, and tossing his salad for almost 5 years now.
They aren’t about to stop.
Donald had them at hello, and they went all in.
Trump was and is the best president .
@junanatha1 -the leftists have been trying for years to get something on trump and each time they found nothing. Now they are going after his lawyer in case they find something on trump. It might turn out that trump is the cleanest politician that ever come out of Washington.
Did you read this book online named: <>? it is kind of so popular now, I also found its 10 Ep. series on YouTube, it shows the answer of why Americans are still following the ” cancel culture ” which is exactly the same as the ” culture revolution ” that killed millions of people 55 years ago in mainland China ! I was shocked by the truth mentioned in this book&video.
It is so sad that an entire party reduced itself to the appearance of one person. As if there is no party but only followers.
That’d exactly what Trump and Putin wanted.
Did you read this book online named: <>? it is kind of so popular now, I also found its 10 Ep. series on YouTube, it shows the answer of why Americans are still following the ” cancel culture ” which is exactly the same as the ” culture revolution ” that killed millions of people 55 years ago in mainland China ! I was shocked by the truth mentioned in this book&video.
@Jeff Burns Hitler was a socialist? No, he was a fascist, backed by German capitalists. Krupp, I.G. Farben, etc., were private firms; Hitler was regarded as “a bulwark against Bolshevism,” someone who would keep the German worker in line. The faction of the SA led by Ernst Röhm that held vaguely socialist views were violently suppressed by Hitler during “the Night of the Long Knives” towards the end of June 1934; as many as a thousand people were murdered. Hitler wanted an obeisant working class who would prepare for war and never question his authority. Hitler was not a socialist; try to be a little more intellectually honest; read Orwell’s “Politics and the English Language” when you get a chance.
By the way, David Duke, formerly with the American Nazi Party and the former “Grand Dragon” (?) of the KKK, who now identifies himself as a Republican, endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia chanted “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!” and “HEIL TRUMP!” Trump is their boy.
@Jeff Burns John Boehner, the former Republican Speaker of the House, characterized Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him as “bullshit.”
@Teck04 COVID-19 is a lethal airborne respiratory virus reported to have killed, to date, over 3,000,000 men and women throughout the world. The United States, with only 4% of the world’s population, accounts for over 560,000 of those deaths; we lead the world in COVID-19 fatalities for lack of sound policies that would inhibit the spread of the virus.
Numerous university and hospital studies have demonstrated that masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne viruses; google “mask efficacy.”
Sneeze into a handkerchief; wash your hands frequently; wear a mask.

When my Dad installed a lock on my toybox I didn’t look for ways to pry it off. I looked for ways to align my behavior and attitudes closer to his demands and expectations.
Thomas Hughs good point.…..
@String Monkey Stay in school. A high school diploma is valuable.
@Mac Daddy 50 I lived where winter weather routinely killed a few people in our county every year.
@Divided&Conquered( smiling emoji )
It’s like he’s going through the seven stages of grief, but he’s always stuck on denial. Pathetic.
@Scahoni Trump lost to sleepy Joe. F Trump and the Repukes
@Novaseul yes accusations but no proof where as biden is on camera touching up children inappropriately. Everything they accuse trump of with no proof,biden is on camera doing. Who did they poll? They certainly didn’t ask me. If you approve of biden and his race baiting them shame on you.
Not being rude- just trying to inform, but there are only 5 stages…DABDA
Depression, &
Did you read this book online named: <>? it is kind of so popular now, I also found its 10 Ep. series on YouTube, it shows the answer of why Americans are still following the ” cancel culture ” which is exactly the same as the ” culture revolution ” that killed millions of people 55 years ago in mainland China ! I was shocked by the truth mentioned in this book&video.
He makes my face itch!!! I have felt SUCH a sense of peace for last few months that he and his kids have been out of the news. I know it has been driving them absolutely mad to be out of the spotlight and to hear that they will be doing new rallies LITERALLY makes my jaw and shoulders tighten. “I must look as though I have power!” Good lord…his power is perceived and it will never be anything else.
@SteveV74 and hunter Biden is a golden child haha
@Harry Johnstone Among many different networks, it appears that 15 billion was spent on the wall before Biden stopped it, total of 450 miles (new wall also replaced a much of the older crappy ineffective barriers that even a 300 pound grandma can easily cross. About time it was ungraded as any infrastructure requires). According to nbc news: “the cost of services received [by illegal aliens] minus their tax contributions — was about $54 billion a year.” 54 billion PER YEAR rather than a one time cost for a wall. I’m not a big math fan but 54 billion (approx 216 billion in 4 years of Trump admin) would definitely help 10,000 Americans a lot more than 15 billion would. Do more research on walls, no they’re never 100% effective, but yes they help A LOT. Hence why other counties also use walls (I got to visit a wall in Israel that stopped illegal crossings by 99% according to the guide), people use fences and gates on their properties, especially celebrities (yes someone out there does jump the fence every so often), they put a fence around the capital, and other events to keep people out. Because it works. I also happen to know a federal officer who gets sent to the border a lot nowadays (I hear there’s an overwhelming border crisis) and he says the wall helps, so I’ll believe him over you who want to deny it works just because you hate the person who initiated a wall.
CNN sheep ! In 2024 you and millions of others will be just as incredulous in front of the TV as in 2016! MAGA FOREVER

@Carlos Alexander I love how you people add the flag. Lol. Sadly, I don’t think you see the irony of that and speaking of incredulous…again, I don’t think you see the irony in a “maga” supporter accusing absolutely anyone of that. Hehe
Did you read this book online named: <>? it is kind of so popular now, I also found its 10 Ep. series on YouTube, it shows the answer of why Americans are still following the ” cancel culture ” which is exactly the same as the ” culture revolution ” that killed millions of people 55 years ago in mainland China ! I was shocked by the truth mentioned in this book&video.
So basically the man-child has spent the last 4 months stewing in self-pity and plotting revenge against his “enemies” who didn’t fall in line. I’m clutching my pearls in shock
@go away yet here you are

