Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba reacts to a wave of Russian missile strikes across Ukraine, saying whatever Putin does “we will continue to liberate our territory.” #CNN #News
‘No way’: Ukrainian FM on whether Russia’s missile attack will change Ukraine’s counteroffensive

Ukraine all the way

If you need a cushy job on the board of Burisma
@uhadme Maybe you prefer “but I need a favor..though”!
My heart goes out to all those fighting for their freedom


Pootin getting desperate because he can’t win on the ground.
The Ukrainians spirit
is 2nd to none and this guy speaks for all Ukrainians that’s exactly how they are! They are very grateful people
we should support more now than ever! These people will go down as the bravest in history! Heroyam Slava 
@Joseph Peeler Wars have always been good for economies.
@CC Listen .. what are you writing there? Not a single American soldier died in this war, the valiant warriors of Ukraine are fighting there! Are they asking a lot? All that is needed is to close the sky of Ukraine. Ukraine is now the leader among NATO members, without being officially in it yet. Why are you defending a terrorist country that threatens all of humanity? Very strange though…
Ya know, not for anything, but that was a remarkably inept and disrespectful question to ask this Foreign Minister, Ms. Amanpour. The Ukrainian government has freaking TOLD THE WORLD what it needs to win this war and everyone is tip-toeing around the daggum answer. Go back to FEBRUARY and watch videos of Mr. Zelensky all but begging the West for what he and his countrypeople needed THEN to win this war. And you have the temerity to ask this man again??? For the love…and he is correct: how many more people are going to lose their lives until folks in power get off their backsides and finish this mess. Geez…
Frankly she is one of the worst journalists out there
In WW2 in 1940, Germany started their air campaign against Britain. Over a period of 4-5 months, the Brits were holding their own especially with their new RADAR capabilities. However, Germany was steadily making gains as they destroyed British airfields and oil depots. One night, Churchill approved a bombing raid on an airport in Berlin for strategic and political messaging reasons. Hitler was so angry at this that he decided to switch focus from bombing airfields to bombing large cities and civilian centers with no strategic value. Instead of demoralizing the Brits, it further invigorated their fervor to fight and defeat Germany while also causing Germany to stray from their strategic and operational objectives.
Yeah it is said, that had Germany kept focusing on military ,instead of civilian, targets they would have won the battle of Britain. As the RAF was hanging on barely, but with switching targets, he gave them time to breath and recover.
@Dylan Vogler but the Brits did the same in Dresden, only at a time when the Germans were already a toast. You may hate me for saying this but the Brits were not that big a factor in the European theatre of WW2.
Ukraine reportedly intercepted 43 of the missiles. They are very competent, they just need more equipment.

@Optimus Princeps If russia attacked NATO convoys, NATO would respond. NATO isn’t in this fight, YET. Pray it stays that way, little bot.
Yeah and i strucked Gold
in other words they need more money from you
Go Ukraine
!! What a brave, fearless and dignified people.
If there’s any justice left in this world, Ukraine will be victorious!!
Glory to ukraine! Thank you José! You are a hero of the modern era, believe me!
They will be vaccinated
Wishing Ukraine peace and freedom
@QUEENIE MacKenzie errr, but russia is the aggressor…they invaded. Why the hell should anyone respect russian territory when russia has no respect for any of it’s neighbours?
Yep, and may the Russians protect and expand the territories that were formerly part of Ukraine.
Don’t stop support Ukraine so peace will come to its land ASAP.

My heart is with the orphan girl who lost both parents. I wish there was a way to help her.
if only there was a way…
@Jordan this isn’t about Syria …
@daniel mackay so that republicans can roll over?
thanks, no
Me too. I pray God will comfort her.
What gal do u mean exactly? I know 47 Donbass children from Angels alley in Donetsk who were assassinated by Ukrainian shelling since 2014. Or u mean another gal?
What has made a lasting impression on me during this war is how utterly cowardly germany and france have responded throughout.
@Lovecraft They might remember, but the ruzzians seem to have forgotten the winter war and afghanistan. And they never learn anything, which makes them jokingly predictable.
What do you expect France and Germany to do?
Saddens me when two brothers fights and their neighbours takes sides instead of separating them. Mr. Putin please stop this needles and costly war in Ukraine and withdraw your forces. Remember, no one wins in a war like this. Too much blood has been shed already.
Respect and admiration for Mr Kuleba. I am impressed by the team around President Zelenskyy. Glory to Ukraine. Love and support from
Ukraine has fought, they didn’t give up. They deserve help.
Respect for Mr. Kuleba
“Others have suggested that putin is lashing out emotionally” – nobody care about putin’s emotions or his mental capacity! He was lacking those cognitive capabilities when he annexed parts of Ukraine back in 2014. Focus on the task at hand!
How he can hold his head high is beyond me. It is the height of narcissism or maybe the depths would be a better way to describe it. I am beyond sad and I feel pain for those touched by the hand of this madman.
I think you’re talking about Putin and not this Ukrainian Foreign Minister, right? If so, agreed
it’s just amazing how among all this horror so many Ukrainians rise, develop and excel.
D.Kuleba is one of them.
Respect to Ukraine. From india.
India says it’s on Russia’s side
India or Pakistan? US during the war supported Pakistan and Russians India, if you aren’t i apologies. That is why India are close friends with Russia. Agree any war is horrible be it the Iraq where million of civilians were killed not just this one. No child should go through such horror.
God bless Ukraine
Elon Musk’s responsibility for this tragedy is huge: irresponsible geek should not touch other countries. Elon is not able to understand that manipulations with other countries’ territories bring harm and breaks people’s destinies, which is a crime
For too long the world community has looked the other way at oppression and aggression because it is good for business. We must join with other nations and link international trade directly to human rights in a positive and consistent way. Never too late to change our selfish ways. The profit must be taken out of oppression or nothing will really change. In fact, only crooked corporations and oligarchs profit from the current world order.