New York protesters ‘say her name’ after no criminal charges in Breonna Taylor death | USA TODAY

Breonna Taylor: New York protests after no charges related to death.
RELATED: Breonna Taylor's family gets historic $12M settlement, Louisville police reform

Protesters gathered after a grand jury's decision not to indict police officers on charges directly related to Breonna Taylor's death.

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New York protesters 'say her name' after no criminal charges in Breonna Taylor death | USA TODAY


    1. @Hunt The narrative they tried to create was Black VS White. Instead they made Peace VS Violence. Only one side seems to want Peace right now. Trump 2020!

    1. They were wrong on Michael brown. They were wrong on george floyd. They were wrong on Jacob Blake. Their pattern is attack before the facts and regular people are damn sick of it.

    1. They want to see dead bodies, of people that think they are being hunted, and ferl they are defending themselves, when they go shoot policemen siting in their cars, eating a donut.

  1. Hmmm. All these riots have only taught me one thing. To be cautious of large groups of black people….. holy crap BLM made me a racist!

    1. 14 years old: republicans are racist
      20 years old: democrats are the real racists
      23 years old: im racist

  2. Maybe change your chant from “No Justice No Peace” to “Stop Shooting At Police” and you’d actually save some black lives….

    1. They should be charged with inciting violence. I’d love to see a class-action lawsuit against these hacks.

  3. -she wasn’t an EMT, she was terminated in 2017

    -she was knee deep in criminal/drug dealing activities w/ her ex boyfriend

    she was on jailhouse recordings running drugs for her ex boyfriend

    -she was under surveillance for months running drugs

    -she WAS on the warrant as was her

    car & her apartment

    -the officers did in fact knock & announce despite obtaining a “no knock” exception

  4. 45 shot, 10 fatally, across Chicago this weekend
    14 shot, 3 fatally, Monday in Chicago.
    15 shot, 2 fatally, Tuesday in Chicago
    13 shot, 3 killed, Wednesday in Chicago.
    Where’s the outrage? Silent

  5. Yet another reason to move out of NYC. Too many idiots who dont know how to read a court report or people brainwashed by mainstream media.

  6. She was staying in a trap house, she wasn’t in bed, and the boyfriend fired at the cops first, even after they knocked and identified themselves as police

    The media and the BLM crowd lied to us about Breonna. They have lost all credibility.

  7. The charges should be against the BOYFRIEND. GRAND JURY decided it was because of the BOYFRIEND’S action she died.

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