After a night of deadly protest violence in Portland, Oregon, officials responded in starkly different ways. CNN's Wolf Blitzer has the latest from Mayor Ted Wheeler, President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. #CNN #News
Night of deadly Portland violence yields pointed responses

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
China wants division. They are Communists. The Democrats are inciting racial tension. They have resorted to state-sponsored terror and their Brownshirts are the commies BLM and Antifa.
Watch “Pelosi on Violent Mobs: “People Will Do What They Do”” on YouTube
PRIVILEGE: Wealthy Manhattan woman arrested by police for rioting, causing over $100,000 in damage | The Post Millennial
PRIVILEGE: Wealthy Manhattan woman arrested by police for rioting, causing over $100,000 in damage | The Post Millennial
Anybody that tweets 90 times in one morning is insane.
@quietman356 123455 Trump’s polls are going up partly because of the violence from the BLM movement but mostly because of the hypocrisy of Democrat mayors. Chicago mayor has banned protesting on her own Street and her house is protected by six police cars. Portland mayor called the police on BLM protesters and has gone into hiding. Both these Mayors are allowing the protest to happen in the rest of their cities that are still calling it peaceful. Nancy Pelosi as clearly encourage the violence as well. And of course Joe Biden said nothing until Don Lemon told him to.
“this is Biden’s america” uhhh no Trump, you’re the president right now dude.
A F how would they get candidates into a city which has been told that they are evil for years? The left are the ones who vote in people who put forward racist policies and don’t actually improve anything. You prop up LITERAL PROVEN racists as people you should listen to on racism.
@Mystical Sea Potato if the GOP really has great policies and a track record of acting for a dense population’s interest then they’ll win. but no, Trumpists want to use the federal government to control cities. nice “small government conservatism” ya got there bud
A F pulling that info out of nowhere I see. There are already GOP who are currently running against establishment democrat but they probably won’t win. Decades of indoctrination is not so easy to undo and that’s all democrats can do. The worst cities in America to live in are democrat run and are rampant with racism and crime.
Democrats – * Burning down cities left and right, riots everywhere *
Democrats – “Look whats happening in Trumps America ! He’s to blame”
The cities that they were voted in to protect are burning so yeah it’s their fault. The media, mayors and governors flamed this disaster and now they want to blame Trump bc he allowed the state to take care of it. It is the responsibility of the state to maintain order and to ask for federal assistance of it gets out of hand. Trump would be going against the constitution if he just sent in the national guard without the request of the state.
Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”
Matthew Vollmer I grew up in the church during the 90s and early 2000s, I understand what a Bible beater was at its peak.
@Michael Hozian From pumpkin head mouth
@nise 52 I loved the lunatic CNN reporter saying the protest was mostly peaceful while a three story building burned behind him. Typical democrat anal passage ” who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” You morons are truly pathetic!
@Dale Alberts Sorry to hear about your children, but that is on you. Maybe if trumpanzee had not unleashed the power of the trumpvirus on our country, our real children could get back to school. The ones he hasn’t killed yet, that is. You think you’re so holy. Go look at pictures of Jacob Blake’s back, if you want to see trump’s American version of holy!
Clueless and a sad situation. He’s been beyond control and recklessly rolling with it, to a downward spiral since that Lafayette photo op where good citizens were beaten and gassed by his gang of thugs.
The full video tells the story:
“We’ve got a Trumper over here!”
Where, here?” BANG BANG. Unprovoked, cold blooded murder by an anti-fa member.
@Nick Valentino did you get those taljing points sent to you in email form or just watch fox news. He condemned the violence months ago. Trump on the other hand faned the flames of division with threatening language and sending fed troops. He TOTALLY F-ING FAILED. HE JUST MADE IT WORSE. If Biden had ent in the feds it would have worked because people actually respect him and he wouldn’t be so onesided and would have addressed their grievances for why they are angry in the first place. Trump can’t do that becaue he is a p.o.s. and you know it.
@Johnny Tocino So demanding no violence and peace is fanning the flames?No Biden did not condem a thing months ago! Not even once in the 4 days of the DNC convention not one speaker mentioned the violence….. You liberals are so brain dead you actually believe that by trying to stop it makes it worse! There’s no excuse not Trump not Biden no issue is justification for violence…..I wonder however how many Republican cities are seeing violence on this scale in the streets?Answer=None!This violence this police brutality falls in the hand of failed policies in Democrat run cities and states period….Most of which are African American or minority elected officials and you liberals have the audacity to blame Trump lol!
