The New York Times Editorial Board makes history by endorsing two women in the Democratic primary: Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. Aired on 01/20/20.
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New York Times Editorial Board Breaks With Convention And Endorses Two Candidates | Deadline | MSNBC
The Times would probably endorse a can of soup over t’rump.

It may be a can of soup but at least we know it won’t ask a foreign country to help it win an election!
Nor will it steal from suffering and dying kids with cancer or vets.
*The Times and corporations generally, along with the Democratic establishment, will prefer Trump over a progressive.* Trump merely makes the establishment look bad. Someone like Sanders would cost the donors who own the Democratic party hundreds of billions of dollars every year.
“President Pinocchio”
Nice Nicolle.
They trying to sell us a ticket we don’t want because those 2 can both be bought.
If the dems force again like with HRC they will get low turnout, and possibly lose.
Bernie all the way, specially after the me too hit job done to him by warren and media.
Todestanz it’s quite apparent you don’t know what the “me too” movement is about.
It would be a hoot if Megan Kelly stood against dump.
You guys stop your videos in the weirdest places
Right??? Always in the middle of a sentence or something.
On Aug 9th 2012 Elizabeth Warren wrote undocumented immigrants “go to the back of the line. “It must uphold existing laws, protecting our borders and enforcing our laws against recruiting, hiring, and exploiting undocumented workers.
You cannot make this stuff up lol Warren wanted to prevent undocumented workers from working and send them to the back of the line
The Wayback machine does not lie!!
go to link
ISSUES Immigration
The rich tapestry of our country came together through immigration. We are a unique country precisely because we embrace so many differences. Our diversity makes us stronger, more innovative, and more creative. My son-in-law and the father of my three grandchildren immigrated here as a young adult. His story and countless stories from millions of other families reach backfor generations, creating our uniquely American story. We weave together in new ways and it helps keep us vital.
We need common sense, comprehensive immigration reform. Any reform should have three components:
It must uphold existing laws, protecting our borders and enforcing our laws against recruiting, hiring, and exploiting undocumented workers.It needs to be fair to all taxpayers and to legal immigrants. There should be a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, but one that would require them to pay taxes and go to the back of the line.It needs to help us retain talent trained at our world-class institutions and support job creation.That kind of immigration reform would be true to the rule of law, to our tradition as a nation of immigrants, and to our need to invest in the future.
The people see the authenticity of Bernie and that the quality of a leader. NYT will never endorse the best man nor do we expect them to. I’m
Just happen to be two women. Oh, please!
hahahaha nyt is trash
All of the things you cite for these two women exist in spades in Bernie. Why not endorse Bernie? MSM corporate.
Strong candidates…lol. Great that they are both women. Where is a person of color?
Sorry nyt.. Bernie 2020!!! Everyone I know wants BERNIE
2020!!! Men Rock too!! Biden is greeting people at Wal-Mart.. Trump will mop him up in a debate..
NYT can endorse establishment candidates all they want but the people are standing with Bernard Sanders. We are not letting the establishment Democrats give us another Trump term.
Klobuchar needs to drop out. Warren is just a less good version of Bernie.
Much less after her last stunt. Listen to this
1:50 and 2:08, “the two women” slip, seems to be a tell as to a slanted choice towards gender. The optics of choosing two candidates that are widely separated on the spectrum from middle to left leaning with many candidates in between that happen to be women, even if unintentional, appears to be agenda driven.