During a break in the first public impeachment testimony, Nicolle Wallace, Brian Williams, George Conway and Neal Katyal discuss Bill Taylor's testimony about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine. Aired on 11/13/19.
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Nicolle Wallace: Bill Taylor's Bombshell Testimony Draws Direct Line To Trump | MSNBC
Do not respond directly to the trolls it’s how they get paid. The following are known russian trolls:
William H
Dicky Jones
Janet Masiello
Janet Airlines
Irish Buck
Jeffrey Meade
Please give this a thumbs up so that everyone sees this list and stop feeding the trolls. Feel free to copy and paste on every political video.
Pub Comrad it’s called Chinglish it’s hilarious, and you’d have to be very dumb to be taken in
Aranyani Fox
if he doesn’t watch he’ll never know George C has buried him so eloquently
Lol says the guy with a fake name. I got to admit it is creative.
@Michael Binder Since when does a username have to be your “real” name? He’s pointing out russian bots, OP’s username is irrelevant
Let’s not forget, Trump deserves impeachment for his effect on US national security alone. And it should be made perfectly clear: Any seditious cultists threatening civil war or violence if Trump is impeached or isn’t reelected are promoting domestic terrorism and deserve to be persecuted with extreme prejudice.
“Trump Cited As A Motivating Factor In 81 Murders And 7 Terrorist Plots”
“Domestic Terrorism. Domestic terrorists—a phrase typically used to denote terrorists who are not directed or inspired by FTOs—have caused more deaths in the United States in recent years than have terrorists connected to FTOs. Domestic terrorist attacks and hate crimes sometimes overlap, as perpetrators of prominent domestic terrorist attacks have selected their targets based on factors such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity.
White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism. Lone attackers, as opposed to cells or organizations, generally perpetrate these kinds of attacks. But they are also part of a broader movement. White supremacist violent extremists’ outlook can generally be characterized by hatred for immigrants and ethnic minorities, often combining these prejudices with virulent anti-Semitism or anti-Muslim views.
White supremacist violent extremists have adopted an increasingly transnational outlook in recent years, largely driven by the technological forces described earlier in this Strategic Framework. Similar to how ISIS inspired and connected with potential radical Islamist terrorists, white supremacist violent extremists connect with like-minded individuals online. In addition to mainstream social media platforms, white supremacist violent extremists use lesser-known sites like Gab, 8chan, and EndChan, as well as encrypted channels. Celebration of violence and conspiracy theories about the “ethnic replacement” of whites as the majority ethnicity in various
Western countries are prominent in their online circles. ”
@M John not only has he not been convicted of anything, they can not find a crime to try him with. so, let’s put a person in prison, then we will try to find a crime, can’t find one, we will fabricate one, why ? because we do not like his personality, because he threw a wrench in the traitorous dems agenda. You do know the dems want to change the USA. At least when Trump leaves office America will still be America, might not be able to say that when the next democrat leaves office. If you like prosperity, you better enjoy it well you can.
@Jim J. “Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice”
Dan… the DemonRats are promoting domestic terrorism by attacking a sitting President with nothing, no acts, no crimes, no witnesses, nothing.
Mr. Jordan, you shouting will not make your lies true!!
Hey, George Michael. I’m an Independent. So, go post your drivel somewhere else. LOSER.
@jose rivera She should not believe everything she hears.
Poor Taylor,he must have been in shambles after that scolding he got from Jimmy.Someone should have at least offered him a blanket or something.In the midst of his traumatic lashing he still had the strength to muster one last smile.RIP Taylor,right next to Mueller sucking his thumb.
@katrina Sandoval liberal mentality, hearsay are facts and please pass the blankets and coco lol MAGA twen twen
There’s *nothing* in American political history that *reeks of corruption* like what #45’s *done* …even the infamous “Teapot Dome” scandal *didn’t* involve *selling out* American allies *to* dictators.
esj8341 Unfortunately, it isn’t baseless. How you call it doesn’t matter, it’s your opinion, you are entitled to it. The facts that he broke the oath to follow and protect the Constitution are there for you to see. What I don’t understand is people’s cult mentality There isn’t any doubt in your mind that your Dear Leader did something wrong, is there?
@Volha Teagle Agreed. Yet another hearsay witness whose testimony in an actual legal proceeding would not even be admitted. Heck, even if her testimony were not hearsay, her bias alone would render her credibility to nil. Remember, this, however, is a political show, not a legal proceeding.
esj8341 I don’t know of any good reason why Rudy and his Russian mafia associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, as well as Trump and even his son, and, not to forget, Hannity, would run a smear campaign against the ambassador, do you? Also if you want to continue this conversation with me, answer my questions. So far you just deflect. This is very Trumpian and I am not interested in this kind of debate
LOL, not even Obama having the IRS investigate his political rivals?
big mouth Jordan said trump asked Ukraine to investigate corruption. why didn’t he do that 2 years ago. we all know that Ukraine had corruption issues, his words, forever right? then why wait until now to force them to investigate…and why just specifically Biden and Clinton? lame excuse. wish Jordan had a loud mouth back when he used to teach, but instead, he kept his mouth shut and stood and the sideline to watch the students getting molested.
