Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal Leader Andrew Furey announces a provincial election will be held on Saturday, February 13.
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Well if you can’t do your job , best to step down to those who can
Exactly… Step down
Unfortunately there isn’t anyone else running that can do the job either.
Get rid of the liberals!
@Chris Mayberry Liberals ARE bailing out businesses, you dolt. lol The correct answer is: Nobody. They are all in lockstep to destroy the Canadian economy. We have no voice. Lockdowns are here to stay.
@b phillip You should seek medical help.
Dit they send the SARS VIRUS ? to make variants ? Covid is SARS ?
@Karym Eliya Absolutely!
@Ghost Mayne what do you think…?
Basically vote for me as I will get more money from Trudeau so we don’t have to stop mismanaging our Provence and leaking money like a 98 metro geo leaks oil.
I Cut The Top Off Mine..Filled It With Topsoil and Made A Beautiful Geo-Garden… Very Eco-Friendly.. Well, It Is Now Anyway..Lol.
Where is the money going to come from if not for the Feds.
What a weird timing to do elections? just go smell yourself ugh
Opportunistic slimeballs, to a one.
He legally has to go by August at the latest. NL has a unique election law where when the governing party changes leader the must go within a year.
You got it
Florida is open for business all day every day !!
If I could I would move there in 3 second’s.
@Greg Grant get on it
All Liberal in Weston countries have double standards
best that everyone just mail in their ballots and let the voting machines count them
That’s a joke right?
Tinfoil hat at the ready
@buttdog420 they count the votes, doesn’t matter what canada wants.
No rush, pretty soon epic changes are coming, phony politicians will become “NONESSENTIAL”
Labrador, declare independence from Newfoundland already.
Seriously b’ys…you’ll be better off. this place is gone
Libs can go away for ever.
This country is getting grosser by the day.
Too many right wingers
@GoHabs 89 EXACTLY!
Did he have the same spech coach as Trudeau same pauses and emphasis on words
It is the robots talking.
Must be the Kool Aid
Your party has failed ??
What a depressing speech.
Vote em out. The stink like a dirty ol’ cod fish
Exactly you took the words right out of my mouth
I would not vote for that guy

Just, “Give it Away”….Muskrat to Nalcor, let them pay for !
when will y’all realize that voting is flawed.
The Liberals are testing the water to see if they should try a federal election.