Nearly 3,000 people flooded into Nevada after a call on Facebook to storm Area 51; about 200 made it to the main gate. CNN's Christi Paul and Victor Blackwell discuss with retired NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao. #CNN #News
No aliens, 2 arrested at ‘Storm Area 51’ event

People are saying how disappointing this is but yet they didn’t show up either
Stupid idea anyway but I can’t lie, I was expecting a shitshow
I’m glad I didn’t join The raid or say it either
Jeongin Can step on me If you don’t then don’t say you are going
spongeboob That’s an excuse? There’s no point in saying your going if your not and u can’t afford a ticket lol.
Travis Scott I’m disappointed because those morons didn’t die.
Expectations: 2 Million people will show up! Reality: 20 People showed up….
Chris Ty Hey man, when someone is talking about the truth, wether or wether or not you believe it, take it seriously either way. Otherwise, your energy spent is pointless. What he’s saying is the truth.
yea because people join an event only on the internet nowadays, not actually at the place or venue… :))
@OfficialFLOW wth are u talking about?
Progje I don’t think it’s all bad you get to dress up and socialize that’s all I see to me
Those people who actually said they would show up and did… those are the people you can trust to be there for you when they say they are going to be.
Shannon Stibor they’re the people who’ll hold your hair back when you throw up
@Cooling Heat Define “No one”
That’s not true. Getting shot by the government and being there for someone isn’t the same
Idk about that
Of course there wasn’t any aliens there, Trump deported them 2 years ago
Freakin Nazi
Pug man he reported them back to mars
*0 aliens, 2 arrests, and 1 Naruto running legend*
All in all, I’d call this raid a success.
[Visible confusion]
Also aliens confirmed real
@YoungSpunkY You sound stupid as always-Your mom 2019
@Derpy Gamerダルピーゲーマー Darn right

It’s funny how people were there for a meme and the news reporters are taking it so seriously
Beth Loo Aliens my friend Aliens
@CosmicWanderer calm down, chiiillll
CosmicWanderer You don’t seem “chill” from looking back at you’re previous reply’s.
Jack Ramsay Might be the people who created the meme. It’s their fault for making people go to Area 51.
Bruh chill
No aliens but I hope there’ll be Malaysian Flight 370….
It’s near my home.
Let’s wait until the end of this year
Allah as well
Me and the bois discovering how it ended༎ຶ‿༎ຶ (〒﹏〒) (´;︵;`) (╥﹏╥)
Daddy, what happened on 20 September of 2019?
Nothing son, nothing…
Shakir Yusop: Brilliant Comment, Mr. Shackleford.
Shakir Yusop
Cause nothing really happened
Andrei Luca Don’t cry because it’s over.
Smile because it didn’t happen.
look into it
Everybody gangsta until area 51 guards point a gun at their head
What if area 51 is just fake and the aliens are in area 52. That would bamboozle us all
Progje woooosh
No look the people were a distraction while 2 mil sneaked through the back
2,000,000 people signed
2000 people went there
20 people raided
2 people got arrested
1 person is a naruto running legend
I see this as an absolute win
Nice copied comment
D-Rabbit for This is the internet, do you really expect people to give credit to someone over a comment?
@LitPotato i don’t care, but this is a copied comment, so i pointed it out.
@D-Rabbit for who cares if it was copied its still gold
Well all know they’re hiding MINECRAFT 2 at Area 51
Error Error lol yup
Sadly we didn’t get it. They must of hidden it well
Error Error I heard, in Minecraft 2, you can break bedrock
Half Life 3
“The best known secret military base in the world” lmao
So much irony.
In year 2222 on 2/22/22, 2,000,000 million aliens will attack the world, 2,000 people will get aducted, 200 will get killed and *only 2 aliens will escape earth….*
AE16 haHAA
@Chris Ty and has 222 likes
I hate People lol
Genius lol
Everyone was bussy going to the Global Climate strike they should have moved the dates and more ppl would have raided
There was a Global Climate Strike?
It’s sad I couldn’t go because I left my permission slip to go to Area 51 at home and so the bus left me
I got raped in Roswell on my way up so i was way late
@NPC #465949 by an alien?
@Majestic CouchPotato probably
@Majestic CouchPotato Yeah….He had like 40 dicks. I had every hole filled
expectations: 2 million people
reality: 75 people, 2 arrested
@Midzy, Blink, Cheshire, Monbebe, Everglow 4000*
@Shotgun Ok MF calm down I’ll change it
Midzy fr
decades from now someone’s gonna rewrite this and say this was the biggest and most successful raid in history
and two million have stormed refrigerators