@Lexy Swope lol why dont you actually do some reasearch instead of trying and failing to guess the right answer??? you are never going to understand what is going on if you continue doing that
obviously the previous Ukraine admin was deeply involved with covering up for Bidens corruption as well as their involvement in many other things which present additional conflict of interest… it makes perfect sense if you actually bother to understand both sides of the story
Interesting question line… Why didn’t Obama say something about the Russian’s meddling? Oh yea, ’cause he was “working” with Putin.
Mr. Jordan, you say Democrats are blocking one witness!! Lol, You, worried about one? How many witnesses is Dump blocking? Ten? Yes, American people can see right through you.
@Ephesians 6:12 Well, it’s in the Whistleblower Act of 1989
@B Bodziak
Actually not B
So gaber by duh pushy
I read this and thought of you:
Three rules of life: never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them, never take credit for something you didn’t do, and always tell the truth. It’s easier to remember.
Charles Austin … Thanks. A great reminder
republicans are watering a dead weed.
Charles word for today. Another good way of living and standing for something or else you will fall for everything.
George is too good for kelly ann
@Eric Burkheimer Sorry to interrupt your made-up factoid, but Conway has been critical of the President not of the GOP.
@esj8341 really? https://youtu.be/TKtMTcZXfYQ
@Richard Henry Sr Talkin’ about George right?
@S Martin In your movie, who is Schiffless?
@Kevin Willis Name treasonous act.
“President t’rump is not watching. He has too many meetings.” – Stephanie Grisham

**t’rump Twitter timeline fills up with tweets about the hearing**
@Ephesians 6:12, Ha-ha-ha .. WAITING for that ..
@April Jones-Foston
You waited for Trumpy to outwit the Masters of the Universe in the DNC/CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI.
And what joy there was to watch Mueller mumble and stumble……….no evidence means no evidence.
LOL……..T-Rex will do it again.
@Ephesians 6:12 “outwit” & “master” of anything in the same sentence is worth a chuckle. The donald’s ALTERNATE REALITY meets REAL LIFE & IMPEACHMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS !
@April Jones-Foston
I positively love your name…..April. One of my all-time favs.
Let’s check the old scorecard:
1. 19 Trump-hating lawyers ………… FAIL
2. 40 FBI agents waste 2 1/2 years FAIL
3. Over 500 interviews…………………..FAIL
4. Over 2,000 subpoenas……………….FAIL
5. CIA Brennan’s dossier scheme…..FAIL
6. FBI tries to set up Trump……………FAIL
7. DOJ goes after Trump’s kids………FAIL
8. Obama hold-overs start leaking….FAIL
9. State Dept hacks express opinion ..FAIL
10. $40,000,000 taxpayer money………FAIL
Pretty good for a 74 year old man eh?
Trumpy outsmarts the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE over and over and over and you never seem to catch on.
And he does it between rounds of golf and banging his hot wife on AIR FORCE ONE.
Love ya
When the president is a traitor this is the result.
https://nypost.com/2019/11/12/10-reasons-why-this-impeachment-inquiry-is-really-a-coup/@fallen alpha
@Ephesians 6:12 new York post…. Opinion. Nice, if this were a coup, then the American people are allowing, and enabling it. This is not a coup, otherwise the military would be involved, it is not.
@fallen alpha
A coup d’état (/ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː/ ( listen); French: [ku deta]), also known as a putsch (German:/pʊtʃ/), a golpe de estado (Spanish/Portuguese), or simply as a coup, means the overthrow of an existing government; typically, this refers to an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power
@Ephesians 6:12 yeah well the Senate and and Congress can follow then. They are just as corrupt as every thing else.
@fallen alpha Ukraine was corrupt Ukraine was scheduled to get money now Trump halted the payment because he heard of corruption from Biden and Biden Jr. As we’ve stated it’s his job to investigate and see if there is any corruption before he sends any aid. There’s nothing wrong with that its his duty as president. For him to ask a favor of a foreign government to inform him of corruption from a member of the government such as Biden is perfectly okay. Just because the two things happened doesn’t mean that in order for him to get the financian aid he would have to tell us information on Biden’s corruption. The quid pro quo was set up so that somebody wouldn’t extort a foreign government for money or for a favor that would be harmful to the nation. and finding out why Biden son got money which was obviously a bribe is only beneficial to the country because corruption has no place but Trump didn’t say hey if you give me information on Biden and his son then we’ll go ahead and give you the money it wasn’t like that.
