Legal analyst Ari Goldkind discusses the Supreme Court ruling that changes mandatory registration for the sex offender registry for some.
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I’m not worried
Im just worry about Trudeau
@Adventures Backroad why?
I think minors who are sex offenders should be on that list and not be removed. They offended or assaulted someone who also doesn’t get to live a normal life….so I think sex offenders should be on there for life because they ruined someone else’s life
When I think of a minor, I think of someone whose brain is far from being fully developed. Is that your understanding?
Did you listen to what was said?
If their tried in family court they DO NOT have to register, its only if tried as an adult
As if having a little too much to drink is a valid excuse for anything let alone a sex offence.
Did you listen to what was explained? Also the court has ruled that having too much to drink can be an excuse. I believe.
The Conservatives and Harper were the ones who came up with this cruel and unusual punishment. If you do the crime, you do the time and should not be constantly harrassed.
drinking isn’t an excuse. If you’d do it drunk, you’d do it sober, you just don’t have the courage.
Ndholvu still went to jail.
Of course not, but why does it not cut both ways.
This country moving backwards lol
No I fully support this rulling
What is going on here in Canada.
@Erik S Are you always so gullible?
@Blutteufel don’t engage with the pink haired troll.
@Erik S Ok Groomer.
@Erik S peeing in public isn’t a registrable offence in Canada.
@Stephen Fetchit lol “ok groomer” hahaha that’s funny.
*_ALL_* Canadians should be worried about this open support of degeneracy.
Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $9,000 investment every 21days.
As a furry I find your use of that word to be racist
next comes decriminalization…… and on and on
Make it public!!
Dude its not happening. This ruling means that such a law would also be unconstitutional cause they will site this rulling.
Also Trudeau Vetoed a legal framework harper set up back in around 2015.
I know men that have had their lives ruined by an unwanted touching of some chick in a bar or at a party…. this seems reasonable to me.
The analogy he used was so poor! Drinking too much is a voluntarily negligent act. It merely emboldens the criminal mind one already has.
Look here, another thing to be distracted by. As Rome burns…
Amazing video and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $9,000 investment every 21days.
no you dont
Pollical corrosiveness means you should be scared…
With Trudeau all is backwards….
*smokes weed* sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my bong
All Canadians should be worried
Why does his one eye keep blinking by itself
and when they say no Canadian should be worried, that means we should be worried.
So if a girl falsely accuses me… I’m screwed?