NBC's Monica Alba reports as there appears to be no coordinated strategy from the White House or the Republican party as to how to defend President Trump's actions as he faces his second impeachment for inciting the Capitol riot. Aired on 01/13/2021.
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#SecondImpeachment #PresidentTrump #MSNBC
'No Coordinated Strategy' To Defend Trump's Actions As He Faces His Second Impeachment | MSNBC
“Where his head is at here!”; That’s fantastic!!
They are afraid of the mob. How sad that we have to live in fear. That is what terrorist do, that’s what these people who stormed our Capitol are, “terrorist”. These Republicans have all broken their oath. They should all be impeached with Him.
That’s something Obama could never do, get impeached twice in one term

That’s cause there isn’t a defense, full stop
No respect for GOP at this point. Would vote for an animal over these despicable house reps!
He can say he’s the Best! (at getting impeached)
Joke too soon?
Who is choosing to not vote at this time? What will it take to have backbone?!
Nothing is settled until it is settled right…
– Rudyard Kipling
They may “say” their is no defense, but their actions are still contradicting that!
Where Steven Miller the supporter of the Proud Boys!
You can’t really defend against something that is self-evident. And you definitely can’t defend the indefensible.
were is Stephen Miller and Kayleigh McEnany wonder what official hat she is using today senior housekeeper?? lol
T**** is gonna be an expert in impeachments.
Cause there is no defending his actions and deep down, the majority of the GOP knows that.
How about “BUT HER EMAILS!!!!1!11!” That defense worked fine for four years, didn’t it?
Until it was found Trump did the same thing lol
Why should any of them defend him, they all are thrown under the bus after they quit lying for him
they’re afraid the MAGA Qanon extremist terrorists will behead them
Hey QAnon. How’s that plan working out for ya? : )
Perfectly Splendid… impeachment failed again
@Saiayin Coby Haha, no it didn’t.
Well, what the media doesn’t cover is how Trump is fighting lizard people in the center of the earth, which is actually a flat earth, where JFK is being held prisoner. I read it on Facebook, it must be true!
In honor of our VP Kamala Harris, I now declare that Kayleigh Mcenany shall be forever known as Kay-Leah… It’s not that difficult to say it correctly.
kay-lee is the phonetics.
Never trust the Good Ole Party,They only represent corporate America…..
What???? Have you looked at Joe Bai Den’s contributors? The entire Silicon Valley is in Bed with Democrats. Get a clue!!
@Randy Henderson we get it, you didnt vote for Biden. But if you want to point fingers at shady supporters, there was some Epstein fella, like to traffic in young girls. Donny reaaaaallly looked like he was having fun with him in the shitload of pictures and videos of them together.
But mostly, I want to thank you for contributing a comment and boosting engagement algorithm. You see, the video will get now reccomended to more people.
This isn’t true. They also represent white supremacists, Confederate sympathizers, Neo-Nazis, bigots, evangelicals, and the willfully ignorant.
Good Ole Party xD
It’s corporate America that is attacking everyone’s free speech.
Sad…Watching Republicans still defending this monster…He doesn’t get to skip away from this…Yesterday still claiming election fraud and takes no accountability..