@Stefanos Smitty Yeah and?
@Four Monkeys Cafe and yet you’re here?
@Darkmarth Talking about trump is recreational, a sport. You want to talk about problems? Why? Talking about them is not helpful, unless ur a politician. They always “Talk About” issues and thats it. Their campaigns (to me) are just words they don’t offer any ideas of How they’ll do this campaign promise. Later they’ll blame it on the other side~ Both parties play this game.
@N 827 now there’s two people that believe that.
The “unused” bridal sweet because they know (but will never admit) absolutely no woman in their right mind would want to be married there.
@Brenda Momphaso are you real? Created today w no info other than created today. Hmm
. Feel like I’m being bot-ted…
@Brenda Momphaso and on that note Aria over here the same thing. Created a week ago. Double Bot-Ted. Boo hiss.
@Josh UFO lol
Sure am real
It’s suite, not sweet.
Rump will be forever the bridesmaid, never again the bride.I
We still pay for his Secret Service security detail, and probably a secretary, chauffeur, etc.,etc..
Independance day your lie eill be overthrown
@Michiel van den Koppel WTF is an eill? Some kind of weird eel? Or code for MAGA
@Michiel van den Koppel You’re the guy getting his knees dirty in Rump’s Bridal Suite.
@Michiel van den Koppel so now it’s Independence Day? Was Memorial Day not worthy enough for the Q? Why does the Q hate memorializing veterans who died for their country? Why are you so anti patriotic? Why do you Qs hate democracy and those who died to defend it?
I can imagine him with his tiny hands, sitting behind a tiny desk, in an empty makeshift office, wondering where it all went wrong
@fman4234 to the contrary. It makes the whole damn civilized world feel better.
@John Mitchell I’d agree that it may make Lefty simpletons feel better but not necessarily the whole “civilized world” feel better. Part of the video is a light story about an “unprepared office for Trump” which interestingly incites sophomoric comments from many above – who, I assume, still need to “feel better” about dissing he who’s been out of the scene for three months.
Did you read this book online named: <>? it is kind of so popular now, I also found its 10 Ep. series on YouTube, it shows the answer of why Americans are still following the ” cancel culture ” which is exactly the same as the ” culture revolution ” that killed millions of people 55 years ago in mainland China ! I was shocked by the truth mentioned in this book&video.
@Lauren Walker Your taxes pay for health care just like canada..nothing is free.
@nemonucliosis I don’t even have a response to that because it was so dumb.
They must feel busy or they fly into narcissistic injury rage of people not giving them what they want/abandoning them.
Yeah “Not an easy transition after Trump” – CNN ratings Lmaoooooooooo
Did you read this book online named: <>? it is kind of so popular now, I also found its 10 Ep. series on YouTube, it shows the answer of why Americans are still following the ” cancel culture ” which is exactly the same as the ” culture revolution ” that killed millions of people 55 years ago in mainland China ! I was shocked by the truth mentioned in this book&video.
@Second Sight Cinema What does it matter where “dog pooh” works, you’re not his/her patient. His “awfully fuzzy” diagnosis is very appropriate for the general public & Youtube.
You’re awfully picky about this one, you have something against Shrinks
@Paul Ramirez If you’re a Trumper (I’mSorry
) Biden’s trying to bring the country together; whereas trump serves his own, worst kind of republican.
Peace out yourass
@ItsAllGood is s/he a psychiatrist? I asked, but s/he didn’t answer. So we still don’t know.
Like an old dog with a bone, just can’t let it go….
But he doesn’t like dogs, and his bones have spurs.
@Keith Hunter

The Orange Bloated Blob is a sick narcissist. Of course it’s hard for him
He should build a McDonald’s on Mar A Lago since he doesn’t have access to the White House kitchen now
Orange? Are you racist or something?
The bridal suite was chosen because it has a big make-up table and lots of mirrors. Now well stocked with tangerine coloured foundation.
@Michiel van den Koppel Racist against a silver spoon, trust fund, Manhattan con man? Yes. Yes I am

. Aren’t you?
In 2024 you and millions of others will be just as incredulous in front of the TV as in 2016! MAGA FOREVER

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45….
The GQP still are in total denial and the cult members are insane
This is the kind of news story we need right now. My day is so much better after laughing at this.
He didn’t think he’d need an office, but without his Twitter account he can’t work on the toilet anymore.
@Mean Gene he’s not laughed at by normal well informed people. I dont have twitter but followed him on here and have the utmost respect for him. I am not American but love the maga movement and we are disgusted to see Biden as president. You should follow some conservatives on here for a more balanced view as cnn is propaganda machine and very dangerous.
@Aria 1

@Aria 1
I am so glad you are not an American, one less nut person to deal with.
that is fine –d ont worry about him and focus on your DemocRats and all the good deeds they are doing for the nation
It’s always hard for toddlers to transition to something new. Fortunately actual toddlers don’t throw as many tantrums and within a week are accepting and alot of the time even happy with their new home
Also toddlers talk too much lol
Macaroni Art!!!!
If he thinks the transition was hard already, wait till he hears the FBI just raided his lawyer’s apartment.
Wonder if the transition to jail will be emotionally testing.
Omg, I have had the best transition with him leaving office. The best.
The bridal suite was chosen because it has a big make-up table and lots of mirrors. Now well stocked with tangerine coloured foundation.
And a big dressing room for putting on his girdle.