A Coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna will be submitted for regulatory approval Monday, the company said. Dr. Ashish Jha weighs in on this development. Aired on 11/30/2020.
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#CoronavirusVaccine #Moderna #MSNBC
'No Corners Have Been Cut,' Doctor Says On Vaccine Development | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Millions will be homeless or dead before the vaccine due to lack of action by congress on a covid relief package for the people.
You mean the senate. Congress passed the stimulus/relief bill many months ago. McConnell wont even put it up to the senate for a vote.
When it’s scrutinised and approved by experts and institutions worldwide, no problem
We can’t just look the other way and pretend nothing happened. There will be no healing until we have accountability
for the crimes committed by this President and his cabinet for the last four years. “It is what it is”.
@srgreeniii Ok…It’s really just like all of the others I have talk to. There is a lot of rhetoric about crimes and going to jail but nobody can state anything specific. I am not blind, I have been in politics all of my life since my first campaign for Hubert H Humphrey back when I was a child. We have seen no crimes, all of this is rhetoric.
@Martin I I don’t believe there are any reputable news outlets. We have to remember the warnings given to us by WikiLeaks when they talked about the compliant media in bed with the corrupt and entrenched political class and the globalist. There are no reputable news outlets.
I will listen to local news when I get my national news from my Democrat clients, from trade publications and other personal sources in politics and business. I do not listen to the national news because of the warnings we were given.
@T. R. Campbell Hey it, i can’t help you if you refuse to embrace reality. I’m pretty sure there’s NO cure for crazy.
@Martin I Well first of all, I am not a man. So right there I have proven you absolutely wrong. I think my political reality is pretty good because of the eight Democrat candidates that I was a political adviser hired by them to be elected or reelected, six of them we’re successful. I believe my record of accomplishment is excellent. I have Democrats knocking at my door wanting me to be their political advisor in two years.
So what have you accomplished to give you the chutzpah that would make you think you could give me any kind of advice whatsoever? What have you done to be politically active other than shut your mouth and to vote…if you did that?
DNA VACCINES – MODERNA PHARMACEUTICALS – “The key challenge associated with DNA vaccines is that they must penetrate the cell nucleus (crossing two membranes; the cytoplasm and the nucleus). The DNA must then be transcribed in the nucleus into mRNA before moving to the cytoplasm to stimulate antigen production. This core complex pathway often requires both larger doses and special, often painful delivery devices using electric shocks or gold microspheres into person’s skin to deliver the DNA vaccine. Once inside the nucleus, DNA vaccines have a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA.” NOTE SOURCE PDF Moderna Website: https://www.modernatx.com/sites/default/files/RNA_Vaccines_White_Paper_Moderna_050317_v8_4.pdf ….IF Moderna Source PDF gets erased file is available through WebArchive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20200618050815/https://www.modernatx.com/sites/default/files/RNA_Vaccines_White_Paper_Moderna_050317_v8_4.pdf
Trump failed to do anything to contain the virus in Dec 2019. the virus in the USA should rightly be called the Trump Virus because he allowed it to spread to a pandemic.
You are wrong my friend his administration got the vaccine up and running warp speed like I know you hate President Trump what do you think Joe Biden is going to do besides raise our taxes during the pandemic when people are out of work and can’t afford food get a grip in life
@Marvin Guigar Yep, he is another Rev Jim Jones or David Koresh with just as much potential to take his cultist followers down with him
We should make t’rump take it first.

As long as we can first rule out profuse sweating, loss of mental abilities, change in skin color, and profuse sniffling as side effects first.
Well actually Joe Biden said he would be the first to take it he trust Donald Trump he did say that
President Joe Biden please get an aggressive DOJ so they’ll pursue all criminal activities of the clown and his cronies ..specifically the 8 billions arms deals in Saudi Arabia…$#@
So, if you haven’t figured it out yet, tose of you that continue to defy wearing a mask, staying inside, and those of you that continue to go to gatherings, YOU ARE THE REASON WHY OUR ECONOMY IS NOT RECOVERING. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY UNEMPLOYMENT CONTINUES TO RISE. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY DINNERS CAN’T MAKE IT OR PAY EMPLOYEES. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY HEALTH CARE IS GOING TO BE EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE IN THE FUTURE. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY SMALL BUSINESSES CAN’T SURVIVE. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY PEOPLE CAN’T GET BACK TO WORK. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY TRAVELING HAS CAME TO A STOP. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY PEOPLE ARE DYING. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY HOSIPITALS ARE OVER WHELMED. YOU UNLEASED THIS VIRUS ON AMERICA. You say the problem is you don’t want our government to control your life and tell you what you need to do. Yet you won’t on your own do the responsible actions necessary to get this virus under control. Our government should NOT HAVE to enforce actions to get ANYONE to corporate to save lives. More than anything, why are you not listening to those nurses and doctors that are tired of working the long hours, those that have lost others in this profession while serving you? They are dying as well, because those of you that seem to think the government is trying to control your liberties, when in fact they are simply trying to get the virus under control so you can go back to having a life again. I guess if you have a dying wish to die from this virus, that’s your decision, but do you have to take others with you? Seriously, are you proud of yourself for being so defiant?
The way he tampered with the CDC and FDA…can they blame us???!!!
So it’s was found quick! Why are you taking so long on others? Money!!
I’d rather take my chances with a vaccine than risk getting Covid-19, particularly since I’ve already lost THREE family members to Covid-19
I KNOW what it does to people.
Even if the vaccine gives me a rash for a month or something lol it’s still better safe (as our best experts can tell) than sorry!
95% is still a crap shoot.
I’m not sure about the vaccine because tRump made it soo political and it was rushed.
That’s ok, I’ll wait for a few thousand people to go first. Seen too many of those lawyer commercials “Have you taken blah blah and had side effects call me to get you a cash settlement”.
Anything too good to be true usually isn’t.
Just the same I will wait several months and see how it goes.
All Trump supporters should go first. Line up for Covid 19.
…”is it really safe…” – to consider not taking the vaccine ?
When trump loses at anything, there is always some one else at fault. Fraud or being cheated or being treated unfairly are charges he usually asserts to be true even when they obviously are not. He is relentless.
Yep, he is another Rev Jim Jones or David Koresh with just as much potential to take his cultist followers down with him
Trump’s secret to: > becoming a millionaire? – start off as a billionaire > ushering in best analog technology? – start off from digital era > keeping America on life support in pandemic? – start off as a healthy and wealthy nation > making America great again? – lose
I’m concerned that a vaccine is being rushed just so that Trump can get credit for it before he leaves office I’m not willing to take it at this point