@Johnny Tocino Side note…Look up the award Rev Jessie Jackson gave to Trump in 1999 for ” Commitment to diversity” for his work with minority communities! Then ask yourself why are they hiding this! Because it doesn’t fit their narrative!
@Cliff Medina Cutting and pasting is fun.
Go take a dump Trump chump.
“Fiery but mostly peaceful protest” None other than CNN
@robert caldwell look I’m defending him because you described what he did as murder. Watch the video. I dont know many murderers who first run away from the person they murder. You are the one who attacked him despite all of the contrary video evidence.
@555salt ummm… I didn’t charge him with anything. If I’m not mistaken, that was the DA. Save it sir. It’s up to the courts. You wanna contribute to his defense fund,go for it. God bless America, her troops, and all her people. Capt.Bob, SV 27th Chance, Tampa Florida
@robert caldwell conflating the senseless violence of riots with someone defending his own life is a strange move Bobby boy
@555salt ok ? Up to a jury now,though I’m guessing he’ll cop to a lesser charge,even if tryed as an adult. Please don’t call me boy. I’m 60 years old. That’s just cruel. I wish. You enjoy your evening. God bless America, her troops and all her people. Even you sir. Capt.Bob, SV 27th Chance, Tampa Florida
@robert caldwell hey sorry I was so angry earlier!
Wtf the democrats told me that the rioters were just a myth and that trump was lying and now they are saying it’s real I’m so confused. Didn’t trump offer to send help and wheeler said no.
@robert caldwell My profile is there I checked. Look on the bright side you and Joe might end up in the same care home. Take care.
@Peter Brooks Young bot. I’ll be sailing the Caribbean, and you’ll still be whining. Trump is going down. He’s already desperate, and clutching straws. If you continue to harass me,I’ll report you. I’ve stated my position, you’ve done your bit for mother Russia. I suggest you back off. Wrong sailor to fk with. Capt.Bob, SV 27th Chance, Tampa Florida. PS. I Checked too. No photos, no location. No nothing bot. A true American doesn’t hide behind a pseudonym.
@robert caldwell Good bye.
@Peter Brooks well bot,I just checked again, zeeeerrrro content. Zeeeeerrro subscribers = zeeeerrro person. BOT ! God bless America, her troops, and all her people. Capt.Bob, SV 27th Chance, Tampa Florida.
@robert caldwell I thought you had gone sailing?
I don’t think Baghdad Bob would work for CNN it would go against his journalist integrity
IslamBigHeaven.BuddBWorld. ChristBHell(BeingWithGoodPeopleRespectIslam)BWBadPRChrist)KillTheBadGuys)(@IG(Supreme god kill the bad guys)……….
“I promise to call off the mob if you vote for me”
– Joe Biden
@Bryan Machin not just Democrat Mayors. Right at the top at the Democrat Party there is a push for these riots and protests to continue. They want the violence. I suspect they know that they’ve lost and they want to destroy this country whenTrump takes over. That’s my best guess. Otherwise why would they destroy their country if they thought they were going to win?
@Sparky Sparky Its the same thing with “party” too. Democratic Mayors, Democratic Party.
Its correct in BOTH cases.
You’re welcome.
@Bryan Machin you are right.
@Sparky Sparky “When Trump takes over”? Takes over WHAT? He would have to declare an insurrection to take over the cities–what Lincoln did when the Confederate attacked Fort Sumter.
I seriously doubt he’ll declare a virtual state of war. Its harder to justify that publicly than using the Justice Department as your own personal prosecutors, or refusing to reveal your tax records, or not staffing our embassies, or telling people they can vote twice, or all of other things he’s trying to do to destroy the integrity of our government.
@Sparky Sparky Sorry to be a stickler, but I’m a teacher and I deal with this kind of thing all the time.
We as a country can do better. That’s all!
Holding people accountable for things like assault?!? Why now??
Why do Americans love to divide each other via party loyalty?
Can’t y’all just work together regardless of which party you support?
ManUtd503 Why should the past actions of people dictate the present? The reason they haven’t been able to rise is multifaceted. Yes, there were way too much red lining, but that literally can’t be the only reason they have a higher property rate. It’s their culture and the fact that the elected officials pass laws which prevent them from rising. Both parties are guilty of something and what the democrats are guilty of is oppressing the poor which is commonly made up of minorities. If the politicians are thrown out and laws/legislation changed, them they can start to get out of it. But they will still have to work on themselves. Even MLK said that they have to improve themselves. The great thing about America is that anyone can make it.
