Jemele Hill: “Unfortunately, the NFL has sent the message, repeatedly, that they are here for the use, the abuse of black bodies and they could care less of black minds.” » Subscribe to MSNBC:
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#RaceNorming #NFL #Concussions
NFL Finally Drops Policy Of “Race Norming”
Folks…the NFL tried 2 shove jay z down your throats all the while dismissing kapernick..hoping that would quell the race optic..didn’t work..
n grimy since
Classifying African Americans to justify abusive treatment is as old as the country.
And calling them all victims (aka critical race theory) is the newest way Americans justify their abusive treatment of African Americans
I’m in shock this policy existed.
Consider the source here Melvin.
George Floyd used to give men head for drug money
@kingintyellow Chauvin also says “I can’t breathe,” but it usually comes out as “Ah An Eee.”
“Black Like Me” it’s a book. You should read it.
@Fred A No thanks, I already have to live around a lot of those color people. It’s a nightmare

@Pedro Juarez for who? You are them hahahahaah
If they don’t wanna get hurt then don’t play right?
. You bring race into everything 
You have no idea what you’re talking about go back to Fox News
Thank you for your racist input, but yet again you miss the point. The NFL is admitting to their race-based discrimination.
You might try listening to what is being said and not what you want to hear.
Hey an African-American host on MSDNC is talking about race! FINALLY! African American hosts on MSDNC NEVER talk about race!!
Well, it’s not fox. So, yeah, you’re going to have to deal with a lot of ugly truths.
You’ll be okay. Just breath.
@Insignificant360 The only thing Biden steals are IittIe girls’ hair
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson Aww… falling back on classic talking point projections? It’s not like he has 20+ allegations like your God Emperor Baby Cheesus.

@Harvey Manfredsenjenson Calm down, get a book, go sit in a corner, and read. I suggest: “Black Like Me.”
Hey, it’s better than it was. It was usually a white host talking about race. Hopefully there will come a time when no hosts will talk about race. Of course, if that ever happened what would msnbc talk about?
Black people are still going to watch the NFL.
Well no one accused them of being intelligent
@Jakendrick Williams I’m not talking about basketball
@Jakendrick Williams it takes more than word’s and money to start a league
@Lettuce head all you need is money and the right people behind you to start a league.
This is so dumb. General managers and owners will still think that black players arent as smart as white players. They might acknowledge it now but this isnt going to stop them from thinking the way they think. Nothing to see here.
Unbelievable. I don’t even have words for this level of ugliness.
Please be responsible and get yourself and your family vaccinated as soon as possible! President Biden wants 70% of all America vaccinated by July 4th! Remember that kids 12 and over are now eligible, please be safe and get your vaccine today!
We must begin looking at racial equity in sports. If a team is representing a city that team should represent the racial diversity of that city. It appears that most NFL teams in almost all NBA teams or in violation of any type of racial equity.
This story is bigger than people think. Sport is a huge part of culture. Change sport, change culture. I appreciate the good content, thanks MSNBC.
UN, US, Facebook and Smartmatic Executives Conspired Together Before the 2020 Election and Are Now Trying to Stop or Derail 2020 Election Audits Taking Place…
Too bad the same can’t be done for race hustling.
This is all due to the myth of the black superman. (google it)
Disgusting is an understatement.
That is so disgusting

Please be responsible and get yourself and your family vaccinated as soon as possible! President Biden wants 70% of all America vaccinated by July 4th! Remember that kids 12 and over are now eligible, please be safe and get your vaccine today!