North Korea has blown up a joint liaison office used for talks between itself and South Korea, the latest sign that ties between the two longtime adversaries are rapidly deteriorating. CNN's Will Ripley reports.
#CNNI #News
North Korea has blown up a joint liaison office used for talks between itself and South Korea, the latest sign that ties between the two longtime adversaries are rapidly deteriorating. CNN's Will Ripley reports.
#CNNI #News
KIM JONG: lets make 2020 more exciting, bomb it!!
Plot twist – they were actually trying to destroy a building on the *southern* side of the DMZ but, as usual, the range of their missile was less than advertised.
Hey now ! ..those Chinese bottle rockets got soaked .
I thought this was an Onion article for a second before seeing CNN.
Whats the difference
@RMK You can take the Onion with a grain of salt, CNN expects you to swallow with no option of “spit.
trump’s love affair with kim should had been in the onion when the world read this tweet from trump
….Chariman Kim has a great and beautiful vision for his country, and only the United States, with me as President, can make that vision come true. He will do the right thing because he is far too smart not to, and he does not want to disappoint his friend, President Trump!
@ROBLOX VIDS 2 the onion tell less lies than trump
@socal rocks You mean fewer, not less. Countable quantities use “fewer” while non-countable quantaties use “less”. “Less water”, “less time”, “fewer lies”, “fewer dollars”, “less money”, etc.
“It’s in the hands of the army now”
*army borrows explosives from construction workers to symbolically demolish a building in their side of the border.*
Is Kim’s sister holding him hostage somewhere or what?
She’s holding something, alright… probably with tweezers.
Imagine wanting in on the madness going on in the world this year when everyone who has experienced it wish they didn’t. Smh.
2020- Coronavirus, police violence, worldwide protests and clashes, civil unrest, murder hornets, Arctic fuel spill, tensions rising between the U.S and China, North Korea now getting more aggressive, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten something else that’s happened. We’re only halfway through 2020
Jesus comes in 2021,it might take him the rest of Eternity to clean up this mess!
Yes, You forgot Jan 202 started with Trump directing killing of Top Isis leader, w everyone fearing WW3!!
@NvrQuit54 you’re joking right
@NvrQuit54 scoffer
Lisa Stephanie If you’re going to remind people of events, get it right. He killed the top Iranian general and in their eyes, a national hero. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t a great guy, but neither are some of our generals.
…Looks like the new Supreme Leader has started things off with a bang.
Agreed. It’s obvious that Kim Jong Un is dead
Great. I’m going to tell my Neighbor that if he doesn’t lower the music, I’m going to burn my own car
thanks never though of that. but he don’t have a car, bummer
you perfectly depicted the situation there
Fulcrum Fulcrum you stupid. For this to apply the car needs to be inside the neighbors house
But the building was funded by South Koreans’ taxes….
They didn’t demolish the building, it just collapsed because it was poorly built.
NK adviser: *”Sir, the tooth picks won’t hold.”*
Kim: *”It’s okay, this will be sending a message.* *Hopefully.”*
“Sir, the tooth picks won’t hold.” LMAOOOOOOOO
Well i guess thats a good way of disinfecting something
2020: But wait, there’s more!
@Abel Vidal oh no
First half of 2020: “what do you think about that”?
Second half of 2020: “Hold my beer”.
China attacked India— this is the start of WW3
East Ville are you serious?
In United States Congress the term “blowing up the room” means ending talks in an explosive or contentious manner in order to avoid reaching a conclusion in negotiations. These mfs REALLY blew the building up
richardscathouse Probably not.
Jab Jab
Yes. I agree.
Yo Pappy I also agree
Yea, first China poisoned the entire world, now they are going to make the moves planned 20 years ago. 1. Destroy the USA protection of Japan and Guam and take Taipei. Yup. That’s the plan.
2020: This is where the fun begins.
Andrea Moscoso thats a 3rd world problem
@Dark Meta – Nope. Don the con stopped military exercises with S. Korea to “calm” things down. First time ever by a President. How did that work out? He’s building up his nuclear once again. He’s flipping us off. He’s not afraid. I’m a pacifist … but I am also a veteran who served when donny got bone spurs. I’ve seen just how crazy the world really is. If you don’t hold a knife to a wacko, out of control maniac’s throat … he will cut your throat. It keeps the peace. That’s reality.
I guess the player has moved from plague inc to doomsday inc
Or rather ends.
north and south korea: we dont need to talk anymore *blow up the building*
india and china: Hold Our Beer.
iran execution of sulemanie
covid 19
worldwide economic collapse
goerge floyds murder leads to protests and rioting
north korea blows up laison office
2020 is turning out to be a smashing year
Next is Judgement Day unexpectedly lol seriously tho .
Hurricane Season is expected to be one hell of a dozy.
@Dejon Dix aha id say armageddon remember crazy trump has a bigger button hes not going out without a bang with the rocket man…
And there’s many things in 2020 that I can’t explain bc it’s too complicated
No Kimmy you can’t blow South Korea to the ground.
Kimmy: “Then I’ll just declare war on this building that we built then!”
On Northern turf…uh uh..
It was the nicest building they had, sad
Bro, SK built it, not NK. It was built with SK taxpayers money
They’re probably just doing a total remodel North Korea style.
@Tim Murphy yep…the only american president to capitulate to the north’s demand that they end….but then again , trump did that because he thought he was going to win the nobel peace prize for doing so…
@Justin Rojas a love letter ?
@Tim Murphy The Joint military exersizes held by the ROK and United States are not held in the Sea of Japan (The East Sea) They are held in The West Sea (The Yellow Sea)
@Tim Murphy The War games are generally always held on and around Yeonpyeong Myeon (YeonPyeong Island in the West Sea, or Yellow Sea. It is just below the border of the DPRK (North Korea) and this is why the North Koreans get so mad because they think the Island is theirs even though they know it is not. War games held on and around this island piss off the DPRK because it is like (they see it as) other countries showing off their military power.
@socal rocks
He wins the No Balls Piece prize.
North Korea: I don’t like you anymore.
South Korea: but why? What did we do? Let’s talk about it. Meet you at the usual spot
North Korea: blows the spot….
My name is the spot
Exactly. That’s all about it.
I think North Korea took the phrase “blowing up a room” literally
“Another one for apocalypse bingo!”
2020 is like a game, every stage we go through gets crazier and harder . By the end of 2020 earth will be at war with the transformers.
I catch your drift . Why not ?
The Final Boss
Awesome, I’d watch that. Of course, I live on a sailboat. Y’all have at it.
Rn the world is like half-life… but without the aliens. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually it’ll be half-life WITH aliens