ManUtd503 never said it isn’t a problem. I’m saying the current people in charge are the problem and are preventing poor/homeless people from finding help. LA has put hundreds of millions into housing homeless and have gotten literally no where. In fact, they have actively gone against it. There is that musician who makes small portable houses that the city confiscated even though it was completely legal. Don’t blame the system, blame the people who control the system. Vote them out and get new people to work on it.
IslamBigHeaven.BuddBWorld. ChristBHell(BeingWithGoodPeopleRespectIslam)BWBadPRChrist)KillTheBadGuys)(@IG(Supreme god kill the bad guys)…….
“he tweeted 90 times since this morning” I’m so glad I’m not on twitter.
@Sparky Sparky
*Did you see the video of Donald Trump mocking a news reporter with a disability? A disabled person didn’t ask to be here. Not in this way. That alone should make any person with a conscious mind and a good heart to question a man’s moral integrity when they are willing to stoop this low and ridicule a person with a physical or mental disorder/disability. Any Republican who identifies himself/herself as an Evangelical Christian would know if you will disrespect people like this, you are very disrespectful to The Creator.*
@Benjamin Brown he was mocking the reporter not the disability. There’s a difference. And you don’t walk him and call him someone with dementia? You don’t do that?
@Sparky Sparky
Oh my bad. Having sings of dementia and mocking someone with a disability is the same thing.
Of course Donald Trump never mocked a news reporter with a disability
*FAKE NEWS, just ask any tRUMP supporter.*
Yet you watch this garbage, your mind is contaminated with propaganda.
Look up the Smith-Mundt Act that Obama overturned in the 2012 NDAA
All news is propaganda, which you idiots buy.
“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”
— Zbigniew Brzezinski
@No Master Above Me No Slave Below Me
If all news is propaganda then you must include Donald Trump’s Twitter account
“Social media is a toxic mix sometimes”
Lol. Talk about understatement.
@Sparky Sparky nancy though thought?
piss off with your tiny nonthought
@Sparky Sparky well, that is certainly the equivalent or worse than what mango mussilini has said. Get lost
@Kathryn Foster-martin
Sick Democrat leadership. Maxine Waters has been saying for years that if you see any Trump official or supporter to harass them and to crowd them. Her exact words. Is that not inciting anything? Look it up yourself. Even Washington Post wrote about her.
@Kathryn Foster-martin
Friendly Fire! Protester throws Molotov cocktail and gets another protester on the leg and set them on fire. None of them had fire extinguishers, pretty stupid. Police to the rescue.
@Kathryn Foster-martin
4 Things the Liberal Media Won’t Tell You About Black Lives Matter
Adults are responsible for their own ACTIONS, not potus.
The corruption, the hatred, the division has never been so pronounced since Trump took office. All Trump does is tweet and name-call by aiming blame against others. He’s at the helm, he is responsible in leading by example and what examples has he displayed through his actions. Wishing pedo’s “well”, pardoning corrupt criminals, pee tapes, gassing peaceful protesters for photo opportunities, paying off women he’s sexually harassed, playing golf more than any other POTUS in history, conspired with Russia ( confirmed by senate committee)…the list goes on. These are facts that he’s responsible for and supporting pro Trump supporters firing paint ball guns…. Adults are responsible for their actions, I guess he’s not an adult in your view.
Potus isn’t an adult.hes a pathetic narcissist Dullard with syphilis gaining ground on his peabrain.not much left in that cranial cavity.
“The media is not your friend”
Chris Cuomo – 2020
Said the bot
@robert caldwell What is a bot?
@Peter Brooks
Evidence of how much black people hate the BLM movement. And the truth about the joke that has become the BLM.
@Peter Brooks
BLM protests have cost more than 500 million dollars of property damage and that number is outdated. The cost of processing more than 14,000 arrests. The thousands of people who became unemployed and lost their businesses because of the damage to their property. The hundreds of people injured or intentionally or unintentionally killed during these protests. And people wonder why we hate BLM?
And Democrat Party and media still LIES these are peaceful protests.
PRIVILEGE: Wealthy Manhattan woman arrested by police for rioting, causing over $100,000 in damage | The Post Millennial
Cuomo: The media is not your friend.
ැකිය වහලය මත ඇති ටෙරස් සමහරක් ව්යවස්ථානුකූලව වටකර ගන්නසමහර විට දිවා ආහාරය සඳහා කොහේ හෝ නතර විය හැකිය ඔබ කියන දේබාස්කියුලේ
Democrats: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”. O wait, that was Karl Marx who said that, my bad!
Too late Biden. You only condemn the protest when your polls starts slipping from you. The whole of America sees that.
Why did this mayor not allow trump to bring in the National Guard to help him…