All roads lead to Trump…and from there, to Putin. Never forget Helsinki.
@Antony Stringfellow what is it that he did? Are you sure? We’re you a fly on the wall? Is your source a true source? Is your idea true or just a script? How do you know? Yeah ok.
@Rafael Salas
You’re open-minded, right?
@April Jones-Foston
You tell your friends that you are open-minded, right?
@Rafael Salas
Not afraid of the ‘other side’ are you? Watch this and get back with me.
@April Jones-Foston – ‘Nosecandy’ thinks we’re going to toss some shiny nickels at his ‘infowack videos’…

The republicans are clearly the ones trying to make this a side show
Your a blind leading the blind you both fall into the pit. Shut your mout
@Tickle Pink nooo there is notta. 00.0 you big dummies shift is a creepy weid dude. And polosi. Phew dumb as you boxes of roks
@M John I fly that flag up front high and proud like I do the American flag.
It started as a side show. What do you want them to do with it. A “witness” that saw and heard nothing first hand? A whistleblower that met with schiffless before he filed the complaint? So shiffless could tell him what to write? Yea, side show from the start. And when this one fails like the Mueller report, they have another one all written up. It will never end because it is all lies perpetrated by TDS sufferers.
I’d like to punch Jim Jordan square in the chops.
@Ephesians 6:12 not for me sweetie. Trump’s whole defense has a whole in it.
@David Champagne they have and will.
@Chelle b
Is English a second language for you sugar britches? What Whole are you referring to?
Jack, let me know, I’d like to be there when you take your shot. Crickets…
Jordan didn’t even have a question. Taylor and Kent are of great importance and they were explicit. Nunes’ smokescreen is so obvious that it is pathetic. More interesting stuff coming up!!
This is just another part of the coup,
A fake accusation, no evidence,lots of lies and hype.
Wasting our time and money.Poisoning the minds of the people.
And for what?
Because DT vowed to crack open their nests of corruption and he’s been doing just that, in spite of the wolves and hyenas.
Peter Schotanus so obvious a democrat!
“I am gobsmacked” So was I. When Taylor spoke, I was like, “I haven’t seen this in SUCH a long time. This a patriot. This is a public servant. This is a real man.” It was awesome to see again. So grateful to people like Mr. Taylor.
@Eddie Hauraki witness? I didn’t hear anything but admitted hearsay testimony. Remind me never to have you on my jury.
@ijohneb This is a hearing and it has just started most people I presume will want to listen to all of the witnesses unlike some yelling hearsay,coup,fake news, or now covering there ears what the whistleblower said was hearsay presumably most of which would be unadmissable in a criminal trail….however anyone who has been an Investigator takes hearsay on face value and goes and finds 1st hand witnesses to verify what was said and done….it appears some of these witnesses are on the way in…apart from the ones the President has threatened and obstructed and intimidated from appearing…my point is these 2 witnesses were clear coherent and credible public servants. I am listening and watching this spectacle from the other side of the world, It is in the interests of all that the Country seen by many and touted by you lot as the leaders of the free world…sort this mess out…if you lot don’t sort out the corrupt and power mad…what hope for those countries like Ukraine who are fighting against it..so sit back and watch like me the show has just begun,,,so there’s my rant for now since you asked…don’t worry I was unable to sit on juries due to the nature of my work…worked for the Prosecution…
This is a State Dept tick who got his feeling hurt when Trump rightfully went around him to deal with foreign policy.
Taylor believes he is President and Trump is Christmas help.
Yea, I really enjoyed it when he laughed at the humor of it when Jordan laid out the Dem’s case. No crimes, no witnesses, impeachable offenses. Taylor thought it was funny that he was in this Circus.
Below is a piece by Victor Davis Hanson on Max Boot’s TDS and the impeachment in general. Enjoy.
The Republicants defense was utterly hilarious and disturbing.
Do you sell encyclopedias written in crayon?
Jordan fileted Taylor. The case is empty. The dems have demonstrated incompetence on a galactic scale. Pass the popcorn.
@Ephesians 6:12 And yesterday tore into Schiff…..’Our indulgence wore out with you a long time ago Mr. Chairman……’
Average… LOL, the DemonRats offense was all opinions, hearsay and whining… They got nuthin’. A witness is someone that actually heard or saw something, an act, a statement. Everything they got is 3rd and 4th hand. Even Taylor laughed when Jordan laid it out, because it’s all a joke.
