Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson has apologized for a series of anti-Semitic Instagram posts, one of which included a quote about Jews falsely attributed to Adolf Hitler.
Jackson posted a passage to his Instagram Story that claimed to quote Hitler in saying that Black people were "the real Children of Israel," and that White Americans would be terrified to know that they have been "mistreating and discriminating and lynching" them, screenshots published by the Philadelphia Inquirer and other publications show.
According to, the passage is often quoted by those arguing that Hitler was not racist.
Jackson later wrote that his original post had been misinterpreted, according to screenshots taken by various news organizations. However, in a different post, he shared a specific paragraph referencing a Jewish plan to "extort America" and achieve "world domination."
NBC Sports and other outlets reported that he also shared a clip from a speech made by Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader who has been widely criticized as being anti-Semitic. In the speech, Farrakhan accused Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates of wanting to "depopulate the Earth" with a coronavirus vaccine.
Jackson addressed the backlash in a video posted on his Instagram on Tuesday.
"I just want to first off extend an apology on behalf of me and what I stand for, because you know, I'm one that's fair and I never want to put any race down or any people down," Jackson said.
He also said that he regretted posting about Hitler at all.
"I really didn't realize what this passage was saying," Jackson said in a statement on Instagram. "Hitler has caused terrible pain to Jewish people like the pain African-Americans have suffered. We should be together fighting anti-Semitism and racism. This was a mistake to post this and I truly apologize for posting it and sorry for any hurt I have caused.
#DeSeanJackson #CNN #News
F— apologies. We don’t need someone who’s probably a Louis Farrakhan apologist.
Farrakhan all day everyday.. the leader of the word
They have to apologize so they can keep their jobs.
He is Black Hebrew, Farrakhan is NoI, I am pretty sure they are not on the same vibe
@Average Joe BAN HIM!
I don’t get it. If hitler didn’t say it.?????? Anyway. Isn’t Israel keeping Palestinians in a giant concentration camp??????
At a time like this we don’t need to be trading racist comments or post back and forth with one another
Shut up you colored or white person
Tell that to the entire Democratic party, consisting of race baiters and setting race relations back a good 5 decades in a matter of months.
Then why did you post a comment? You didn’t expect a reaction?
I don’t get it. If hitler didn’t say it.?????? Anyway. Isn’t Israel keeping Palestinians in a giant concentration camp??????
Are you referring to real racist comments or those words deemed racist by CNN? It’s a rhetorical question so don’t get all puffy
As a general rule, and I can’t believe I need to say this, if something sounds like Hitler might have said. DONT SAY IT.
That’s not freedom of speech dude! That’s censorship and even worse, dictatorship.
Hitler said the sky was blue.
hitler said black lives matter.
He didn’t get the same amount of outrage as Drew Brees.
@Bob Harry No they don’t.
Drew brees took flag over black lives.
Drizzy King False equivalency.
Black Lives Better. Apparently.
@Bob Harry White people lives matter.
We whites are harrass by the blacks on a constant basis.
Where are all the people that screamed and called Drew Brees a racist for saying that he respected the flag?
So if he wasn’t a racist then why did he apologize? Bro of u a racist, be racist… I hate when y’all try to hide it, be proud of “what” u are, we’d respect u more instead of being fake.
@Bob Harry just like,BLM, own up to it
I’m so confused what exactly did he say
He said nothing a rational person would get mad at.
he said black lives matter, that group is recognized as having antisemetic views.
@J Hallin you mean rational Nationalist Socialist
Marathon Man r u out of ur mind? He quoted hitler
Joseph McBride Whats your point?
The chosen people lives matter
Hey Valentin you need to relax it’s not that deep! Have a drink
Hey Nash what the funk are you talking about, you shut up and have
Richard that was a boring movie, I couldn’t afford to see the play
There are no chosen people and no god to choose them. People in this thread are just reinforcing the stereotype of the deficient swarthy intellect.
Valentin MRV The “holy” Quran proves nothing except that Islam is as vile and insane as Christianity.
If you are the seed of SHEM?
How can you be anti semitic?
Kevin Hartwell Indeed. What the non-Semites are doing to the Semitic Palestinians is true anti-Semitism
Technically Anti-Japhetic antics
Kevin Hartwell why can’t you be? Semite is a broad category. One sub group can hate another. Would it not be appropriate for someone to be labeled anti Caucasian if they made racist comments about Poles or French people even though they are German or British? Of course. Your argument is moronic. Also, there is no Shem. It is a story for idiots.
BAN EVERYTHING! You lucky thing. I am banned from saying that g – word. My comments auto delete. I also can’t say the color of snow, the color of coal, the continent where lions live, and several other innocuous words. YT is George Orwell’s dream.
@Reluctant Human wait, why cant you say colors?
Lol ! My comment ” He Will Be Cut ” was deleted ! That’s a sports term CNN ! C’mon Man. How about this , He will be waived.
The Orwellian censorship is strong on this channel.
Why don’t you actually show the tweet
You cant get mad at the guy, athletes aren’t the smartest.
Because racism towards Jews does not align with CNN’s political agenda. Only Racism Towards Blacks Matters
powrbook17 You are an idiot. And there is a thing called First Amendment
Oh no! I have to take 2 seconds to google search what he posted?!?!?? Not cool cnn, making me use my brain and what not
Why do you read the articles and you’ll see the damn tweet.
It’s interesting how they never show the posts or comments. I wonder why.
But they’ll show full Tweets by the President that are anything but racist and then get idiots to pontificate about how said Tweets are secretly dog whistles and statements of white supremacy.
They show 45’s all the time-wonder why?
Won’t most Jews tell you that they are not Semitic but European? They’ll tell you that they are not descended from Shem soooo
I am a Jew by birth. My family is from Eastern Europe. We are known as Ashkenazi Jews. I belong to the Reform branch of Judaism. I attend shul on Friday nights and holidays. I attend online adult education that my synagogue does. My faith is a huge part of my life.

So what? Who cares? That’s like saying Catholics who are not from Italy aren’t Catholics. Stupid.
There was no Shem. No flood, no repopulation. Drop the mythology and use your brain.
He should be fired and cancelled like everyone else…No special rights…
Left-wing Jews need blacks as shills. Just look at CNN and Don Lemon.
*looks at ben shipero and dennis preger still having their jobs* sureeeee
He definitely will be. No one gets a free pass on the Jewish community. As well he should face the backlash.
No one is above the law.
It’s not against the law to criticize Jews. They will say “antisemetic canard,” “conspiracy theory,” and “trope.”
@Rex2212 it is in europe and will soon,be here
Why didn’t he get fired, I know why and so do you,
I don’t know. Why didn’t he get fired? Explain it to me.
@ThomasFromTN black privilege.
Anonymous Person You’re not only wrong, but you’re stupid
No forgiveness like Roseanne Barr .
Nah Roseanne was a repeat offender. Belligerent sweaty morbidly obese sow.
This is how CNN is full of bs !
Where’s the tweet at ? You just ignore and omit facts every hour on the hour !!!
Where is the tweet ? If Trump tweeted it it would be shown for days and talked about for months !
This is why you can believe a single word from CNN network ! EVER !
*Can’t say I’m surprised, as DeSean Jackson was never the smartest tool in the shed…*
In that regard yeah but i think that he was thinking about something else though. Common mistake though.
None of them are.
“The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is that I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump, my music career would be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.” – *Kanye West.*
Why isn’t your headline black man posts antisemitic remarks?
Fake news.