A Kitchener woman has been charged after a newborn baby was abandoned in a stroller.
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I don’t think there’s much doubt that mental health is the main issue here.
@George Simon I assume both. Mental health with some drugs on top. Sadly, almost always the case.
The mental health system (insurance) is the main issue here. See the mental health commission of Canadas 2006 report, “out of the shadows” and then their reports about “structural stigma “ for a sense of what this person is facing.
Post partum depression! Baby is 2 months. Hope she gets the help she needs. And she’s reunited with her infant.
(Edited for grammar)
Police are not saying if there mental health issues. But they said they charged her.
That’s because they’re most likely still looking into it. Diagnosis of mental health takes time (at least days), unless the person displays very obvious signs.
@Neon Wave hopefully she’s been admitted to a hospital
Breech of probation
@L M Novakovics Just soo sad for the baby.
I know she’s been charged but an investigation needs to take place. Even though there are “options” made available through government agencies, it isn’t always attainable. The circumstances and mental health of this woman need to be assessed. Criminal charges don’t help unless they are used to get her help.
The 1st process is charging then proceeded with professional help. I’m sure they know what they’re doing. The don’t know this person!
Also too poor to have an Alexa to listen in on her and call Mental Health like she has on so many other Canadians who don’t need it the past 2 years. Seems like it’s the USA style approach now — only way into the system is via the criminal justice route. How we have fallen.
She’s a sociopath. We have prisons for them.
She’s already on probation and she’s in her 30s. There’s no excuse. Stop making excuses for anti-social delinquents.
Spare me…
@Cliff Booth spare you what?
I’ll take the baby
Does this community have a safe baby box programme? If so, maybe it needs more publicity. Either way, you cannot abandon a child to the elements – especially in inclement weather.
“Uttering threats to cause death.” To the child or oneself? Also, does Canada/Ontario have any safe haven laws? Allowing parents to leave their baby at a police station/firehouse?
I don’t believe there is
Well I remember one woman had a baby and dropped it off at a fire station in Toronto. Where I live. The infant was handed over to the authorities and children’s Aid.
There are hospices, several in fact, that can handle these types of events. When you’re all methed up its hard to find them.
Glad the baby is okay, “what medical center is open now a day’s. ?” Blessings to the child.
Can i take the baby.. over here in calgary!!
Poor baby I have grand kids I can take care of him
Charged with Breach of Probation.. this stands out to me.
Poor wee baby may it get a loving healthy home
Poor baby , Please check mama for mental health issues .
Glad the baby is safe. Hope the mother gets some much needed help
I hope the baby gets the help it needs.
Jail time definatley. Quit tryna excuse her shes an adult that spread her legs and carried the child for 9 months.
yeah, chain gang therapy would be nice but this is Canada.
@Dylan Mankeur fucked
@SinisterAF Facts don’t care about your feelings.
I can take the baby.
Have you tried any DNA matching sites yet? I found a bunch of family in 23andme!
Everything is for a reason. You have such a big and trusting heart. In many news like that the legal system only charge the mother. When is it time to have the father to take some responsibilities ?
It’s harder to get a dog then have a baby. What a wonderful world!
Lord. My prayers for them both. :'(
She probably never got the help she needed. At least she did not harm the baby. It is a shame that mothers like her do not get the needed help. She was clearly afraid to ask for help and did not know what to do. Canada needs to do a better job when it comes to this but it seems that they are better at providing the abortions.
this mom needs help. No mom would do that!