But it’s plain to see. The man is guilty. It’s the worst I’ve seen in my life time.
trump is all about himself.he doesn’t care about the USA
@65Lkhj Lkhj65 I said if he got impeached I didn’t say he was going to get impeached big difference learn it he would still be in office take a look at Bill Clinton 1998 when he got impeached he stayed in office and his popularity skyrocketed
@Marvin Guigar Had this not been the turn of the century and you had not recently taken a political science or civics course your ignorance would be excusable; but since there is such thing as Google. I will let you know though so next time you argue out of your depth; *Removal is not the same as impeachment, removal is 2/3rds vote in the Senate. Impeachment is solely a House process and is a simple majority. That is why both presidents Johnson and Clinton finished their terms as impeached presidents. If you’ve done military you may understand it as a dishonorable w/o a discharge, or finishing his presidency with an F, and as for your popularity theory, you are hedging your bets on a GOP POTUS who single handedly won the Democratic governership for Kentucky by campaigning for the GOP (good luck with that!)*
@65Lkhj Lkhj65 what is your point if President Trump got impeached and I’m saying if I’m not saying he’s going to get impeached but if he got impeached he can still run in 2020 and he will be re-elected in his popularity will Skyrocket just like Bill Clinton’s popularity Skyrocket it so seriously what is your point here he’s going to stay in office I guarantee you he’s going to be re-elected why don’t you go see a psychiatrist if that 2016 election really bothered you that much you need help you act like it’s your world is crashing
@65Lkhj Lkhj65 I know impeachment is not removal what I’m trying to say if he got impeached I’m not saying it’s going to happen. But if he got impeached he still can run in 2020 for re-election but I guarantee you he’s not going to get impeached there’s no evidence here but you can think whatever you want to free country remember vote Trump in 2020
@65Lkhj Lkhj65 this is why Donald Trump is not going to get impeached. This woman ambassador claim she never witnessed any crime where’s the evidence this is another dud for the Democrats
I was watching this on TV and enjoyed when Jim Jordan was put in his place. He kept talking about the whistle blower and why he doesn’t testify and he was told (WHY DOESN’T THE PRESIDENT TESTIFY) he shut up real quick. Lmao
You are another deluded goof that swore allegiance to Mueller’s 500 page $40,000,000 doorstop.
Jim Jordan was a lion. He rocked the entire sham trial. He was the boss. I totally love him.
Hunter’s nosecandy why did Jim Jordan walked out of the hearing yesterday with his tail between his legs after he got embarrassed. Sometimes you need to think before you open your mouth so you don’t put your foot in your mouth. Lmao for stupid remarks
@Jerry L Martinez
I watched Jim T-Rex Jordan dominate the hearings. He asked Taylor questions and got answers. What did Taylor say? He never spoke to the Prez. He has never met the Prez. He wasn’t in on the phone call. All he knew was what someone at the watercooler said they heard from a guy in the elevator who thought he heard it from Vindman’s boyfriend.
Keep dreaming. The hearings were awesome. Schiff, at the end of the hearings, confessed to lying. He said it with his own lips. Google it.
It something like this: “I was lying when I first said it…..”
Pass the Redenbacher. Please.
@M John
My support is for anyone who fights for a whole, prosperous USA..
Thank God for DT.
And Nunes.
And Jordan.
Now for some fun…
Hey, new game.
SPOT THE LIE! Lets see how far you can get into Schiff’s opening remarks before he utters disinformation, misinformation,or a bold faced lie.
And for double points, the ever popular. ‘twist of the truth!
5 point bonus for what he DIDNT say. Something that is crucial that he intentionally left out.
Good luck, players!
Jim Jordan has no credibility and should not even be involved in these proceedings especially since he turned a blind eyes to sexual abuse.
And you know that how?
Bob, listen to a lawyer with no dog in the fight describe the mistakes you are making. It is a short video.
you have people coming forward claiming that Jim Jordan knew about the sexual abuse, and you even have at least one person saying that he told Jim jordan about the sexual abuse. So yes i believe he has no credibility based on that. Do some research majority of cases begin with hearsay, then investigation happened to see if there was an actual crime committed.
@Robert Mendoza
And Swalwell and Schiff both declared that they had seen with their own eyes ‘incontrovertible’ proof of Trump’s collusion. You guys are losing ungracefully.
@Robert Mendoza LOL, so where is the investigation that show’s Jordan “knew” about the abuse? Answer? Isn’t any.
The fact that the state department has refused to turn over documents submitted to them from the two witnesses on today Taylor and Kent shows guilt there are simple things such as this along with key persons refusing to come before Congress that shows the guilt of Donald Trump no amount of theater from Republicans will change this.
It is called obstruction of justice. It is what Republicons and criminals do. Only defense they have.
Why help perpetuate their TDS? They got nuthin’.